School Uniform
School Uniform
Grey trousers or shorts *
White shirt or polo shirt
Red jumper / sweatshirt
Black shoes / plain black boots in winter
Subtle hair accessories (red / black)
Grey trousers / grey skirt or pinafore / shorts
White blouse / polo shirt
Red jumper / sweatshirt / cardigan
Red gingham summer dress *
Black shoes / plain black boots in winter
Subtle hair accessories (red / black)
*These are to be worn in Summer Term 1 & 2 and Autumn Term 1 only
PE Kit
Girls and Boys
Black / navy shorts
Plain or school logo red t-shirt
Black pumps (indoor)
Trainers (suitable for outdoor use)
During the winter months, we would recommend that the children also bring black / navy jogging bottoms and a plain red jumper for when PE is outdoors (no toggles or hoods for safety).
For further information please read the Wistow Uniform Policy on the Policies Page of the website via the link below:-