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Welcome to Fountains Class

This web page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with lessons, activities and events in school.  Please check regularly for exciting updates!

Here is an overview of the topics and themes we will cover this half term. 

To read about them in more detail, please see the newsletter below.

Class Notice

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Miss Liptrot is contactable on

Thursday and Friday, Miss Banks is available on

Where would you like to explore?

In Fountains Class this term, our main History and Geography theme is Where would you like to explore? We will start off with a recap of oceans and continents and then we will investigate weather patterns in different parts of the world. Then we will investigate what makes a person significant.  We will find out about Katherine Johnson, who was a brilliant mathematician who helped NASA send rockets to the moon.  Then the children will find out about the amazing journeys that the explorers Neil Armstrong and Ernest Shackleton made.

Key Vocabulary

resilient, dangerous, significant, explore


Religious Education this half term starts with the theme “Who is a Christian and what do they believe?”  We will be finding out what Christians believe about God and about Jesus as the Son of God. This unit looks at stories about Jesus and stories that Jesus told.

Key Vocabulary

Father, son, Old Testament, New Testament


In Design and Technology we will be inspired by the song, ‘Mouse in a windmill’, the children will design and construct a windmill for a client (mouse) to live in. The children will explore various types of windmill, how they work and their key features.

Key Vocabulary

axle, structure, design criteria


Science involves work on Living things and their habitats and we will be investigating living things and what they need to survive. We will also be looking at our own environment and what lives and grows there.

Key Vocabulary

food chain, habitat, micro habitat


In Computing we will be focusing on Technology all around us. Children will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them in their everyday lives. We will start to become familiar with the different components of a computer by developing our keyboard and mouse skills. We will also continue to develop our use of Seesaw to

independently record our work. 

 Key Vocabulary

Computer, mouse, trackpad



We will be starting work on finding objects that are more and less.  We will then go on to order and compare numbers.

Key Vocabulary

represent, object, place value, less, more



We will continue to focus on phonics and spellings. Sound and RWI sessions will happen each morning, alongside our English learning. 

This term our main focus will be the adventure story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. 

We will also be reading other stories by Oliver Jeffers and books about penguins!

Key Vocabulary

disappointment, wonderful, penguin


What a wonderful 2 weeks we have had in Fountains class preparing for our nativity, enjoying the Christmas Fayre and joining in with the Christmas crafting!

Below are some images to show you what a great couple of weeks we've had!

We finished our mark making art unit today with some observational drawing. We used a range of colours, mark making and techniques to draw what we could see.

In Fountains class, we have made Christingles. We started the celebration of advent by learning about Christingle. We know that the orange represents the world, the red ribbon represents God's love for the world, the fruit shows God's creations and the candle represents Jesus as the light of the world.

This week in Fountain's class we have played a game in maths using the Dice. We rolled to find two numbers to use them in an addition and a take away sentence. We talk about using the part whole method to add and take away! Great maths learning Fountains!

In computing, we have worked to develop our careful mouse control. We learned how to change colour of our pen, fill shapes and use the eraser. Paintz was great fun!

Fountains Class have had a great day! They've taken part in robot making with 2D shapes, explored 'I am a robot' by the Philharmonic orchestra and spent time getting used to Numbots so that they can improve their maths learning when at home. Great Job Fountains!

End of Academic Year 2023 - 2024. Well done to all our Wistow pupils for an amazing year!

Summer Term 2 2024


What A Wonderful World!

Fountains Class are going to be explorers this half term, in their Geography topic about our  wonderful world.  The children will find out about the location of countries, continents and oceans of the world in relation to the position of the United Kingdom.  They will reinforce their understanding that the world is spherical and then create their own journeys across the world.  The children will use the compass directions of North, South, East and West.

They will also celebrate World Ocean Day on the 8th June and have an introduction to France, in preparation and linked to the Paris Olympics .

Key Vocabulary

compass, North, South, East, West


Design and Technology this half term is a focus on making a puppet. The children will explore methods of joining fabric. They will then design and make a character-based hand puppet using a preferred joining technique, before decorating.

Key Vocabulary

Template, stencil, join,  


In Computing, the children will be learners will be using a computer to create music. They will listen to a variety of pieces of music and consider how music can make them think and feel. Learners will compare creating music digitally and non-digitally. Learners will look at patterns and purposefully create music using Chrome Music Lab.

Key Vocabulary

Chrome Music lab, Chrome book, pattern


We have already completed most of our Science work this year, but we will be reinforcing our knowledge of Plants with a few investigations using seeds and plants.

Key Vocabulary

Investigate, predict and method


Religious Education this half term is focusing on the Christian and Jewish story of Creation.  In this unit, Who made the World? We will look at the view of some Christians and Jews about Creation and how and why we should care for our World.

Key Vocabulary

Creation, Creator, Bible


PSHE this half term involves a focus on Economic Wellbeing. The children will learn what money is and the different ways that children and adults get it.  Then they will learn to recognise the difference between needs and wants; consider why different people make different choices about spending and saving money; explore banks and building societies; understanding that skills and interests influence career choices. As always, our PSHE follows the age appropriate North Yorkshire Council PSHE Guidance.

Key Vocabulary

cash, coins, notes



The children will first be completing work on fractions and quarters.  Then we will begin work on Position and Direction. 

Key Vocabulary

left, right, quarter



All children will be having a 15 minute Read Write Inc reading and phonics session daily.


This term we will also be continuing with the new  writing programme, to help us with our  writing and Spelling and Grammar knowledge.

The book for our next unit of work is Tidy by Emily Gravett.




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Summer Term 1 Newsletter

Learning a poem by heart! Just like Victorian school children.

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A dragon arrives!

World Book Day fun!

Pancake Flipping!

Still image for this video

Autumn Term 2 2023

Forest school fun!

Pumpkin Picking!

Clarice Cliff inspired painting.

Sorting animals into the correct habitat.

Greater than and less than

Parable of the Sower art activity

Science. Investigating our local environment.


Summer Term 2   2023

Science. Identifying plants and trees.

Science fun! Tidying and planting seeds.

Summer 1 Newsletter

A trip to church to investigate sacred places.

Tidy Cloakroom Award Reward

Coronation Celebrations

Collective Worship.

Lego block printing.

Computing- Digital Writing!

Project Wild

Mother's Day Cards

Investigating suitable materials for a bucket!

World Book Day Fun!

Collective Worship

Spring Term 1 2023 Newsletter

Being an explorer for the day!

The arrival of a baby dragon!

Going on a quest...

Autumn Term 2 2022

Christingle fun!

Our class Advent Calendar.

Christmas Story Dance Workshop

Exploring stability of shapes.

Using tone to create 3D drawings.

Finding out about Shabbat.

Finding out about Max Ernst and the art technique of ‘Frottage’

Our trip to church!

Making rubbings of different textures.

Spotting repeating patterns and then creating our own!

Recognising and drawing Christian symbols

Maths fun!

School Year 2021-22


Skipping fun!

How do our muscles work?

Cricket coaching!

Summer Term 1 2022

Our Collective Worship about prayer.

Sandwich making.

Helping to tidy our outside area.

Jubilee fun!

Our amazing homework projects!

Look who popped in for a visit?

The finished mini thrones, ready for a queen!

Using a hacksaw!

Measuring fun!

Spring Term 2 2022

Holi dancing!

Investigating the strength of magnets!

Pancake Races

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Pancake Flipping

Still image for this video

More brilliant pancake flipping!

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Spring Term 1 Newsletter

Fun with Pic Collage!

Chinese New Year fun!

Starting our Ancient Egyptians Topic!

Science sound fun!

Autumn Term  2 2021

Would you like to have lived in Victorian times and celebrated a Victorian Christmas?

Newsletter Autumn Term 2 2021

Christingle Fun!

Printing inspired by William Morris!

Exploring nets in preparation for making Crystal Palace.

Congratulations on reaching 50 on the Reading Challenge!

Autumn Term 1 2021


Would you like to have lived in Victorian York?




A very special Zoom call to start our Victorian Day!

Using a slate and chalk!

DIY Chalk Board!

This fantastic chalk board was made at home!

Investigating the reflection of light...

Fountains began work on a new genre today...playscripts!

It was wonderful to be back in church...

We have made Victorian peg dolls! There was a lot of glue!

Using a thesaurus to find exciting adjectives to describe characters.