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Meet The Governors

Governor's Vision

Working as a partnership between children, parents, teachers and governors, we aim to deliver a happy and inspirational school community, where everyone is motivated to achieve their full potential and the passion for learning is nurtured through outstanding teaching practices.

Embracing, promoting and maintaining our Christian ethos, we all aim to be the best that we can be and strive to make sure that Wistow Parochial C of E Primary School is also the best it can be.

Chair of Governors (email: & Community Governor

Vice-Chair of Governors & Co-opted Governor

Foundation Governors

Parent Governors

Local Authority Governor

Head Teacher

Staff Governor

Clerk to Governing Body

More About Our Governors


Allen Blake - Chair of Governors and Community Governor

I am the Community Governor. I have lived in the village for nearly 5 years. Recently, I have become the Chair of Governors and I am looking forward to leading the team of Governors and continue to support the school in all areas. My background was in the commercial vehicle industry where I was a General Sales Manager, before retraining as a Teacher in 1998. Most of my teaching career was spent at Selby High School where I taught many Wistow pupils either Maths, Business Studies or IT.


James Collins - Vice Chair of Governors and Co-opted Governor

I've had the privilege of being a Governor at Wistow School for over 6 years, and the honour of being voted Chair of Governors for the last 4 years. Recently, I have stepped into the role of Vice Chair. Whilst I am a Local Authority appointed Governor, I am also a parent of a child in the school.  My background is in Engineering, which has allowed me to bring a different perspective to discussions relating to the school strategy and performance.  I do rely on other Governors with an Education based background to ask all the pertinent questions relating to the curriculum and data though.  Outside of being Governor, my hobbies are varied and include motorcycles, playing guitar, rugby league, badminton and golf. 


Sue Sampson - Staff Governor

I joined Wistow School in 1993 where I was the School Cook for 25 years, before moving on and becoming a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and Teaching Assistant. I am the Chair of the Friends Of Wistow School Association (FOWSA), where we raise funds for school. I am also a Home School Link Worker and support children and families with a variety of needs. This year will be my 13th year as a HLTA/GTA and 4th term as a Staff Governor.


Abi Lund – Foundation Governor

I joined the governing team during 2020 on a temporary basis until a Vicar is found. I am a former pupil and have been part of the village all my life. I am Secretary of the PCC and a Local Guide Leader. In my role I am keen to help strengthen the link with church and encourage the progression of faith through the younger generation.


Nicki Williams – Foundation Governor 

I have over 40 years' experience working within Education. I spent almost 30 years teaching and in management roles in schools. This was followed by education roles in 3 Local Authorities.  Towards the end of my career, my post was based in Germany. Over the years, I have travelled extensively supporting Forces schools, their children and families in Europe and across the world.


Andy Kehoe - Parent Governor

I am a primary school Teacher, who has worked in education for a number of years and am proud to be a Parent Governor for Wistow School. I have three children and two are at Wistow and love coming to school and the challenges and fun they have each day. In my spare time, I am very active and love rugby!


Vacancy  - Parent Governor

