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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

Pre-School Admissions


Parents of pre-school children should apply for a place at Wistow School on-line through the Local Authority by a set date which varies from year to year - usually mid-January. Please see the website details below.  At Wistow School we have a maximum admissions number of 20 pupils.  If the predicted numbers in Key Stage1 allow us, we will support any appeal made by parents to help them achieve their preferred choice.   In the event of this happening the school should be contacted as soon as possible.


When we contact you with the invitation from North Yorkshire Council (NYC) to apply for a place for your child at primary school on-line, Wistow School will actively seek to confirm your preference choices in order to establish links with parents, to facilitate transition from pre-schools/ home at an early stage.


Transition for known new starters commences in the November of the year before they are due to start school and will continue throughout the academic school year, with invitations to visit and take part in various events.  During the summer term prior to entry, both children and parents are invited to attend a series of events and meetings to help answer any questions parents/ carers may have.


Mid-Year Admissions


Parents of children starting in other year groups are welcome to contact school to make an appointment to visit the school prior to their application for admission through the Local Authority.  The telephone number for North Yorkshire Council Admissions Office is: 01609 533679 and the website link is 

Appeals Process

If your child was not successful in being allocated a place at Wistow School, you are able to appeal and to do this you must contact the NYC and follow their process. See the link below for more information.





Our latest Admissions Policy can be found on the Policies page of this website by clicking the link below.
