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Friday 10th July 2020


Write 3 sentences about what you have learnt about sunflowers.

Friday 3rd July 2020


Read the story below.

Challenge-  Draw the life cycle of a butterfly!

Friday 26th June 2020


Try one of the three activities below.

Friday 19th June 2020


Fill in the missing words in the activity below.

Friday 5th June 2020


Today, imagine if your dinosaur story was made into a real story book.

Design a front cover for the story book. 

Don't forget to add your name as the author and illustrator.

Friday 22nd May 2020


From the page you read yesterday write four facts about a dinosaur of your choice. 

Remember full sentences.

Can you use a conjunction?

Friday 15th May 2020


Today, read me a story!

Use Seesaw to send me a video of you reading a few pages of a book you enjoy.  It could be a book with dinosaurs!


If you'd like to find out what happens to Lenny in the story The Lion and the Unicorn, here is the rest of the story we started last week.

Friday 8th May- Bank Holiday

Friday 1st May


Today, we do the last piece of work related to space in our guided reading.

Write a postcard from space. 

You can write it straight into your book but the sheets below give a little help so you might want to read them first. 


Friday 24th April

Try one of the three tasks.  There are three different sets of questions, 1 star, 2 star or 3 star.  Can you read and talk about the question?

