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Home-School Link Worker

Home-School Link Worker

My name is Sue Sampson and I am the Home-School Link Worker (HSLW) for Wistow School.


I am a professional, caring, enthusiastic and trustworthy person who is dedicated to helping others. 


I graduated in February 2009 with BA Hons in Teaching and Learning.


I'm trained in counselling and based at Wistow School where I am a Teaching Assistant. 


What is a Home-School Link Worker (HSLW)?


It is someone at the school setting who can help parents identify concerns and/or issues relating to early signs of social, emotional, learning, health or behaviour issues in their children. 


They provide support and advice to children and families. Providing confidential and informal drop in sessions, before or after school for parents to discuss issues and concerns. 


They can help with support and links to appropriate agencies for families facing difficult situations. 


Working with parents and children, they help connect with the ethos of the school. 


Although they work in school, they will not get involved with questions relating to the curriculum as this would need to be addressed by a class teacher. 


How do I get help from the HSLW?


Initially, the school may direct you to the Home-School Link Worker. At other times you may wish to speak to the HSLW first for advice. If so, please telephone or email the school directly making it clear that your request is for the HSLW and Mrs Sampson will try to answer any questions that you have, or make an appointment at a mutually agreeable time.  


What will the HSLW do for me?


Drop in sessions will be open to parents to discuss any concerns or issues surrounding their children or external circumstances. 


It may be that the HSLW can help you access other services such as adult learning, counselling, parenting skills, children's centres, health services and a range of further support options. 


Our HSLW - Sue Sampson - is a friendly face, available to help support children and parents in school. 


The Home School Link Worker can provide,

  • Friendly non-judgemental advice and support
  • Confidentiality
  • An open door policy
  • Signposting to a range of services
  • Help with behaviour strategies
  • A chance to talk through your issues and concerns
  • Opportunities to meet other parents on a regular basis
  • Advice on parenting skills courses
  • Support groups
  • Great listening skills