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    Sowing seeds of knowledge and faith,

with nurture and love

We thrive, we grow!


Welcome to Wistow Parochial Church of England Primary School


Welcome to Wistow Parochial Church of England Primary School. As Headteacher, I am extremely proud of our school and our wonderful staff and children, who make this such a great place to work and learn. We are committed to providing the very best possible care and education for all our children and our staff and governors are dedicated to ensuring each child experiences high quality teaching and learning, which nurtures and supports their individual interests and talents.


As in the Parable of the Sower, it was the good soil, where the seeds he planted, grew strong and tall. We see Wistow School as the good soil, in which the children can come and be the seeds, absorbing the strong learning, nurture and support given by our dedicated team. In turn, they will grow and thrive, becoming strong, independent learners for life.


We strive to provide our children with a vibrant, engaging curriculum which motivates and inspires them to become enthusiastic, lifelong learners. We aim to provide the children with a rich, broad curriculum which embraces opportunities for creativity, the arts and sport. We also enjoy excellent links with our local community and we participate in events and projects within the local area.


At Wistow School, everyone matters. The school’s values of honesty, resilience, forgiveness and respect are closely linked to Christian teaching and are at the heart of the life of the school. As a church school, we are incredibly proud that we were judged as ‘Outstanding’ in our 2017 Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). Our local church, All Saints, is seen by the children as "part of our school", which is on our doorstep and we spend a lot of time over the year there celebrating and learning more about Christianity. We love to invite our families and community to share in making special memories with us there, as well as in school, through various events over the academic year.


We believe strongly that education is a partnership between children, staff, governors and parents. If we work together, the most important aspect of the partnership will benefit – the pupils.


Learning can be an incredible journey and I want our pupils to be given the best and strongest start here in our little school. It is one that we hope we can take together and give every child and ourselves the opportunities to be ‘the best that we can be’. 


As a school we are committed to continual improvement and are dedicated to ensuring your child’s time with us will be happy, enjoyable and inspiring as they grow and thrive, not only academically but personally, emotionally and socially. We also strive to ensure that all our pupils become a well-rounded, kind, caring and compassionate young people, who are confident in who they are, their beliefs and have a great understanding of the world in which they live in.


If you wish to know more, please telephone/email for further details or come and visit the school, where we will be more than happy to show you around our wonderful little school, which I believe is truly a very special place to be!


Carla Cox

Mrs Carla Cox - Headteacher




We are happy to provide paper copies of all our documents on the website free of charge upon request.

If you would like a copy of any of the materials you find on the website, you can do this by:


Calling the school office on 01757 268378


E-mailing the school office


If you need any of these copies in an alternative language or in Braille or larger print, please make this clear upon request. 


