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Tuesday 7th July 2020


Try the reading comprehension today.

Tuesday 30th June 2020


Today, write 3 sentences in your home learning book about the animals seen or the places that the main characters visited, in the story yesterday.

Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Handwriting Challenge!

Write out the section of The Gruffalo below in your neatest handwriting.

Tuesday 16th June 2020


Today, please draw and label a picture of the two main characters from yesterday's story,  A tale of two feathers.

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Today, practice your neatest handwriting.  Read and write out the poem below in your home learning book.

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Today re read the story from yesterday, but try to present it! 

Add expression, funny voices or even actions to match the words. 

Tuesday 12th May 2020


What do you think will happen next in the story? 

What happens to Lenny in the countryside? 

Who might he meet?

Write 3 sentences or more about your predictions.

Tuesday 5th May 2020


Today, write down 4 facts that you learnt about VE Day yesterday.

Tuesday 28th April


Find out some interesting facts about planets today!

You might have some books on Space at home to find out more!

Tuesday 21st April

Yesterday you read a new story.  

Today re read and list the rhyming words in your home learning book.

jump, stump,

sees, cheese,

How many more pairs can you find?



Add more rhyming word to each set.

For example,

Jump, bump,         stump
