Hot Off The Press!
Christmas Tree Trail maps now available from school or the Fat Fryer!

Working in partnership, these two pupils have written and illustrated a book raising money for school, called Coding Catastrophe. The pupils have worked with the school to produce the books and then sell them to pupils, families, friends and residents of Wistow. Mitchell also took part in a Look North interview about the series, which he really enjoyed the experience. Both children have enjoyed the process and done a wonderful thing in raising money for the school.
A big thank you to the companies and individuals who have sponsored and got behind the school also as well as a massive thank you to all the people, who purchased the book to help school.
Care and Compassion For Our Community
North Yorkshire County Council and The Evening Press have both featured a story about our amazing pupils, who continue to shine and show care and compassion for others.
Take a look at the great write up!
Operation Biscuit - Read All About It
Take a look at the wonderful write up from the Selby Times, about our School Councillors project to show care and compassion in our community. Well done to all involved - we are so proud of you all!
Red Nose Day For Comic Relief At Wistow
Children showed their care and compassion for the charity Comic Relief this week, by dressing in red and donating money to come dressed in outfits of their choice. They had red nose shaped biscuits for lunch and had fun with their friends in school. We raised £114 to help others. Well done Wistow.
Radio Star Guest Speaker
Within recent weeks, this talented member of Byland Class has been asked to speak on Radio York not once, but twice! The whole class had a real treat of listening back to the interview together and were all amazed!
Not only was he featured on Radio York to discuss World Book Day, but he was actually asked again to write and read something for the presenter's birthday. This kind, young man wrote an amazing poem for her. Everyone at the station was incredibly impressed with how well spoken and articulate he was and how well he came across, especially considering that part of the interview was LIVE!
Well done to this fantastic student. You should be very proud of yourself!
Comic Relief At Wistow
World Book Day March 2021
We LOVE books!
Wistow School celebrated World Book Day a week later, so all pupils could be together to enjoy the fun, games and competitions. Children came dressed as characters and had an action packed day of Literacy based activities to celebrate our love of reading and books.
Read and Succeed!
OFSTED - 'Good' with 'Outstanding' Personal Development!
Take a look at the fantastic write up in The Selby Times about Wistow School's most recent Ofsted visit. We are so pleased with the result and it is great to share with you all how well we are doing.
Music In The Night - It's Showtime!
What a night! Thursday 4th of July was a night to remember when the Wistow school children hit the stage with their acts. Pleasing the audience of parents and grandparents, the pupils sang, danced and played musical instruments to the top! Not only the performances were amazing, but the refreshments were to die for. A selection of drinks and snacks for a minimum price of cheap (nothing better than that!) Also, the extremely intense raffle, left everyone on the edge of their seats when expecting their number to be read out, wanting one of the many fabulous prizes on offer!
Thank you to all staff members who assisted the acts and supported Miss White, who is the headteacher and founder of this event, to make this possible. Well done to the performers who had self-confidence and tried their best to achieve their goal of expressing talents that are bursting to get out! The audience gave a humongous thank you, their participation and high spirit, left the village aching for more.
We are so proud of our helpers, staff and children for being the main parts of this event. A huge appreciation to Miss White for organising this show. This wouldn't happen without her fantastic ideas and progression of hardworking spirit to keep us alive. Another congratulation to the performers for being so brave. Well done!
Written by roving reporter Sophie, age 10
Take a look at some of the newspaper articles and photos from newspapers that have featured Wistow Parochial C of E Primary School.
Road Safety Competition!
Our Road Safety Officer's recent competition was spotted by a roving reporter from the Selby Times, who asked if they could write an article on their competition and share with the community how they were raising awareness to keep pupils safe. See the article below! Well done Road Safety Officers, what a way to spread the message of wearing a helmet to keep yourself safe.
The Scarecrow Festival is always an exciting time of year for Wistow and the school really enjoyed supporting the event and getting into the swing of it with their Buzz Lightyear scarecrow. We wonder what the theme will be next year?
Bags Of Help
Thank you to all who supported Wistow School in their project bid 'A Time and a Place For Peace'. We were over the moon to be awarded the grant and are looking forward to spring and we can begin to put plans into action, with the help and support from Tesco.
Giving Something Back
To celebrate 70 years of the NHS, the children of Wistow School raised some money for Selby War Memorial Hospital to show our appreciation for all they do for us, our families and our local community.