Week beginning Monday 6th July 2020
This week, we are going focus on plants, especially oak trees and sunflowers.
Have a look at the Powerpoints about parts of plants, bulbs and seeds.
Then have a look at the activities about sunflowers and the artist Vincent Van Gogh and his famous painting, Sunflowers.
Plants and life cycles
Oak tree
Vincent Van Gogh
Create your own sunflower- use paint, collage, pencil etc.
Grow your own sunflower!
Week beginning Monday 29th June 2020
This week, is our final week with an animal focus. We are finding out about how different types of animals grow. You might get chance to look at some family photographs to see how you and your family members have grown and changed over time.
There are a few craft activities about frogs to try.
I've also included another Julia Donaldson book, 'Monkey Puzzle' as it mentions how some creatures change quite dramatically.
Animal Babies
Life cycle of a frog and frog activities
Monkey Puzzle
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
This week, we continue the animal theme but with a focus on what different animals and creatures eat, their body structure and features.
It is also a great opportunity to revisit one of our favourite stories,
The Gruffalo.
He has many unusual features, including purple prickles all over his back.
Here are a few Power points about features of animals and what they eat. Then try to design your own creature.
It could be more like a monster!
Let your imagination go wild!
Make a model and send me a picture via Seesaw.
It will also help with your English work this week.
Animal Bodies
Try one of these...
What do I eat?
Monster Madness...
Father's Day Activities...
Week beginning 15th June 2020
This week we are starting to focus on animals as part of our Science work.
You may have noticed a bird theme already today!
Start by reading the Powerpoint about types of animals. Then have a go at the various other activities below. I learnt a new word -diurnal whilst planning this week. Can you find out what it means?
I'm looking forward to seeing your creations and bird charts.
The Wildlife Trust
I have been made aware of The Wildlife Trust's 30 days wild challenge. This is an annual challenge which started on the 1st June.
This June, join thousands of people taking part in The Wildlife Trust's annual nature challenge, 30 Days Wild! The Wildlife Trust wants you to do one wild thing a day throughout the whole month: for your health, wellbeing and for the planet. That’s 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness.
If this is something you want to have a go at you can sign up for free below.
Once you sign up, you will receive a downloadable pack which will help you plan the rest of your month and it will even give you some amazing ideas to get you started.
Week beginning 1st June 2020
This week we will be thinking about the birthday of the church, as it was Pentecost on Sunday!
Dinosaur Poo!
Finish off our work on Mary Anning and dinosaurs by making dinosaur poo.
Super Senses
To start our work on Animals including humans, the activities below recap work on our senses.
Lesson 1- Identifying senses
Week beginning Monday 18th May 2020
This week we will have a focus on dinosaurs.
Here are a few ideas to try at home but i'm sure you'll have lots of your own too.
Please send your photos via Seesaw.
Make a dinosaur world! Here is Mrs Griffiths' attempt- she did have a little help!
Dinosaur World
Make a model dinosaur. Use a box or two from the recycling.
Or an egg box like one of your friends.
Write a fact file for a dinosaur of your choice.
Create a dinosaur time line.
Make a Lego dinosaur and include instructions for a friend to try. ( If sent to Mrs Griffiths she'll then put them on the gallery for your friends to build their own!)
Wednesday 13th May
Super Soap Science Experiment
Over the past two weeks we have been focusing on instructions in our English work and yesterday improved instructions to wash your hands.
Below is a fun experiment about how soap works which you might like to try. It is a clear set of instructions to follow and then a way to record your findings. You could do the recording straight into your home learning book.
She Sells Sea Shells
Try an extra challenge about an old tongue twister.
Go to our class gallery to see work your friends have done! There are some great fossil ideas from your friends!
Week beginning 11th May 2020
Mary Anning and fossils.
This week we will return to work on Mary Anning and fossils. Start the week by reading the story below to remind yourself about Mary Anning.
There is also an explanation about how fossils are made. I had a go at making fossil imprints in the garden using mud and then sand. I'm sure you can do much better than me! Send me your creations via Seesaw.
As you can see I made some imprints in the soil and sand. Can you make some better ones? Perhaps recreate some giant dinosaur footprints!
You could try one of these ideas...
You could also try putting small dinosaurs or shells in water and freeze them. Then try to chip them out! One of your class mates had great fun doing this!
Week Beginning 4th May 2020
VE Day
The theme for this week is unsurprisingly, VE Day.
Here is a Powerpoint with some facts as to why we are celebrating on Friday.
Once you have read the Powerpoint, try some of the activities below.
Don't forget to design a medal for Mrs Cox.
The first activity below is a map which is a challenge but the answers are also there to help.
Can you try to make food from the time of World War 2?
Prepare you own party at home for Friday.
Perhaps make bunting to decorate your house.
Practise signing the famous Vera Lynn song, We'll meet again.
I'm looking forward to seeing your great ideas.
Tuesday 28th April - 1st May 2020
For those of you who have done the task for Monday about looking at the painting closely, here are a few animations about who the mystery person is!
It is Mary Anning!
Fossil Art
Mary Anning found many ammonites or curiosities as Mary and her brother called them, are found in many places. The smaller one below was actually found on an beach in Lyme Regis! Inspired by the spirals of ammonites, we have created a couple at home.
Over the next few days use things you have at home to create your own ammonite images and upload them to Seesaw. You can use items from the garden or recycling, pencils or even Lego. We used lots of circles cut from cardboard boxes to make ours.
Monday 27th April
This week in our topic work we are starting a new theme.
To start off please look in detail at the painting below. What can you see in the painting? What clues are there to who the person is and what are they famous for?
Record your thoughts in a picture, labelled diagram or another way and send them via Seesaw.
Just record what you can see in the picture- not what you might already know.
Monday 20th April 2020
After a sunny Easter, Spring is certainly with us. We will start our science work for the term focusing on the seasons, especially the change from winter to spring.
This week we are thinking about how the clothes we wear change from winter into spring and also how a tree changes through the seasons.
Now create your own picture, or series of pictures to show a tree or our clothes change through the seasons.
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Today have a think about all the signs of Spring. List and draw them in your home learning book. They will come in useful for your poetry writing during the rest of this week.
Rest of the week- Try to be a weather presenter!
Record the weather daily.
Use the chart below or create your own.
Invent your own weather symbols.
You can even make a rain gauge.
Could you present the weather forecast?
Video yourself via Seesaw.
Monday 30th March 2020
The focus this week is Easter.
Here are some ideas to try...
Make an Easter garden and place it at your front door so your friends can see it on their daily walk.
Make Easter cards- send them to relatives, neighbours or friends.
Could you create an egg hunt in the house or garden?
Rather than eggs, draw 10 different Easter themed pictures. Number them and then hide them.
Think my garden still needs some work...
Try a science investigation. Have a look at what your friend tried...
Super Science
As it is so sunny at the moment why not make the most of your garden or look out for nature on your daily exercise.
- Try to find as many mini beasts and creatures as you can.
- Record them in a chart or table.
- Perhaps draw a bar chart of what you find.
- Try some observational drawings of what you find.
- How may different plants, flowers and trees can you name?
- Try to record the weather daily.
- Pretend to give the weather forecast.
Week beginning 23rd March 2020
Here are a few tasks related to Florence Nightingale.
You might want to extend these further.
Could you find out about:-
- Victorian clothes and fashion- maybe make a peg doll or clothes for your toys.
- Victorian inventions and inventors- maybe make a toy train.
- Victorian buildings and structures- create a bridge with recycled materials or your construction kits.
Email a photo to school. We'd all love to see your ideas.