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Safeguarding In School


As a school we are committed to keeping all our children and staff safe, both in and out of school. Within school, we have two designated safeguarding leaders; Mrs Cox and Mrs Griffiths. If you have any concerns about a child that is in our care, these are the people you would need to speak to directly.


For our Child Protection Policy and Manual, please go to our policies page for more information.


Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE)

This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education (DFE) issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, and the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015. Schools and colleges in England must have regard to it when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. For the purposes of this guidance children includes everyone under the age of 18.


Please see the link below for Part 1 of KCSIE September 2023.

Our Safeguarding Leads and Contact Information

Operation Encompass


Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.


Operation Encompass ensures that there is a simple telephone call or notification to a school’s trained Designated Safeguarding Lead /Officer (known as key Adult) prior to the start of the next school day after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are children related to either of the adult parties involved. 


Information is shared with a school’s Key Adult (Designated Safeguarding Lead or Officer) prior to the start of the next school day after officers have attended a domestic abuse incident. This sharing of information enables appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child.

The Go-To NHS Website - Supporting Young People and their Families


I would like to make you aware of a resource called The Go -To for Healthy Minds in North Yorkshire. This is a new site from the NHS, which is aimed to support and help the emotional and wellbeing of children in North Yorkshire. It also has resources for parents and carers and professionals. There are some really useful things on the platform and it covers areas such as wellbeing, friendship, staying safe and more. The parental support and information is also incredibly useful.

SMART - Keeping Your Children Safe Online - Rules to Follow In and Out of School
