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Welcome to Selby Class

Academic Year 2024 - 2025

This web page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with lessons, activities and events in school.  Please check regularly for exciting updates!

Here is an overview of the topics and themes we will cover this half term. 

To read about them in more detail, please see the newsletter below.

Autumn 1

This half term is all about settling into the school routine. We are also going to learning about our bodies and how we have changed since we were little. The children will begin PE lessons and start learning about different religious groups.

End of Academic Year 2023 - 2024. Well done to all our Wistow pupils for an amazing year!

Summer 2 - We’re going on a summer holiday!

This half term is all about summer holidays at the seaside! We are going to think  about what we do when we visit the seaside and then discover what children did at the seaside 100 years ago! The children will learn about Mary Anning and the link she has to fossils and the seaside too. 
In PE we will be practising for sports day and RE will focus on learning about how different religions believe the world was created.

This half term always is jam packed with lots of fun exciting things in the beautiful weather!

Week Commencing 24th June

Sports Week! This week we have skateboarded, climbed a wall, competed in sports day, practised our boxing and taken part in a mini olympics! 

Week Commencing 17th June

This was the week we’ve all been waiting for…the school trip! We had an amazing day at Cannon Hall Farm, we we’ve got to see a kid being born!

Week Commencing 10th June

This week we have explored our favourite parts of nature around school, made teddy bears in the craft area and read plenty of new stories from our new bookshelf.

Week Commencing 3rd June

What a week we have had! The children have loved the story Aliens love underpants and it lead to a very interesting discussion about the care symbols we find on the labels of our clothes. We discovered what thing around us are natural and made man and we also practised using positional language in lots of different ways.

There was also a visit from some peas…

Summer 1- Amazing Animals.

This half term we are going to be exploring animals that we find in our gardens and animals we find in different habitats around the world. We have got two bird feeders in the garden and some great bug hunting spots. The children will also learn about David Attenborough and how he has been influential. In P.E we are working on cooperation and team work skills and R.E is about how we know different religions show people are special. It’s another busy half term with hopefully lots of time outdoors!

Week Commencing 20th May

A busy week in Selby Class, we have had butterflies emerge! We have create oil pastel pictures in the style of Georgia O’Keefe and created lots of different patterns.

Week Commencing 13th May

This week we have spent time working on our sharing and grouping skills in Maths, jumping in gymnastics and watching Alice in Wonderland.

Week Commencing 6th May

We have had a fantastic week with lots of shape work, independent writing and some new polydron!

Week Commencing 29th April

This week the children have enjoyed a visit from the dental nurse, a Forest School day and created their own prints! 

Week commencing 22nd April

Another busy week watching the caterpillars grow, we are all hoping that they will start turning into chrysalis next week! The children have worked hard on securing their subtraction knowledge and recalling number bonds to 5. We have continued to recap the set 2 sounds in RWinc and spent time writing warning to young dinosaurs linked to our book Gigantosaurus.

Week Commencing 15th April

A busy week in which we spent a lot of time working on some of our maths skills. The children have been counting to 100 verbally and beginning to create and writing some number sums. We have also explored the different seasons, written messages to each other and practised our threading!

Week commencing 8th April

Wow! What an amazing first week back, we have had two very exciting deliveries! One was filled with dinosaur eggs and a we have to keep a watchful eye on them. The other was our caterpillar delivery, we can’t wait to watch them grow and transform. We have also begun work on numbers over 10 on Maths. 

Week Commencing 4th March

A week that had World Book Day! What an amazing day we had dressed up in our favourite book characters, creating a door display and taking in part in all the school competitions! The children really enjoyed it.

We have also continued with our literacy and invented some amazing pooper scooper robots!

Week Commencing 26th February 

What a busy week we have had! We’ve spent so much time working out numbers bonds to 10, creating our own book covers and spending time exploring the vets role play!

This half term the topic is ‘Winter Wonderland’. The children will get the chance to explore maps and globes to find out where we can find the coldest parts of the world. We will look at the weather in the Artic and how people and animals live in these extreme cold weathers. R.E is all about special places and beginning to look at places of worship. In P.E we will be starting off with dance and finishing with gymnastics. Literacy will focus on the book ‘Stickman’.

Week Commencing 5th February 

This week we have learnt about Chinese New Year, the artist Henri Matisse and continued to embedded our set 2 sounds while learning to read multi syllabic words.

Week commencing 29th January

This week we have been busy making winters picture, practising our doubling and showing off our writing!

Week Commencing 22nd January

This week we have focused on one more and one less in Maths. We learnt a dance in P.E with Faye from P.E Pro and we have spent time learning some more Set 2 sounds in RWInc.

Week Commencing 15th January

We have spent a lot of time developing our writing skills both in RWInc and also during provision. The children enjoyed another day of Forest school and we have looked closely at maps recreating some out of construction. 

Week commencing 8th January

A week that has focused on getting back into the swing of school after a busy holiday! The children began to write lost posters for our stickman topic and practised using the balances scales, comparing the weight of objects.

This half terms topic is 'Fantastic Festivals'. The children will be exploring a range of festivals that are celebrated all over the world. Some are celebrated at this time of the year and others are celebrated at different times of the year! We will finish with finding out all about Christmas!!! In P.E we are going to be dancing this will require moving in unison, it's going to be tricky and in R.E we are thinking all about special people.

It's always a busy half term but one of the best! Oh and don't forget about Nativity!!!!!

Week commencing 18th December

The week before Christmas has been filled with festive fun. We have been riding on the Polar Express, creating party hats and decorations! We’ve read Christmas stories like the Jolly Christmas Postman. The children loved our Christmas party with a special visit from Santa! 

Week Commencing 11th December

This week was nativity week and it was simply amazing! We are so proud of all the children who took part.

We have also been looking at number bonds to 5, visited the purple pig nativity farm and did some fantastic independent writing.

Week Commencing 4th December

This week the Christmas spirit has begun to take over. We have written to Santa and Nobby the Elf, created our first Christingles and finished the week off with Christmas jumper day and our first school fair!

Week commencing 27th November 

This week Nobby the Elf landed with all his Christmas magic and decorations! The children have loved exploring what he brought and finding what he’s up to each morning! On Tuesday we took part in forest school and spent the day making decorations, setting up an ice experiment, building dens and lighting fires. The highlight was certainly toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate! Drawing club has consisted of wearing different hats as we explore the book ‘You Must Bring a Hat!’ It’s been lots of fun!

Week commencing 20th November

We have begun reading ditty sheets in our phonics sessions as well as looking in depth at the composition of 4 and 5. The children have enjoyed exploring the wacky races in Drawing Club and brought their imagination to life! We are still practising our dance routine in PE and now we are in full swing nativity practise!

Week Commencing 13th November

Another busy week which consisted of finding diddle’s, working out one more and one less of a number between 1 and 5 and learning our final set 1 additional sounds!

Week Commencing 6th November

We have explored bonfire pictures, learnt our final set 1 sounds and made Diya lamps all in our first week back after half term!

This half term is all about 'Marvellous Me'. The children are going to have the chance to explore their interests and hobbies, explore their senses in a variety of ways and learn about different body parts. In Religious Education,we will be looking at a variety of special books and in Physical Education, we are going to be focusing on fundamental movements.

Week Commencing 23rd October

The final week of our half term has included children exploring their senses, learning more digraphs and finding lots of different shapes in our environment. We were also lucky enough to start the week with a forest school day! We loved crafting with wood, petals and leaves.

Week Commencing 16th October

An action packed week with the children busy exploring colour mixing. We mixed coloured water to see what happened and used conkers to mix paint as well! We’ve moved on to find one more and one less in Maths and continued to learn our sounds. We’ve nearly learnt all of set 1.

Week Commencing 9th October 

This week in drawing club the wicked witch took over and told the children they must make a spell! Would it be good or would it be bad? Take a look at some of our amazing potions, their imaginations ran wild!

We have enjoyed exploring different parts of our bodies and building skeletons. The children also got chance to share their baby photos with each other and think about how our bodies have changed since we were born. 

Week Commencing 2nd October

This week we have been focusing on patterns in maths and learning our new sounds in RWI. In the afternoon we have been exploring maps and going on adventures as pirates.

Week Commencing 25th September

We have focused on Maths this week. The children have begun to compare different sizes and weight. They found bigger and smaller items in our classroom and used the balance scales to work out what was heavier and lighter. We have explore special books in RE and built obstacle courses in the outside area.

Week Commencing 18th September

This week we have been learning the traditional tale ‘The Little Red Hen’. We thought about the story, drawn some of the characters and even made our own bread! The children also went to church for the first time. They did an amazing dance during the harvest festival! 

Week Commencing 11th September

We have had an amazing first two weeks at school. We have spent a large time just settling into routines and learning all about the school.

Summer 2

This half term, the children are going to learning about the seaside. We are going to be thinking about what the seaside is like now and how it was different 100 years ago! It’s also a perfect time to research Mary Anning and how she helped discovered some of the fossils we find along our coast line. 
P.E will be focused on preparing for sports day while in R.E we will be covering how the world is special to different religions and exploring their creation stories. 
The children will also finished their work on the story ‘Supertato’.

The final week full week in Selby Class has consisted of learning about Mary Anning, refining our number bonds to 10 knowledge and rounding off our R.E topic. The children created posters on how to ensure they look after our planet!

What an amazing week we have had in Selby Class. It started with a climbing wall on Monday where we challenged our courage. Then we tried some martial arts and tested our strength. Next we spent time with Callum Deboys a Para Olympian, who told us about his challenges that he has faced. Finally on Thursday we spent the day outside in a Forest School with the very talented Siobhan! On Friday we went on our first school trip to Eureka!

The best ending to the week ever! Sports day was wonderful. We have also had a visit from a dental nurse this week who talked to us all about oral hygiene.

It’s been hot, hot, hot this week! We’ve spent lots of time outside in the shade. The children have been introduced to doubles this week in maths and we’ve played lots of games to help us identify doubles and work out the answer. The children were also introduced to Spanish! This is the new language we are learning throughout the school. See if your child can tell you any of the colours we learnt!

The children have also enjoyed exploring the travel agents role play. Ms Adams even went on a holiday to Egypt and had a whistle stop tour of the Caribbean! 

The first week back after half term and we have been busy! The children have been exploring subtraction and shape in maths. In P.E we have begun to practise for sports day too! We spent some time reflecting on our half term too writing about what we did.

Summer 1 - Come Outside

We are going to be focusing on the signs of spring and exploring the idea of new life in planting different flowers and vegetables. We are going to be looking at the life cycles of different animals too! The children will begin to explore the number patterns of numbers between 10 and 20 and they will continue to embed their set 1 and set 2 sounds. In R.E, we are going to be discussing how different faith show how each person is unique and valuable in the world.


This week the children have been introduced to subtraction in maths. We have continued to use the first, then and now stories to support this. The children have also spent time with the chicks and looked at how they are already starting to change. In music we had a surprise visit from Byland class who where giving up their time to come and help.

The eggs have started to hatch and we have currently got two little chicks cheeping away in Selby Class. A busy week that has finished with chicks and a collective worship! 

The children have enjoyed testing their ball skills in P.E this week and learning about percussion and non percussion instruments in music. We have created our very own monoprints, which look amazing! It has been an exciting week outside as we have started to see some of our plants begin to grow too.

Update on the eggs hopefully next week we should begin to see some of the egg hatch so stay tuned!

A short week this week! The children have spent time continuing to read and write during RWI and learning their numbers 11-20.

A great week in Selby Class this week. We have had a eggciting delivery of eggs, planting in the outside area and a sponsored walk! The children have continued to work hard in RWI and they created some wonderful writing about the characteristics of Superhero’s to kick start our new literacy topic.

The first week back is always busy re establishing our routines. This week have introduced the children to being able to upload their work to Tapestry independently! The children have loved seeing their work come up on our iPads once they have taken their own pictures.

Spring 2 - Amazing Animals

We are going to be exploring different types of animals this half term, learning facts about our favourite animal, about where the animals live and about the different habitats they live in. The children will also learn all about David Attenborough and why he is so influential. In Phonics they will be learning their set 2 sounds and continuing to build up their reading fluency. Maths will be focused around 9 and 10 and learning the number bonds to each number. 
Music and R.E are all about different celebrations while P.E is a unit on bats and ball skills.

We have rounded off the week with a collective worship all about the celebrations we have learnt about in R.E this half term. The children have spent time using their positional language and programming the beebots. The writing that all children have produced this week is amazing and we are so proud of how far they have come!

It has been such a busy week that we have barely taken any pictures. We have been engrossed in our learning all about patterns in maths , Diwali and spent our Friday afternoon gardening! The children really enjoyed finding lots of different insects and bugs.

An incredibly exciting end to the week with a flurry of snow. The children love going out and trying to catch the snowflakes, some even tried to catch them on their tongues! It’s also been a busy week with finding number bonds to 10 in Maths and learning two net set 2 sounds in Read Write inc.

What a week, World book day was fantastic and the children throughly enjoyed sharing their favourite books, costumes and partaking in lots of activities throughout the day.

This week has been a busy first week back to school after the half term. Children have created their own drama pieces around the story of the Three Little Pigs and also explored the numbers 9 and 10. They have created their own stories based upon a picture and enjoyed a dance workshop based on the story ‘how to catch a star’.

Spring 1 - Winter Wonderland

In Spring 1 our focus is going to be winter and how the weather and landscape has changed, which means exploring past tense language and using it correctly. We will also explore animals that hibernate and how they survive the winter.  The children will explore texts such as The Storm Whale and One Snowy Night.

The children will continue to learn new sounds and read daily, while in maths the children will be introduced to numbers between 6 and 10.

A huge well done to all the children in Selby Class who finished off their half term by conducting a collective worship. It was all about what we have learnt over this half term and some of our favourite things we do in Selby class. 

We have learnt all about the Artic this week and where we can find it on our globe! The children have been working incredibly hard with their hand writing an have also smashed their RWI assessments and shown they are ready to move onto learning set 2 sounds. In maths, we have been sorting different representations of 6, 7 and 8. Music was all about listening for different environmental sounds so the children explored what they could hear around school. Some of the children have shown a real interest in creating their very own books too!

The children have been hard at work this week completing all their Rainbow Challenges! We have seen some winter dens built, winter writing, some independent reading and children finding one less than a number. Alongside that, we have been for a visit to All Saints Church, which was linked to our R.E topic this half term called ‘Special Places’. The children enjoyed spotting different Christian symbols, looking for the mice and thinking about the stain glass windows.

The frosty cold mornings have been super exciting and the children have enjoyed short bursts outside creating different types of ice and snow machines! We have loved reading 'Get the Rat' in guided reading and the children have created some wonderful writing too. In Maths, the focus was composition of the number 5, using three smaller numbers to make 5.

The children have worked hard in Maths and have played games all around the composition of the number 5. They have focused on sorting materials and naming what each object is made from. In R.E we thought about our special places and the children then each drew a special place to them. We are also really impressed with how much writing the children have been doing!

Happy New Year everyone!

The children have settled back this week and got back into the routine of school. We have begun some new RWI stories and focused on measuring height, weight and length in non standard measures. They have also loved learning about Guiseppe Acrimboldo and his art, even creating their own fruit and vegetable faces.

Autumn 2 - Fantastic Festivals!

In Autumn term 2, we will be focusing on learning about different festivals from around the world including Diwali and Christmas! Our traditional tale will be Elves and the Shoemaker, which will link nicely to our Art and Design project of making things. The children will continue to learn new sounds in RWI and practise reading new words. 

We are also looking forward to practising our nativity and showing it to you all!

Our final week before Christmas and we have enjoyed our Christmas party with a very special visitor, a surprise from the Christmas elf and a movie morning as a reward for all their hard work this term!

WOW! We are so incredibly proud of all of our children this week. The nativity performance they put on was just simply amazing. We really hope you enjoyed it too.

We have also been lucky enough to visit Maisy Moos and the nativity farm which the children thoroughly enjoyed. They learnt about how the animals kept warm, what they eat and how to care for them such as making sure you trim their hooves. We loved meeting Honey the Donkey!

We are deep into nativity rehearsals and the children are doing amazing! We can't wait to show everyone Hey Ewe! The children have been introduced to the numbers 4 and 5 and sorted different objects and representations into the right numbered basket. Phonics has consisted of lots of reading and working on reading CCVC words.

Last week ended with a trip to church and this week has ended with our first ever class assembly! The children were amazing and so confident. We are now in full nativity swing and the children are busy learning their lines and the lyrics to the songs. The children have produced some wonderful writing in RWI and thoroughly enjoyed playing in the bakery! Maths has focused on shape and we've been on a shape hunt around school, there is lots of shapes to spot. Why not do one at home to see what your child can spot?

The children have been busy this week! They have now learnt all of the set 1 sounds in RWI and have been reading and writing sentences. We have set up their own mini RWI station and the children have enjoyed playing teachers and students while practising the sounds they know. Maths has involved using language such as matching and sorting throughout the week. The children enjoyed going to church for our special remembrance service and learning all about why we celebrate this day.

To kick start the topic of fantastic festivals the class have learnt all about Diwali and created their own Diya lamps out off clay. The children learnt to mould the clay and decorate it.  We have also created firework pictures to celebrate Bonfire night. 

Marvellous Me!

This half term the children will be learning all about themselves and will begin to use vocabulary such as unique, individual, similar and different in order to describe themselves and others. 

In P.E, we will be focusing on working as a team, our coordination and balance through playing lots of different games.

R.E will look at  special books for themselves and also for religious people.

This week, we have been looking at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. The children have looked at different representations of each number and sorted them into the right number. We have also spent time looking at signs of Autumn, which lead to us sweeping up all the leaves in the outside area. The children were extremely interested in the globe this week so we have looked at the key features, and they have practised their sewing skills.

This week, we have been discovering lots of different patterns and performing our musical showcase.

We have created our own story maps, played new team games in P.E and thought about which musical instruments we could use to represent different parts of the story, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

We have focused largely on our oral blending skills, the children are doing really well and have now begun to get the hang of blending sounds together. We have also discussed the different feelings and what makes us feel these different ways through reading the Colour Monster book. In Maths, we have been focusing on matching and sorting.

Another busy week here in Selby Class, which ended in our first visit to church for the harvest festival. The children were incredibly brave and sung in front of the whole school and the adults who joined us. 
We have also spent time looking at baby pictures this week of each other and thinking about how we have changed since we were born. Some ideas included different hair colour, different eye colours and that we have grown!

The children have learnt more new sounds and have been blending the sounds together. In Maths, we have focused on coin recognition. This is something you could do at home also!

It has been the children’s first full week and they have adjusted amazingly. They are loving the school dinners and have been introduced to the topic for this half term. The children explored the text ‘The Little Red Hen’ and retold the story through a sensory story scene. We have also discussed the story 'What makes me a me?' and thought about our favourite things and if they are different or similar to our friends.

They also absolutely loved their first P.E sessions!

Here is the first week in Selby Class. The children have got to grips with routines and enjoyed exploring all areas of the classroom.

Academic Year 2022-2023

Summer 2

This half term our topic is ‘oh I do love to be beside the seaside’. The children will cover lots of history around the seaside and some geography skills. We will be looking at different materials and creating out very own lighthouses in science and D.T. While music is all about key vocabulary and learning what each one means.

P.E has a focus on team games and athletics while R.E will be about sacred books and learning about the Muslim 


There is lots of fun happening so please make sure you read the newsletter to keep up to date with all the key events this half term.


This week has been all about rounding up our topics and finishing of our work ready for our final week before summer. The year 1s have also been learning all about time which has been fun! Make sure you test them at home! Oh and we did a class assembly!

This week was assessment week and all the children have worked incredibly hard! We are so proud of all the amazing things they have achieved this year! It’s been a real week of reflection and thinking about how far we have all come! We also designed our lighthouses in D.T so keep your eyes peeled for the up and coming creations.

This week has been another busy week and the children have loved exploring sculptures, a science experiment and writing postcards!

Sports week

It has been another busy week in Selby Class it has been dominated by sports week! The children have loved taking in part in a lot of different sports including cricket and skipping. 
The children have loved being outside in this glorious weather building dens, paddling in water and keeping the flowers and birds watered!

The children have been working really hard in Maths and writing this week. The reception children have spent the week grouping and sharing while the Year 1s have been describing positions of different objects using left and right!

Summer 1

The topic for this half term is going to be Traditional tales. The children will spend time reciting, performing and learning different tales!

In Science the children are focusing on animals and categorising animals in lots of different ways. We even have our very own caterpillars to watch!

RE will be all about how we keep the Earth and all its creatures special while P.E is all about athletics, getting ready for sports day! 

This week the class have been busy classifying animals, creating wanted posters, finding half and quarters and preparing for our class assembly! 

This week we have continued our topic work all around traditional tales. The children have created sliders in DT, thought about the Good Samaritan story and written descriptive writing about the forest!

Spring 2

This half term our topic is 'Our Local Area' so we will be looking closely at Wistow and the surrounding area. We will be looking at the history of the school and how it has changed. In Science we will be thinking about plants and growing including our very own sunflower experiment. P.E will focus on racket skills and perfecting our badminton! In R.E we are exploring special places and where different religious people worship.  

Assessment week is always a busy week and a chance to finish off lots of our orjoects including our houses! I think they look amazing and the children have worked incredibly hard not only on these but their assessments all week!

a glorious week out in the sunshine! This week we have spent a lot of time outside creating our very own Selby town! We learnt facts about the history or the town on Monday and then transformed the area with all the key elements! Check out the video!

Little Selby Town

Still image for this video

In the week the children have been writing about the homes they have designed, sawing the wood to create their houses and creating their own houses. They have learnt about synagogues and why it is a special place for Jewish people. Finishing off with Red Nose Day and a staff pantomime.

This week Selby Class have been busy. We have been to church, planted seeds and had our second class assembly. The children have continued to work had in phonics and maths!

What a great first week back! We have started our new topic by walking around the village and spotting different important landmarks and homes. The children have created their own versions of a Mondrian painting and we finished the week with World book day, the children all looked amazing!