School Logo


  Sowing seeds of knowledge and faith,    with nurture and love

We thrive, we grow.


This gallery area will share with you whole school events and photos. 

Each class have their own dedicated class gallery, celebrating work done both in and out of class, to celebrate and share their achievements.

Please visit those galleries also, as there are lots of amazing things to see and we would love to share them with you!

Christmas Carol Concert

A really special carol service at All Saints church, thank you to all of those who were able to join us and celebrate.

Well done to our Worship Leaders, who led the service and told the story of the nativity. A special time together, in a place very special to us.

Christmas Craft Club


Thank you to all of you who booked onto our Christmas Craft Club, led by our amazingly talented Mrs Brearley! The lanterns made were stunning and the children really enjoyed the process.

Keep your eyes peeled for our next craft club .... coming soon!


The FOWSA Christmas Fair was a roaring success, thank you to all of you that came to support!

The amount raised is still being counted, but fingers crossed this could be our most successful fair yet! A huge thank you to our 'Mrs Christmas' aka Mrs Sampson, for organising and to the volunteers helping with stalls and games.

Our School Council, with the support of Miss Bellerby and Mrs Nicholson, did an amazing job and we know that they raised £196.70, which just shows what our children can do when they work together! 

The ladies from church showed their continued support of the school, by organising refreshments for all our thirsty fair goers, thank you so much for all you do, we appreciate you massively.

It is always lovely to have so many people come and visit school at these events and all money raised goes towards helping the children in school, in a variety of ways, so a HUGE thank you to Mrs Sampson and the FOWSA team.

Christmas Tree Festival 2024

What a wonderful Christmas Tree Festival it was this weekend!

A HUGE thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, who gave up their time to take it in shifts to help and to all our pupils, families and groups, who took the time to create a tree for the event! Lots of people turned out to look at the trees and the history of the church.

We had trees with all sorts of themes, from Star Wars to Unicorns. Then beautiful Nativity trees to Eco Warrior, handmade reindeers. The thought that had gone into it all was wonderful. 

Take a look at the trees and see which is your favourite.


Well done Worship Leaders and Mrs Griffiths, another great event!

Working Together to Help Our Community

It was a pleasure to welcome Richard Singh from Selby Hands of Hope, to Wistow School this afternoon.

Over the Autumn term, we have been raising money to help Selby Hand's of Hope and with a focus on helping them achieve their grand total, to buy a new van, which will deliver and collect things in and around Selby as part of the Charity's work.

Some of our children presented him with a cheque for £200 to go towards SHOH's new van appeal. The children are really pleased and proud to be part of helping one of our local charities and can't wait to see the new van when the target is reached and it's on the road helping others!


Today, all children in school took part in our Christingle celebrations, in preparation for the service to be held at All Saint's Church this evening.  We discussed what Jesus meant to us and how the Christingle represents the beginning of a very special time of year in the Christian calendar.  All of our Christingles will be delivered to church, where many of our pupils, families and residents of the village will gather together to raise money for the Children's Society.

PE Pro Champions!

This week, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils attended a Functional Fitness Festival, organised by PE Pro.  The day consisted of a carousel of warm up activities, which were designed to test our fitness, agility, balance, strength, endurance and stamina.  After these activities, the competition began!  Our pupils were resilient, hardworking and showed fantastic teamwork, and this meant we were unstoppable.  They were unbeaten in the tug of war rounds and worked tirelessly in the very difficult Box Run, where stamina was key.  After the scores were collated and checked, Wistow School was announced as the overall winner!

We are incredibly proud of these pupils, who represented our school wonderfully.

We Shall Remember Them!

A special moment was shared in school this morning, as all children joined together in the playground to mark 2 minutes silence, to remember those who died for us and continue to keep us safe, as part of the British Forces. Children read poems and a prayer, to give thanks to all the special people who gave their lives, their service and continue to do so, to keep us safe! Two children also visited our churches war memorial to place crosses beneath, with messages from you. We shall remember them!

Be Bright, Be Safe, Be Seen - Dark Nights Campaign by North Yorkshire Fire Service

Introducing NumBots and Times Tables Rock Stars!


This week saw us celebrate the launch of some new, interactive games to support the development of early number fluency and times tables understanding and recall.  Selby Class and Fountains Class were introduced to Rusty the Robot, who is in need of some help from the maths wizards in Wistow School! By using NumBots daily, they will not only improve their understanding of number, but also help Rusty escape from the dirty dumpster.  Bolton, Byland and Rievaulx all begun their journey to 'Rock Hero', by exploring Times Tables Rock Stars.  All the children looked rocking in their amazing outfits and certainly enjoyed the day.


Both of these apps help build and secure vital Mathematical skills.  Without a secure fluency in counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, we know Maths can become tricky, so playing these games little and often will support all pupils.  After half term, we will be introducing more challenges and weekly awards for all children.

Share a Story Afternoon

What a magical afternoon!

Thank you to all of you that were able to come and join us in our special 'Share a Story' event. When the gates opened, we were overwhelmed with the number of parents and carers arriving, books in hand and we know that the children were so pleased to have you in school.

After collecting children and friends, it was lovely to our special visitors finding spots to settle and share in a story. As staff walked around the school, the air was filled with voices, sounds and giggles, as books and stories came to life! 

Thank you for supporting us in this event and showing our children and sharing in a love of books and reading!


After a break in at Jubilee Hall over Summer, we wanted to do something to help Wistow Youth Club, who lost money when thieves stole from them.

Over two days at breaktimes, a team of Year 6 girls, sold raisins to raise money for the Youth Club.

A massive thank you to all the children who brought in money to buy raisins. We raised £42.50 for Wistow Youth Club and Mrs Sampson was over the moon this afternoon, when she was presented with this special cheque. Thank you to our brilliant team of raisin sellers too, you were great!

Celebrating Harvest With Our School Community

On Wednesday 25th September, we met with our school community, and Maisy Moo's Day Nursery and Wistow Smartstart to celebrate harvest, with our Bolton class leading us in worship.

All Saints church was full and it was so wonderful to have as many people come to share this special service.

Bolton spoke about why we come together to celebrate with each other at this time of year, reflecting on how hard our local community farmers work, alongside many other people across the world, gathering their harvests and then distributing to others, for lots of different uses.

Bolton class spoke about how other countries, religions gather harvests and the type of things they collect to eat, ready for Autumn and Winter.

As part of the service, children shared the story Handa's Surprise, with some wonderful animal costumes and acting, it was a really lovely interpretation of the story. One pupil had even taken it upon himself and made the fruit props at home, which was appreciated by all his fellow classmates! 

The singing of the songs lifted the roof and we have had some lovely feedback about the service.

Reverend Canon John Wheetman, closed the service blessing the food and children. We also welcomed Faith, from Selby Foodbank, who spoke about how our donations would help others in the local area, it was wonderful to have her with us.

Thank you to all of you who donated, your kindness, generosity and ongoing support it very much appreciated.

Academic Year 2023-2024

Leavers' Service

Thank you to all our families who joined us for our Leavers' service in church this afternoon. Rievaulx class were amazing and did themselves proud. Sharing memories and confessions, we all enjoyed hearing them talk so fondly of Wistow School, the staff and the children, especially their Selby buddies.


A huge well done to all our pupils who were in receipt of an award today. Well done to our 100% attendance winners and Reading Challenge finishers - we are very proud of you all!


Well done to Lucy Smith and Josh Pavey, who were both awarded the Year 6 Achievement Award 2024. You have both stood out for not only your achievements, but your Golden Values, championing of others and your all round love of school.


Alongside those, Luisa Kehoe, was presented with the Governors' Award 2024 for her achievements and personal growth this year. Well done to all our nominees, who were all amazing and also were presented with medals and certificates.


Another academic year done and our pupils have continued to shine like the stars they are. Well done Wistow School Pupils.

Summer Fair Fun!

What a great afternoon!

This afternoon, our families and children came into school to enjoy the Friends of Wistow School Association summer fair. The stalls were set, volunteers were in position and the sun was shining for us - the gates opened!

It was a busy afternoon, with children excitedly visiting stalls and testing their skills on some of the games. Smiles were everywhere!

A huge thank you to all our generous volunteers, who stepped in to help, we really appreciate it.

Thank you also to Mrs Sampson and the staff for planning and prepping the fair, which was enjoyed by all.


That magical time of year arrived and after an audition and rehearsal process, many of our children stepped in to the spotlight to share their special talents. Our programme was packed this year with 31 acts and each one was unique. With acts such as singing ninjas, rock and roll dancers, a fact sharing scientist, double bass player, pianists, carnival dancers, comedians and many others, the crowd were wowed from start to finish. 

We would like to thank all the parents and family members, who came to support us, it was wonderful to see so many of you together and celebrating our children's talents.

Another massive thank you to Miss Jackson and Miss Bellerby, who give up their time to audition, rehearse and deliver Music In the Night, without them and our team of staff, none of this would be possible.

Here are some fabulous photos from the night!


Sports Week - Let's Go For It!

What an action packed week!

Monday, we were skateboarding with a fantastic instructor called Eleanor, who gave all pupils the opportunity to learn to ride a skateboard with confidence. Pupils got their safety pads and helmets on and got stuck in. She was so impressed with their manners, attitudes and resilience. They kept on trying and our playground was full of pupils zooming around by the end of each session.

Then on Tuesday morning, a huge climbing wall arrived in school and was set up, towering above some trees! The pupils were so excited to see if they had the skills of the gladiators and gave it their all. We think all our climbing equipment helped them, as some of them were up to the top like rockets. Every pupil gave it their best shot and got higher each time, beating their own personal records.

Wednesday was sports day and it was so lovely to welcome so many of our families to join us for a picnic lunch. We then spent an afternoon, racing and enjoying championing each other. Our mums and dads also got involved and so many wanted to join in, we had to have two races for them both! Thank you to all our new starters, who came to join us, we can't wait to see you in September. The new starter race was busy and some of our children's siblings joined it - it was great!

Thursday was boxing day and the children loved the experience, learning the discipline of the sport and how to correctly stand, defend and punch. The children had the role of no contact apart from gloves and they all gave it their all. Well done!

Friday, the final day, was our Wistow Olympics. The children were put into country teams of mixed age groups and worked together on Olympic style activities like javelin, hurdles and basketball. They had to get as many points as they could as well as earning bonus points for attitude, effort, sportsmanship and teamwork. 

The points were in and we had our closing ceremony, with music, dancing and celebrations. USA were victorious and Team GB came a close second. A great day and enjoyed by all.

Our Year 6 Leavers were not part of the Olympics because they were out on their treat day, at Ninja Warrior! They pushed their fitness to the max and took on the obstacle course and tried to beat the wall!


What a week! One that has provided a lot of super experiences for our pupils, that perhaps they might not have tried before. Who knows! Perhaps we might have the next Olympic skateboarding champion in school!

What a Show!

A massive well done to all our Rievaulx and Byland pupils, who stepped up yesterday and gave not one, but two, amazing performances! We are so proud of you all.

The singing and dancing combined, let to an electric performance, one that captivated all its audiences, both young and old. Feet were tapping, hands were clapping and on some occasions, standing ovations were received. Everyone really pulled together as a team to make this performance one to remember.

You are all stars!

We would also like to thank Mrs Storey, Miss Jackson and Mrs Sampson for helping the children put this fantastic show together. It was enjoyed by all. Thank you to our staff also, who stayed to help after school and make this event happen.

A Wonderland Adventure!

This morning, all children in school were excited as M and M Theatre Productions arrived at school and began to unpack some fantastic scenery and props. When the stage was set, the show was revealed, Alice In Wonderland!

The audience took their seats and the show began. From start to finish, the children were captivated by the actors and with singing and dancing, the atmosphere was electric. There was lots of audience participation and the children really enjoyed the performance.

A HUGE thank you to FOWSA, who treated the children to this show - it was out of this world!

Well Done Year 6

A super busy week for our Year 6 pupils and many others across England. Our children tackled their SATs with focus and determination. They were fuelled by some excellent breakfasts and refreshments daily, so a huge thank you to Mrs Sampson, Mrs Brearley, Mrs Dethridge and Miss Jackson for helping prep and feed the children.


Our children showed resilience, focus and dedication. The SATS are done now but we want them to know how proud of them we are! Well done Year 6!

Learning History With A Special Visitor

A big thank you to Mr Hill for coming to visit us in Byland Class, who are learning about mining in History. We were so lucky to have him come in and speak to our children about what it was like to work as a coal miner. The children were made aware of this visit and took time to prepare lots of questions to deepen their knowledge about mining and what it was like to work in that role. Mr Hill’s answers were incredibly interesting and the children got a lot from his visit. Thank you Mr Hill!


Should you feel that you can support school with a visit linked to our learning, please get in touch with your child's class teacher.

How Clean Are Our Teeth?

We were incredibly lucky to have a special visit from a dental nurse, who talked to all the children in assembly about the importance of looking after our teeth.

She then visited each class, who had brought in their toothbrush and toothpaste, to do a special check.

The children were asked to brush their teeth and then given a tablet which showed up any plaque left after brushing! There were some blue mouths, but luckily lots of clean teeth! 


Thinking of Others - Courageous Advocacy

A huge well done to these two kind and thoughtful girls, who took it upon themselves to raise money for school. They organised a toy sale independently and raised a whopping total of £45.60. These girls decided to take action and make a difference. We think you are both wonderful! Definitely worthy of the Head Teacher's Award this week and a Courageous Advocacy Award.

Football Stars!

Some of our Year 3 and 4 pupils visited Selby High today for a football tournament. They had a fantastic time and really enjoyed working as a team over the day completing skills, drills and games! Well done to all involved.

Thank you Mrs Earnshaw!

Wistow School has given our AMAZING interim cook a special send off this morning. Mrs Earnshaw quickly became part of our team and her dinners have been totally scrumptious! We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to her for all her hard work and help in school. She has promised to come back and help us at events, so we will look forward to seeing her then! THANK YOU MRS EARNSHAW

Cyber Crew Competition Results!

Cyber Crew competition entries and winners were shared in assembly. There were so many super efforts that all pupils received something to say a big well done. There were 3D models, a sewn cuddly monster, some giant pieces of art and lots of intricate and detailed entries. Take a look at some of the wonderful creations!

The winning entries were:

A special camera that you can hold up to a webcam and it shows you the true face behind the screen.

A fantastic little robot made of computing parts, who had light up eyes and from it's electrical hair gave handy tips to keep safe!

A device you plug into your phone, which alerts parents if cyber bullying occurs.

A squishy cyber cuddle monster

A police cyber detective.


Well done to all those who entered.


A huge well done to our Cyber Crew for their online safety assembly this afternoon. The children planned and rehearsed the whole thing independently and the session was enjoyed by all the children and staff. They talked about the importance of staying safe online and gave some amazing tips on how to do so, through a visual and oral presentation and some fabulous drama. Great work Cyber Crew!

FOWSA Easter Craft Competition

Some fabulous entries for the FOWSA decorate the egg and bonnet competition arrived in school today, with children walking carefully but excitedly into school holding their creations.

From bonnets depicting the Easter story, to Star Wars eggs, there was a real mix of artistry and the children were proud to share their finished results. Our local preschool Wistow Smartstart, also took part and it was great to see their group entry.

The judges took a lot of time looking at every entry and the hard work that had gone into creating each egg or bonnet. They then decided on the winners, but all children received a small something for taking the time to enter.

Well done to everyone who took part, the entries were EGG-cellent!

Easter FOWSA Fair

The children had an egg-cellent afternoon at the FOWSA Easter fair. A massive thank you to all our family and friends, who came to support the school. The hall and classrooms were full of egg-citement and the games were enjoyed by all. 

Thank you as always to Mrs Sampson and the FOWSA team. To our volunteers and Wistow team, a big thank you to you too.


Red Nose Day 2024! Some superb costumes arrived in school for Red Nose Day. We had costumes of world changing women, service people, sports personalities, parents, superheroes and more!


World Book Day 2024

World Book Day 2024 got off to an amazing start, with pupils and staff arriving to school dressed in some fabulous costumes from all sorts of books. The playground has never looked so colourful!


The day began full of excitement, as pupils looked at each other's costumes and talked animatedly about their outfits. 


Over the course of the day, pupils took part in a range of book themed activities, reading stories, competitions and more! 


Playtimes were full of magical adventures as characters took to playing games, using their characters to add to the fun. It was lovely to see!


A huge thank you to all our parents for getting involved in the day and helping your children come dressed up and ready to enjoy the day. 


The competition for design a character on a plate had lots of entries and it was incredibly hard to choose a winner. Why not see which ones your can name and which are your favourites?


Take a look at some of the wonderful outfits and fun had on this special day. 



Design A Plate Character Competition

Finishing a magical and fun day with a special, brain-boggling quiz! Great effort from both Team Wizard and Team Chocolate, with every team member contributing and giving it their all. Both teams were in the lead at different points in the game. Then by a whisker, Team Chocolate took the victory. Well done to all, your book knowledge was superb!

World Book Day Quiz 2024

Keeping Safe Online With Quickline

Rievaulx and Byland class took part in a special workshop with our internet provider Quickline this week.

With Rachel and Connor, they spent time talking about how they use the internet and reinforced how to keep themselves safe when using various devices and internet platforms. They also explored how the internet can be manipulated and sometimes send the wrong messages. Both classes did really well and thank you to Connor and Rachel from Quickline!

Byland Class Experience Church

Byland Class had a fantastic afternoon in church with our lovely volunteers, who set up an afternoon of activities for us to understand the Christian church. 
We learned all about the font and lectern, as well as the importance of prayer, serving, celebrating, teaching and sharing.

The children brought home some brilliant crafts and goodies to remember everything they had learned. Thank you to our volunteers! 🌟

Coming Together for Christmas

It was wonderful today to welcome so many of our families and community into church for our carol service. The children sang, read and acted amazingly and it was a wonderful way to end a busy Autumn term.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!


Taking To The Dancefloor!

Our Strictly Dance club wowed parents this evening with a special end of term Christmas performance. Wearing festive costumes and smiling throughout, they were AMAZING! The children performed some Waltz and American Smooth routines and finished with a party Polka!

Gifts For All

A huge thank you to these amazing ladies, who have planned Gifts for All and led the event today for our children. Their support, positivity and kindness today was wonderful and the children involved loved the experience.

After decorating their labels, pupils then had the chance to peruse the gifts, which were beautifully wrapped and take them home for their families. 

We hope they like them!

Wriggly Nativity

A huge well done to our Wriggly Nativity cast, who shone like stars at all their performances. The audience enjoyed it and the Christmas magic was definitely in the air!

The story of the nativity and Jesus coming into this world, came to life with some wonderful acting, singing and dancing from our Selby and Fountains class. The hall came to life as our children took to the stage to perform for friends and family. Our new staging and spot lights, really made the performance look professional and as the Christmas tree lights and backdrop twinkled, the audience were wowed by our children and their performance.


Thank you to our amazing team, who made it happen.

Wistow Christmas Tree Festival

What a wonderful way to share our love of Christmas with our community and other local groups, our first ever Christmas Tree Festival!


Our Worship leaders, working with Mrs Griffiths and our wonderful team from All Saints Church, planned and worked together, to create a magical event that was open to everyone to come and be part of. 


Local groups and schools, were asked if they wanted to take part and contribute by decorating a tree anyway they wanted. We were really pleased with the response and had trees from Brownies, Woosh Wrap Around Care, Wistow Preschool, York Knights, Cawood and Hambleton Primary Schools, All Saints Church, local families and more! 


The day before the weekend took place, All Saints was a hive of activity, with all groups coming together in church to deliver and set up their trees. The Worship Leaders went from school to set up our tree. When they were all done, it was a magical sight to behold!


Over the weekend, and a rainy one at that, our Worship Leaders took turns in hosting the event, with the help of their parents. The church had many visitors coming to see the Christmas trees and they were able to vote for their favourite, which was tough, as there were lots to choose from. We had some really great comments from members of the public about the event, which were lovely to hear.


Thank you to those who attended and for the church's ongoing support.

Wistow FOWSA Christmas Fair

Another Christmas fair done and this one was a record breaker for the amount of wonderful and scrumptious cakes that our fantastic parents and carers donated! We have never had such a big cake stall!

The afternoon was action packed with lots of stalls, new games and fun things going on in and around school. It was lovely to welcome so many of our families into school and everyone was full of the Christmas spirit. 

A huge thank you to Mrs Sampson for organising, it is a huge job and to all of those who volunteered to help on stalls, in rooms and with donations. It really is heart-warming to see how much the school is supported at events like this. 



Functional Fitness - Go Wistow!

Functional Fitness was on the cards for some of our year 5 and 6 pupils, who were amazing throughout all the challenges. They worked as a team, championed each other and had a great day!

The challenges consisted of tyre flipping, wheelbarrow racing, tug of wars, relay racing with weights and much, much more! As always, shouts and cheers rang through the air, as our pupils supported each other throughout. 

Together we can achieve and our pupils represented the school well. Well done Team Wistow!

We Will Remember Them

On 11th November, 2023 at 11am, we joined together to remember and give thanks to those who bravely gave their lives and to those who continue to serve in the armed forces. As the church bell chimed 11 o’clock, we stood together in quiet prayer and reflection, before Mrs Cox took some children to leave remembrance crosses in the church grounds.


We will remember them.


Congratulations To Our Kabadi Champions!

Some of our children went to Selby High School to compete against other local primary schools in various sporting activities, such as kabaddi, coco and king ball. They were commended on their teamwork and won the kabaddi competition! We are so so proud of them all!

Collecting the Harvest Donations for the Selby Community Fridge

Harvest Festival

Parable of the Sower Day

To start a new school year, the whole school took part in a very special day of activities related to the Parable of the Sower, a story that underpins our school theological roots.

Each teacher had the opportunity to spend time with each class throughout the day. All children took part in activities related to art, music, dance, poetry and of course planting seeds.

Academic Year 2022-23

Let Us Come Together and Celebrate!

Coming together in church is always a special occasion in school. However, the end of the year service is always one with lots to celebrate but often we can feel sad as we say good bye to our friends and pupils in Rievaulx class. The end of year service this year did not disappoint. It was full of funny stories, trips down memory lane and a few tears scattered here and there. 

The singing was stupendous and with Byland class singing harmonies, there wasn't a dry eye in the church, as Rievaulx sang 'Holding my Hand'.

We celebrated award nominees and winners and also the achievements of every individual in the school on this day. It was a time to give thanks for all we have in each other, in our school and for our small school, where together we can come together and be the best we can be. Well done everyone and thank you for another wonderful year at Wistow School.

A Letter To Our Leavers

Dear Year 6 Leavers,


       As I write this letter to you, I am filled with excitement for you all as you begin to prepare for your next step in your educational journey. It is also tinged with a little sadness, as I know that you will be leaving us at Wistow and as a class, your smiles, energy, positivity and love of learning have made you a very special class to be part of our little school.


We say that we are a small school with big hearts and together they beat as one. Every member of this class has made a difference to this school and for the better; championing others, organising some great collective worships, fundraising, pupil voice and groups, sharing outside skills and talents … I could go on but then this letter would take up the whole parish magazine!

You were a class that had to adapt quickly to the Covid pandemic, yet you did not let it phase you. Your humour and smiles kept staff smiling, through your work efforts and on our weekly Zoom calls! When you did return to school, your dedication to your learning and school, hadn’t faltered. This is a credit to you all, as it shows your resilience and, as a Golden Value, is something to celebrate. In your most recent SATs results, I could not have been prouder of each and every one of you all, for your individual achievements.


As your head teacher, you have all made my heart burst with pride, during your time with us at Wistow School. I have seen you all grow, learn and blossom into a group of kind, caring and compassionate individuals, who have given primary school their all. Time for a new challenge.


You are all the authors of your own stories. It is time to start a new chapter, I hope that you all grab hold of every opportunity and make it a fantastic one!


Remember, be true to yourselves, stay positive and keep on shining!


All the best,


Mrs Cox

(Your very proud head teacher)


Even though we moved our Summer fair inside, the rain didn't dampen our fun! A massive thank you to Mrs Sampson and a team of wonderful helpers, who helped setup, run and tidy up the stalls. It is always an afternoon of fun and games, and the children very much enjoyed visiting the stalls and there were lots of things to win and buy. We had a lot of children sporting some fabulous costume jewellery and it was a great afternoon all round. Thank you to those who came to support us.

Music In The Night!

What an amazing night, packed with all sorts of wonderful entertainment! The sun shone for our annual event and the crowd arrived full of anticipation as they took their seats outside. There was a buzz of excitement, as pupils warmed up for their performances and as the compare took to the stage, the atmosphere was electric!

One by one, our pupils stepped up to perform, individually and in groups. We had magic, gymnastics, dance, singing and instrumental performances. Every performer was met with a rapture of applause and as they took their bows, the cheers grew louder! 

Faces were full of smiles and hearts swelled with pride as every child had the chance to shine. We were all so incredibly proud of them and to end the evening, each class performed their coronation dance and song, they learnt for King Charles. 

Well done to all involved and thank you to Miss Jackson and Miss Bellerby for organising. 

We have officially received a SIlver award for the School Games mark this year! Great Job Wistow!

Sports Week

We have had the most fabulous sports week, where all children have been able to access a range of sporting events, from Martial arts to meeting a Paralympic athlete. Each and everyone of the children have challenged themselves to be the best that they can be, and had a fantastic time!

Year 5 and 6 Summer Performance

After several weeks of rehearsals, Rievaulx Class, with the support of Byland Class, put on their summer performance of ‘Miracle’.  The show was superb, full of wonderful acting, excellent singing, confident solos, laughter and an impressive amount of cake!  Byland Class supported them with some perfect harmonies and made the show complete.

The reviews are now in, and it was a roaring success. Well done to each and every member of the cast and choir.



Due to the success of the York RLFC's men's, women's and newly formed Wheelchair team, York RLFC have been awarded all 3 Betfred Challenge Cups, to help promote the growth of the sport within the region and take them on a special trophy tour.


We were treated with the opportunity to view the cups and take pictures. Thank you to Mr Prentis for helping arrange this excellent experience for us all.

Challenge Completed from the Methodist Chapel!


Just before Easter, a member of the Methodist Church, Richard Peill, set a challenge to pupils at Wistow school. The challenge was set as part of the Methodist Church’s 150th anniversary celebrations. The children were asked to create a copy of an unseen poster of John Wesley. John Wesley was an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist who was a leader of a revival movement within the Church of England known as Methodism. The poster was cut into 126 pieces and the pupils were asked to make their own enlarged copy of the piece they had been given. Richard then collected the pieces at the very end of last term and reassembled them.


The collage is about 2mx1m and quite fragile.  It now hangs at the front of the chapel with an explanation to everyone how it came about.


Take a look at the photos below for the end result. It’s quite striking and a great achievement since the pieces were very difficult to copy and the pupils didn’t know what they were making - hence the challenge!


Feedback from the community and church members has been wonderful!


Take a closer look at the children's collaborative art work to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Individually, they drew landmarks from around the country and important people and objects, then they were all placed together to create a display fit for a king! Well done everyone.



What a wonderful day we have all had in school! The children and staff came dressed as an array of different British icons, whilst others came in their party clothes, to celebrate the coronation.
After a wonderful lunch, where we all ate together and enjoyed some singing and flag waving, we had a special performance from all classes with songs and dances out in the open. The children were amazing and it was a performance fit for a King! 

Sponsored Walk

Stepping out with friends!

The rain didn't dampen our spirits today on our sponsored walk today and everyone turned out with positive attitudes and bundles of energy. Each class began the walk at a different point and the number of laps of the school was counted, how many would we achieve in total?

To brighten the dull day weather wise, the children had come in some spectacular, bright clothes that quickly became a rainbow of colour, walking around the perimeter. Chatting as they walked, the children told jokes, sang songs and pushed themselves to achieve the best distance possible.

Thank you to our superstar children for giving it their all and collecting sponsors as part of this event. 


North Yorkshire Musical Teachers.

We were incredibly lucky today as we had a visit from some of the North Yorkshire Music teachers. They came into school to show and play for us a variety of the instruments that they can teach our children!

We got introduced to some new instruments we hadn’t seen before such as the euphonium and the bassoon. We also found out about the families that each instrument belongs in.


Project Wild

What an amazing day!

Today the children had the chance to get up close and personal with some exciting creatures. Each class spent some time with Nick from Project Wild through out the day, the sessions ranged from classifying the animals to their life cycles. It also included plenty of hands on and the children got to chose whether to hold or stroke a variety of the animals! Would you have held Charlie the Tarantula?

World Book Day

World Book Day at Wistow School is always lots of fun!

A huge thank you to all the children and their parents for their efforts to make such a wide range of amazing outfits.  A fun day was had by all. There was a design a classroom door competition along with lots of other book related activities  throughout the day.  There was also a very special whole school World Book Day quiz, this year hosted by Miss Bellerby and Miss Jackson.

Young Voices 2023

Last night, 44 amazing songbirds sang their hearts out with the Young Voices Choir at Sheffield Arena. Young Voices is one of the highlights of the year at Wistow School and last night was as amazing as ever. These children have worked hard every week attending our after school club in order to learn all of the lyrics and dance moves in preparation for the event and their dedication showed. Time now for a rest before we start preparing for next year!

The Christmas Story Dance Workshop


The children all took part in a special dance workshop called 'A Christmas Story: Refugee' in which they went on a journey of dance and drama and discussion.  The story looked at the Nativity an beyond at the wider story of Christmas.  The older children also linked this to the journeys of refugees taking place today.



We have had lots of fun making our Christingles.

Today we came back from our well earned half term break to a wonderful surprise.  The children were excited to find that FOWSA had arranged for M & M productions to deliver a performance of their new pantomime, Cinderella to the whole school.  What a treat! 

It was full of singing, dancing, jokes and lots of 'she's behind you' and even a bit of teacher participation - amazing dancing Miss Jackson and Mr Wilson!

Staying Safe

Today we had a very important visitor in our assembly. PCSO Joe Spooner came to visit us and spoke to us about staying safe and having an enjoyable time during halloween and bonfire night celebrations.  We know how much fun this time of year can be, but it is very important that we learn how to look after ourselves whilst joining in with different events at this time of the year.

Harvest Festival Fun!

This week we were delighted to be able to share our Harvest Festival with our families and the local community again.  All classes treated us to some lovely songs, dances and readings, whilst we gave thanks for our wonderful world and the food we have.  Our pupils and their families were incredibly generous and donated a huge amount of food, which will be donated to Selby Community Fridge.  The Community Fridge makes use of donations to prepare and cook fresh meals for the community in Selby to collect and enjoy.

School Council Elections

The year got off to an exciting start, with our very own School Council Elections.  All children were invited to apply for the role and those applications were shared with their class in order to whittle it down to 4 candidates. Those 4 candidates went to the ballot, where all children in school took part in the democratic process of electing their chosen leaders.

It was a fantastic day, resulting in our new School Council being formed.

A huge well done to everyone who applied and put themselves forward for such an important role.

A letter from the Queen!

Drumba Fitness

This week, the whole school took part in a fabulous fitness workshop called 'Drumba'.  Drumba combines drums with music and movement to create a fun experience that everyone of any age or ability can access and enjoy.  The feedback from the children (and staff, who joined in with all classes) was amazing.

Sports Week

This week the sun shone for sports week.  We have had a packed week of activities in school, with the children experiencing a different sport or sports each day.  We began the week with cricket with Mrs Griffiths, followed by tennis coaching, sports day and finally skipping with Gabby from Dan the Skipping Man.  This week has been a fabulous opportunity for all children to experience different sports and learn new skills.  The highlight of the week had to be the return of our traditional sports day, complete with spectators to cheer us on!  It was also lovely to see some of our new starters, who joined in with the races and our Teddy Bear's Picnic on the school field.

Jubilee Celebrations

The final week of the Spring Term was full of fun and celebrations as we paid tribute to Her Majesty the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee.  The children in school worked incredibly hard in order to create a front of school display that I am sure you will agree, was ‘fit for a queen’ and something the whole community could admire and enjoy.

During our jubilee day, our incredible school cook prepared a fantastic picnic lunch for us to share in our very own street party. The weather was typically British, but we kept calm and carried on!  The day concluded with a special assembly. Each class performed a song and dance from a decade in which the Queen had been on the throne. It took us on a tour through time, beginning with Byland Class in the 1950’s performing a hand jive and then on the 1960's and a Tina Turner treat given by Rievaulx Class. Following that, Selby Class caught 70's disco fever, Fountains Class performed the 80's classic ‘Fame’ and Bolton Class rounded it off with a 90’s mash up!

It was an amazing day, enjoyed by all.

Check out the videos below to see the class' outfits from each era.


90’s fashion from Bolton Class.

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80’s fashion from Fountains Class.

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70’s Fashion from Selby Class.

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60’s fashion from Rievaulx Class.

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50’s fashion from Byland Class.

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Easter Egg Hunt!

Early Years, Key Stage 1 & 2 pupils had a great time on their Easter egg hunts this morning. They were all so pleased to see the Easter bunny, who heard our children are partial to chocolate and brought a few extra treats for them! It was lovely to welcome some of our prospective new starters to the event also. Thank you for coming and sharing in the fun!


A great start to the day for this young lady, when Charlotte arrived from McArthur Glen Designer Outlet to present her with her prize for winning the design an Easter egg. The egg is to be created as part of a giant egg hunt around the designer outlet and we can't wait to go and find it.

Thank you to Charlotte and the McArthur Glen team for inviting us to take part in this competition and well done once again to our awesome artist.

School Council Fundraising - TOP JOB!

From our School Councillors and everyone at Wistow School a HUGE thank you to everyone for your support of Red Nose Day last week

We raised a fantastic £107.77 for this amazing charity and the children all looked totally amazing and definitely ... fun, funky and topsy-turvy!

Continuing To Raise Our Awareness Of Water Aid

To round off our Water Aid work on the importance of water for everyone, Key Stage 2 pupils have taken part in an interactive virtual workshop this afternoon. They were learning about countries around the world and how they strive to improve their access to fresh, clean water. They also explored how charities are working with them to ensure that they have the water they need to survive. The children had some great answers and showed thought and compassion throughout.



Wistow Staff surprised the children this morning with our own special performance of 'The Wistow Wizard of Oz!' We had planned to perform it at Christmas but Covid put a stop to that plan. However, not one to let challenges stop us, as part of our Red Nose celebrations, we decided to treat the children to a wonderful story about Dorothy and her friends on a magical journey, with a really important message about friendship and qualities that we all have to make us unique. The children absolutely loved the performance and a massive thank you to the dedicated and bonkers staff, who always go that extra mile to make things special for the children.


Well, Topsy-Turvy, Fun and Funky Day got off to a great start with our pupils coming looking fabulous. The sun shone for us today and all our children looked fantastic in their outfits. There were pyjamas, fancy dress outfits, heroes, pupils dressed as teachers and some fabulous hairstyles. The children enjoyed dressing up and in turn showing support for a fantastic charity. Thank you for all your kind donations to support Red Nose Day.


Take a look at all our fabulous pupils and staff in their costumes for our World Book Day celebrations. We think they look magical and the day was fun of fun, with activities, competitions and quizzes that celebrated our love of books!

At Wistow, we really do love to read and the children and staff's enthusiasm for this special day is always wonderful.


Quiz Time!

Wistow World Book day wouldn't be complete without an interactive quiz, with everyone getting involved. Two teams (the Vikings and Bears) went head to head in a challenging four rounds of questions and activities. The pace was fast, the audience were on the edge of their seats and the results were in, courtesy of the Snow Queen of Narnia....


The children were given the opportunity to take it to a tie breaker and they chose to stick on a draw and all be winners!

So prizes and certificates all round. 

Well done to both teams, some great knowledge shown.

Writing Competition Winners!

The competition entry box was fit to burst when the writing competition deadline arrived, with a range of entries from all classes. The entries were sorted and the children have all eagerly awaited the judges decision. 

As part of World Book Day, Mrs Cox announced the winners and runners up after the interactive quiz. The children listened as the names were announced. There were prizes a plenty and Mrs Cox said she had to buy more, as the decision was so hard to make. But two winners were chosen and they both received a certificate, Easter egg and funky pencil. The runners up received a certificate and notebooks and pencils.

All entrants were awarded a head teacher golden award sticker for entering.

Here are our winners and runners up. Well done to all. 

Take a look at some of the winning entries!

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

A massive thank you to all our pupils and parents for the amount raised to support The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal this year. We have just had a visit from one of their local honorary organisers and Wistow School raised £253.45 for this amazing charity. Well done and thank you everyone.


Children in school were all very excited in the runup to the school's first ever Christmas Tree Trail around our wonderful village. All classes made special stockings and wrote Christmas wishes for our community and visitors, to spread positive messages and hope at this time of year.

Rievaulx class kindly helped prepare our front fence with all the stockings displayed and there are some wonderful messages, which we hope everyone enjoys reading.

The weekend was a massive success with families coming from all around to explore our wonderful village with their trail maps. The community didn't disappoint with their lights and decorations and a great time was had by everyone! Well done Wistow community and thank you for your support.

READ ALL ABOUT IT! North Yorkshire County Council

Digital Newsletter Featuring ... Wistow School!


Compassionate school pupils take the initiative when it comes to fundraising


A NINE-YEAR-Old boy has donated hundreds of pounds to his primary school after writing and selling his own books.

Wistow CE Primary School, near Selby, has inspired and encouraged many of its pupils to champion community causes and take up fundraising projects during their time at the school.

One of them is Mitchell Wray, from Wistow. Recently, he made the top ten in his age category on a Blue Peter poetry competition themed around nature, earning him a Blue Peter badge. His poem, I am Nature, was themed on the climate emergency and reached the competition’s top 30 entries from more than 5,000 submissions.

Before entering the competition, Mitchell wrote two detective mysteries, Songbird Saga and Songbird Saga: Lost. Through a combination of sales of his books and other fundraising, Mitchell Wray was able to make £1,000 for his primary school.

Headteacher Carla Cox said the school placed a strong emphasis on teaching pupils to care for others and to see where they can help and support people. Many of its pupils have independently taken up fundraising, through holding toy sales to cutting their hair to donate to the Little Princess Trust, which provides free wigs to children and young people who have lost their own hair due to cancer or other illness.

Carla Cox said: “We are incredibly proud of Mitchell’s achievements - as we are with all our pupils - who continue to shine daily and independently want to do things to help the school and show the local community they care.

“We have introduced the concept of courageous advocacy to our school, which is the concept of leaving a positive legacy to future generations and serving the common good. The children here have really taken that to heart by committing to fundraising projects and small acts of kindness here and in the local community.”

Earlier in the year, inspired by a topic at school about compassion and kindness, children at Wistow CE Primary School began sharing ideas about how they could help their local community.

The school council, with pupils from all year groups, began looking at how the pandemic had affected local care homes and the difficulties carers and residents had faced with little contact from the outside world and no visits from their loved ones.

As a result, they came up with the idea to launch Operation Biscuit; distributing biscuits and sweet treats for care home residents and workers across Selby.

The youngsters raised funds through a non-uniform day to purchase the treats, visiting a local supermarket and then distributing the wellbeing hampers themselves. The deliveries also included handwritten notes and letters from children at the school.

Pupil Adam Kehoe, who was involved in Operation Biscuit said: “We thought we would raise money so we could buy biscuits for care homes. During lockdown we delivered them so people could have a nicer lockdown, without feeling lonely.”

Carla Cox said: “When discussing how difficult it must have been working as a carer or living in a care home during the pandemic with little contact with the outside world, the children showed a lot of admiration and compassion for the profession and residents. They wanted to do something to say thank you to the staff and make residents and carers smile.

“The response we had back from the local care homes who received the treats were fantastic. We received a lot of cards and messages of thanks and appreciation from the carers and residents.”

Cllr Patrick Mulligan said: “I’d like to congratulate Mitchell and all the other children at Wistow primary school. Their talents and empathic actions are making a real difference to the community around them and we know those efforts have been appreciated.”



Wistow primary school

Children In Need 2021


A big thank you to our school council, who organised a wonderful Children In Need Rainbow Day!

All the children really enjoyed coming to school in bright colours and with an array of wonderful hairstyles and accessories.

We started the day with a whole school disco dance in the playground and everyone took part - even the neighbours! Everyone was smiling and the bright colours looked amazing as we swirled and twirled to the music.

For lunch, the school meal was Pudsey Pizza and Blush Jacket Potato with beans, follow up with a yummy dessert of chocolate cake! The children all enjoyed their lunch and then went back out to play with their friends.

There were children with bear ears, fun face paints, full bear suits, pjs, rainbow sparkles and football kits galore today on the rainbow runway, but everyone looked FANTASTIC!


Working together, we can support the amazing work that is done by Children In Need in supporting the many charities in this country that help other children.


Thank you for all your donations, together we can make a difference.

We Shall Remember

Wistow School held a wonderful Remembrance service at All Saints Church on 11th November 2021.

All our pupils wore their poppies with pride.


Some children brought photos of family members and friends, who had served or are serving in the military and these people were remembered during our 2 minute silence. The silence was concluded by the playing of 'The Last Post' and then children got the chance to share names and stories about these people, old and young. 

The worship leaders all read beautifully, sharing information about Remembrance Day, poetry and prayers. 

 As we left church, we laid our handmade wreathes and crosses with messages on, on the war memorial. They will be placed out again on Sunday, as part of the Remembrance service.


We shall remember them.


It was so wonderful to be back in church today with all our children, staff and Father Ken. We celebrated Harvest and gave thanks to God for all the wonderful food we have to eat. The donations from our families were laid upon the alter and each class performed, we had a Harvest sea shanty, songs, facts from around the world and a special prayer. Well done to all our children and once again, thank you to all our parents and carers for your support and kind donations.

Operation Biscuit


We can safely say that 'Operation Biscuit' well and truly achieved the desired outcome and it is all down to the hard work of our school councillors and pupils in school.

Last term, the school council wanted to do something special, as part of our compassion and care in our community project. They decided upon wanting to spread a smile to local care home residents and thank carers for their special care of people's loved ones.

After much deliberation, the school council decided upon biscuits and cards for local care homes. They held a non-uniform day to raise funds and raised just over £100.

Next step in 'Operation Biscuit' was that two of our older pupils met with Morrisons' Community Champion Shona, who supported the project massively and the supermarket donated additional treats for the local care homes, which was massively appreciated.

When back at school, pupils made up special boxes for some of the care homes we have reached out to and then some very kind parents and pupils helped out with the deliveries.

All the care homes were so happy with their biscuits and handmade cards, that we have had some really wonderful messages of thanks from both carers and residents.

Well done to all our pupils involved in the project and it just goes to show, together we can make a difference!


The sun shone for us all at Wistow, so we could hold our annual sports day, with all our classmates and in our bubbles. With our PE kits, sunscreen and sunhats on, we made our way to the race track! It was a bit different to usual, but we all cheered as each class took part in the races. It was a wonderful morning and the smiles on everyone's faces reinforced this. 


When the photos have been cropped and checked, each class will put on a slideshow of some of the races from the day, so you can see the fun we had.

Royal Mail Hero Stamp Competition

Our children have all submitted their entries for the Royal Mail design a stamp for heroes competition. The quality was very high and no two designs were the same, lots of wonderful and unique ideas and designs. 

The entries have been posted and we will now await a result to see if any of our designers are lucky enough to get their design made into a real stamp!


All children that entered will receive a certificate to thank them for their efforts.



Our Road Safety Officers launched a competition a while back and today in assembly the winners were announced. We asked out children to design some posters that could be displayed at the front of school, to promote road safety for pedestrians and drivers. There were some super entries, but here are our winners and you can see the posters at the front and rear of the school and hopefully everyone takes note!

Well done to all our winners!

Walk For Wellbeing

Stepping Up Together!

Walk for Wellbeing COMPLETE!

What fantastic day !

Dressed from head to toe in all the colours of the rainbow, children in their bubbles took on the challenge to walk as far as they could with their classmates in school today. The sun shone for every bubble today. The chatter, laughter and fun had was apparent from the smiles on everyone's faces throughout.


The point of the walk today was to highlight how exercise is great for our bodies and minds, which is so important in life. Spirits and resilience were high in every class and a great day was had by all.


There were trails to follow, activities to complete and even a crocodile alley, where the children had to keep to the stepping stones, so they didn't come face to face with a croc!


All children were given their own pedometers, to measure their individual distances. Teachers will total how far their class has walked and we will let you know the results next week!


Well done to all children and staff who well and truly deserve to put their feet up tonight after all that walking!

A huge thank you to Miss Jackson and the school Wellbeing Ambassadors, who came up with the idea and made this event happen.



Our children have all had a great afternoon with their friends and teachers at our surprise Lockdown Birthday and Resilience Party!

This party was to celebrate the resilience of all our little super heroes at Wistow and to make up for all those birthday parties that were missed during lockdown. So we decided to have a giant party in our bubbles together on the field, full of fun, games and laughter.

The decorations went up and the party scene was set! The sun shone for us and we had a great time celebrating everyone's birthdays and the resilience that our children have shown over the last year.

The catering team, Mrs Dixon-Mersh and Mrs Smith, baked us some scrumptious buns, which we ate in our bubbles with friends - they went down a treat!

It was a fantastic afternoon and enjoyed by everyone.







An Exciting Start To Our Summer Term!


Behind the scenes, just before and over Easter, school has been very busy in order to get something special ready for all our children. After a much anticipated wait ... our new play equipment was revealed!

We invited some special visitors to come and officially open the equipment in school today, Mr and Mrs Donovan. Socially distanced, they proudly declared it open and the children have had a great day exploring and having fun with friends in their class bubbles. All children will get a go when it is their turn for a whole week - they are very excited!


Thank you to the Playscheme team who installed all the new equipment. Let's hope the sun keeps on shining so we can make the most if it all!

In order to help us to celebrate the end of the Spring term, we have all taken part in class Easter Egg hunts and had a visit from the Easter bunny!

World Book Day 2021

We decided to hold our World Book Day a week later, so that all our pupils could enjoy in the fun and celebrating a love of books and literacy!

The children chose their favourite characters to come dressed as on the day and they all looked magnificent. In class bubbles, the children then took part in various competitions, games and activities based on books. Take a look at some of the costumes. A great day was had by all.

We challenged all children to create a handwashing device to prevent the spread of infection. The number of photographs and videos that were uploaded to Seesaw was incredible! We certainly love our STEM challenges at Wistow School!

We took part in Children's Mental Health Week this week. The theme for this year was 'Express yourself', so we thought about how we might dress to express, draw to express and dance to express!

RSPB The Big Garden Bird Watch

Whilst lockdown is in place and children were all at home, school encouraged our children and their families to get involved in the RSPB's Big Garden Bird Watch. Lots of families signed up and enjoyed collecting information on what birds they saw over one weekend. Some other creatures also popped by to say hello! Children were encouraged to take some photos of what they saw. Take a look and see what or who you can find hidden in the photos:

A Special Visitor To The Garden!

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One of our families took this amazing video of a Woodpecker in their garden, as part of the Big Garden Birdwatch.

Magical Wistow

Take a look at what happens when the snow falls around Wistow School. Doesn't it look magical? 


What an amazing day! The children and staff all looked amazing and they were all so excited to see each other dressed as book characters from all sorts of books. The day started with the spelling bee, where some  children showed off their spelling knowledge in front of the whole school and the audience were very impressed with their confidence and accuracy when spelling out some very tricky words.

Throughout the day, children took part in various book activities, competitions and had time to share and enjoy various books.

The handwriting competition was tough and the judges were amazed at the neatness of all classes. All pupils showed a great pride in their work and they also talked about the meaning behind the poems, 'I can be your friend' and 'Be Kind'.

Children had fun designing book covers for their favourite books and some of them are displayed on our corridor display - there are some brilliant efforts.

In the afternoon, teams of dedicated readers were chosen by staff to take part in the Wistow School Book Quiz 2020! The answers were flying thick and fast, the teams were on the edge of their seats, the audience were joining in ..... but there could only be one winner. Both teams did so well, but the winners just pipped the opposition to the post.

We finished the day, with teachers swapping classes and sharing their favourite stories with the children. 

Take a look at the slideshows below to see  just how much fun Wistow Parochial C of E Primary School had on World Book Day 2020!

An amazing day was had by all! Take a look at some of our photos from the day. At Wistow we love to read and World Book Day has been - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 

Share A Story

The winners of the poetry handwriting competition

The winners of the 'Design a Book Cover' competition

The winners of the 'Potato Book Character' competition

Fountains' Class Collective Worship.

On Friday Fountains class showed us what they had learnt in RE this term in a unit of work about Islam.  This included some of the stories that the Prophet Muhammad told to encourage the looking after all the world and it's creatures.  Fountains also explained about what Shrove Tuesday is and how it is celebrated.

Project Wild Filming

What a privilege for some of our children this morning, they have been part of Project Wild filming in school. They shared their thoughts and views about this amazing project with Nick and also got to hold some fabulous creatures - whilst being interviewed! They all did really well and also got the opportunity to share with others a vital message about the importance of us all looking after the world we live in and the special role they play in our environment.

Lights .... Camera ....... Animals!!!!!