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Late/Absence Procedures

If your child is late, you need to report to the office upon arrival to sign your child in and we will make sure that they are registered in school and for school lunch. If you know you are going to be late, please call the school office to let us know if possible.


If your child is absent from school for any reason, you are required to inform the school of this as soon as possible and by no later than 9.30am on the first day of absence, where this is reasonably practicable.  The nature of illness and expected date of return will be required. Telephone calls are taken from 8.30am daily. Before that an answer machine is available.  Procedures are followed to ensure that all absences are accounted for in a prompt and efficient manner, and for safeguarding and educational reasons we follow up all unexplained absences if we have not received a message by 9.30am.  Lateness will be recorded in the register and if lateness follows a persistent pattern or occurs frequently the Headteacher will be in touch to look at how we can improve lateness or attendance issues. 
