Welcome to Byland Class!
Autumn 1
English - Coming to England by Floella Benjamin.
Maths - Place value, addition and subtraction.
Science - Rocks.
Geography - Europe.
Religious Education - What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?
Design Technology - Constructing Castles.
Physical Education - Functional Fitness.
Computing - Connecting Computers.
Music - Instrumental Unit - South Africa
PSHE - Families and Relationships
Spanish - Vegetables.
Academic Year 2024 - 2025
This web page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with lessons, activities and events in school. Please check regularly for exciting updates!
Here is an overview of the topics and themes we will cover this half term.
To read about them in more detail, please see the newsletter below.
Awaiting content
End of Academic Year 2023 - 2024. Well done to all our Wistow pupils for an amazing year!
Climbing Wall Fun!
Tints and Shades
Wow! Amazing artwork has been produced today in Byland Class. Using only one colour as well as black and white, we created a spectrum of colour by creating various tints and shades. The results were fantastic!
Lindisfarne and Canterbury Cathedral
Byland Class have been exploring the Christian conversion of the Anglo-Saxons today. We learned all about their significance and created giant posters in groups.
Tennis lessons
We have loved our tennis lessons this half term. Take a look at us having a go at playing using back hand.
World Sports Competition
A huge well done to our Year 5 and 6 sports club competitors! They worked amazingly well as a team and won the Kabaddi competition, bringing home a trophy!
Forest School
We have had a great time today at forest school. We built dens, improved our fire lighting skills, carved pegs, made nature art and had FUN!
RSE - Year 5 content and resources
Collective Worship
Well done to Byland Class for a fantastic collective worship today all about how Jesus would want a 21st Century Christian to behave. 👏🐝🌟
Project Wild!
🕷️🐌🐍🦎🪱 What a wonderful day at Wistow School with Project: WILD CIC! Each class spent time with Nick, through out the day, with a session tailored to their learning! The children were grinning from ear to ear coming out of each session and it was great to see some children (and teachers) combat their fears too!🕷️🐌🐍🦎🪱
Mayan logograms
We have loved painting their logograms from our Ancient Maya topic. The Mayans used these as a form of communication and so have we! 👏
Byland Class have loved their hockey unit so far this half term. We have worked on dribbling, passing, shooting and keeping possession so far. 🌟
Microorganisms Experiment
Byland Class completed their Sceince experiment all about microorganisms today. We found out that wet, crumpled bread that is kept in a warm place goes mouldy the quickest. The bread that went the least mouldy had been kep in the fridge or just on the side. Some of the results were quite shocking... Take a look to see some questionable bread and some interesting reactions! 👨🏼🔬👨🔬🍞🦠🧫🧑🔬
Come Dine With Me
Byland Class have had a fantastic day completing their ‘Come Dine With Me’ D.T project. Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3 all created a starter, main and dessert, which were tasted and scored by the other teams. All of the children created fantastic courses and did brilliantly. Well done to Team 2 for getting the highest score and winning the competition. 👏🐝
Writer of the Week
Our writer of the week has been awarded to a super star in Byland Class, who wrote her own version of ‘How the Camel got his Hump’. Take a a look at this fantastic piece of writing! 👏🌟🐝
Byland Class have enjoyed starting their new Art unit, ‘Photography’. Today we looked at the work of Hannah Hoch to help us create a photo montage of our own. 📸
Byland Collective Worship
Thank you to Byland Class for their fantastic Collective Worship today, which was all about the Islamic faith. ☪️👏
Peter Lantos - Holocaust Survivor
Byland Class are so excited to be listening to a talk from Holocaust survivor, Peter Lantos, discussing his experiences as a Jewish child during World War II. He said that even though it was a terrible time, the world cannot forget what happened. 🌈❤️
Healthy Sleep Routines
In PSHE, we have been learning about healthy sleep routines and why sleep is important for our bodies. We used drama to show the difference between healthy and unhealthy routines before bedtime in order to help us have the best night’s sleep so we feel wide awake for the next day! 😴🌙✨
French Lift the Flap Book
We’ve created a lift the flap book in French based on animals and their habitats. Byland Class had great fun with it! 🌟🐯🦍🦁
Evacuee Cushions - D.T
Byland Class have completed their ‘Make do and Mend’ D.T project this week and created cushions suitable for an evacuee. The children will take them home tonight to enjoy! We used a variety of stitches including running stitch, back stitch, blanket stitch and cross stitch and even attached at least one button to the cushion.
Christmas Party!
Byland Class and Rievaulx Class had great fun at their Christmas party this afternoon. There was lots of fun, smiles, dancing, games and of course, a visit from the man himself. Merry Christmas everyone!
Class Assembly!
Well done Byland Class for a fantastic class assembly all about Christmas! 👏🎄🎉🎁
Byland and Rievaulx Class have had a fantastic day getting fully immersed in World War II. We have had the chance to experience different aspects of the war effort, including fighting fires in the fire service, completing first aid training with the ARP and completing basic training having been called up to support on the home front. The children have held, touched and worn many original artefacts; and experience they have never had before. To top it all off, they all look amazing!
Anne Frank
Byland Class enjoyed learning about Anne Frank yesterday afternoon. We discovered that even though Anne had a challenging life, she wrote some incredibly inspiring entries in her diary that she kept during the war. We created a piece of artwork with an inspirational quote of our own. 🌟
Armistice Day
The whole school enjoyed a lovely service led by the Worship Leaders today at church. We thought about everyone who has been involved in and affected by wars in the past and present and participated in a two minute silence. The children’s singing of ‘Peace Perfect Peace’ was wonderful.
How Does Light Travel?
This afternoon, we explored how light travels and how we can see. We discovered that light is emitted from a light source and travels in waves, which are straight lines. The light then reflects off the object and bounces into our eyes, allowing us to see.
So much fun has been had today in Byland Class as we have been cooking an ‘Everything In’ stew inspired by World War II recipes. The children were given ration coupons and a shopping list, which they spent at the shop in exchange for an ingredient for their dish. They were thrilled with the results and loved what they had made! 🪁🥦🍅🥕🧅🥔🍞
The Blitz!
Byland Class have had a lovely afternoon creating artwork based on the Blitz. We worked very hard on our watercolour blending. 🌟
Peppered Moths
In our Evolution and Inheritance Science unit, we have really enjoyed learning about peppered moths and how generations of this interesting creature have adapted to suit their habitats. We crated our own peppered moth designs. It was very fun and we learned so much!
Sweet Wrapper Painting
Byland Class have been working so hard on their drawing and painting skills this half term. We have drawn, upscaled and painted wrappers of sweets to create a large A3 piece of art. We even mixed the colours ourselves after we were only provided with red, blue and yellow!
WWII Propaganda!
The children in Byland Class have loved working on their World War II propaganda posters during our History unit. Take a look! Can you work out what the message is behind each one?
Byland Class have begun their new gymnastics topic this half term. They have been learning how to perform a head stand and also have been practising mirrored movements! 👏🌟
Murton Park
Byland Class and Rievaulx Class have had a fantastic day at the Viking Village. After being invited to settle in the village, we were given many tasks: grinding wheat grain, making bread, farming, making oil lamps and learning how to guard the village.
Lots of fun had by all! 🗡🛡
Drumba Fitness!
Wow! We had so much fun this afternoon participating in a Drumba class. We had to complete an exercise/ movement class whilst drumming and staying in time with the beat. It was so tiring but we loved it!
River Model Building
As part of our Geography unit, we have made models of a mountain and river using cardboard, paper, mod rock and paint. We have learned all about the upper, middle and lower course of a river and will be labelling and explaining the features on the model once it is complete.
Sports Week!
This week is sports week and we have absolutely loved engaging in activities such as cricket, tennis, skipping and sports day! Take a look at the pictures below.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!
Byland Class came dressed in clothing from one of Queen Elizabeth’s reigning decades today. Can you guess which era we were inspired by?
Queen Elizabeth II
We have worked so hard on our portraits of Queen Elizabeth II for the Platinum Jubilee. We used the grid method style of drawing to help with our accuracy and scale.
Team building
As part of our make £5 grow project, we worked with out chosen team mates to create the tallest tower using spaghetti and marshmallows. As you can see, there were some excellent towers built! We had to plan, listen, delegate roles, share and communicate well in order to be successful.
Red Nose Day
Byland Class have had a brilliant time today, celebrating Red Nose Day!
Viking & Saxon Assembly
Well done to Byland Class for creating and performing a brilliant assembly all about our current history topic.
House Point Cup Winners
Byland Class are thrilled to have won the House Points trophy this week. Take a look at some of the writing they have produced, which has earned them lots of points and helped them win their award! Well done all! 👏🌟🌈
Soluble or Insoluble?
This afternoon’s Science experiment was a success as we explored which materials can and cannot dissolve in water. There were some interesting and surprising results, including that gravy granules only dissolve in hot water and not cold! 💧
🔥The Floor Is LAVA🔥
This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week theme is ‘Growing Together’ so we participated in a whole class team building game, where the floor was lava!
We had to travel from one area of the playground to another using only the wooden planks and crates we had been given. It was challenging, but our communication and listening skills definitely improved and we managed to make it to the end by working as a team. 🔥
Dragon Eyes
Our Art project has come to its end and the children have created their amazing dragon eyes this week. They worked hard on their designs and are proud of the final results. 🌟
🎭 Disguising our True Feelings 🎭
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, Byland Class explored the concept that sometimes, people hide how they are truly feeling inside by wearing a smile as a mask, or by saying, “I’m fine,” when really, they’re not. We created our own masks today, showing people’s smiles of disguise on the front and the true feelings they may be hiding on the back.
👏 Super, insightful work today from Year 5! 👏
Chinese New Year! 🐯
We have had so much fun cooking this afternoon to celebrate the beginning of the Chinese Nee Year. We prepared vegetable stir fry and vegetable fried rice and enjoyed both dishes with a side of prawn crackers and sauces. They were absolutely delicious! 👏
Cher Zoo
Byland Class would like to share with you the pages from their French children’s book they have been creating since coming back to school after Christmas. The book is called ‘Cher Zoo’ and is based on Rod Campbell’s book, ‘Dear Zoo’.
Saxon King Top Trumps!
We have had fun in Byland Class this afternoon exploring which king and kingdom would have been the strongest during the Dark Ages. 🌟
Dragon Eye Sketch
We have had so much fun this afternoon in Byland Class, kicking off our new Art topic. Take a look at our work, this is only the beginning! 👏
✝️ Christingle ✝️
Children across the whole school enjoyed creating their Christingle candles today. Here are some pictures of Byland Class hard at work!
Veggie Violence!
Byland had fun today creating their own veggie crime scenes to enhance the newspaper reports they wrote last week. Take a look!
🥦🥕😱 Warning - Contains veggie violence! 😱🥕🥦
Anti-bullying Week 🌈
This afternoon in Byland Class, we worked as a team to create an anti-bullying bird. The children wrote qualities of a good friend on the feathers, coloured them in and cut them out. They worked very well together to then arrange each feather to form the bird’s wings and tail.
Take a look at their beautiful creation! 🌟
The Dreadful Menace
The children in Byland Class were so inspired by the poem ‘The Dreadful Menace’ that they used it to create their own nature poems. They worked incredibly hard to uplevel their vocabulary, use figurative language and create a consistent rhyme scheme. The designs, back drops and presentation of the poems were all completely led by the children using the iPads.
Please take a read of these fantastic pieces of work. We are so proud of them! 🌟
Fortune Teller Square Numbers
Today, we used fortune tellers to practise our square numbers. Inside each section of the fortune teller was a square number question. Hidden behind the question, was the answer. The race was on when we began testing our class mates!
Maths Week!➗➕➖✖️
We have loved combining Maths with Art today, drawing and creating factor monsters to help us remember what factors are. Take a look! 👏
Motion Mark Making
We have had a great afternoon in Byland Class, expanding on our motion art topic. The children learned different ways to use charcoal to create fluid movement and then used these skills to create their own artwork. 🎨
Joseph Coelho Poetry Talk
Byland Class had a fantastic experience today listening and watching poet and author Joseph Coelho explain how he became a writer. He told us about some of the things that inspired him to follow this creative career.
We loved learning about the different poetry he writes, especially the abecedarius poem. This is a type of acrostic poem, where each line follows the order of the letters in the alphabet. Take a look at some of our wonderful work!
Phases of the Moon
It was so fun exploring the different phases of the Moon in class this afternoon.
We used Oreo biscuits to create, label and describe each moon phase, we may have even got to eat an Oreo too...
Harvest Festival
Byland Class gave a wonderful performance at church today; we sang a sea shanty themed around giving food and items to others.
We had a lovely time visiting the church and seeing Father Ken again, who gave a wonderful service about being appreciative of all we have, showing thanks and sharing with those less fortunate.
Modal verb survival kit
Help us! We’re trapped on a desert island and need to use the items found in different ways to help us survive and escape. What should, could or will you use to stay alive?
How do we have day and night?
We are all enjoying our new Science topic so far this half term in Byland Class. This afternoon, we worked together in groups to create informative, interactive posters about night and day. We hope you like them! 🌎🌙🌞
What a pleasure it is to be able to listen to the children play piano for the class and share what they have been working on in their lessons. This school piano will really benefit the children, thank you so much to the Wray family for donating it to us!
🌎 Is the Earth flat or spherical? 🌎
Byland Class had an interesting debate this week about evidence suggesting whether the Earth is flat or a sphere. We organised the different points into groups and used them in our writing to make it stronger and more convincing.
The children made some excellent arguments.
Today, our class assembly was all about friendship.
In Byland Class, we are so lucky to have each other as friends to keep us happy, play with and make memories with.
You should always look after you friends and treat them kindly for they are very special people we should treasure and appreciate.
Solar System Models
This afternoon, we were challenged to create our own solar system models using various objects and fruits to represent the planets. We had to work out the order of each planet, the size, diameter and distance from the Sun. It was tricky, but with the help of a few clues, we got there in the end!
Motion Sketching
As part of our Art topic for this half term, we are learning to sketch people and their movements to create realistic drawings. We played the game ‘Strike a Pose’ to help our partners capture body shape and movement in our sketches.
Welcome to Byland Class!
Year 4
Watch this space for what we are learning and doing in our class!
We have been practising painting reflections this week.
It was tricky to make the reflected image identical to the actual image so we used rulers to help us by measuring each lengths accurately.
We worked really hard and we hope you like our scenes!
Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Byland Class have blown Miss Jackson away this week with their understanding of protons, neutrons and electrons. Last week, we explored which materials were conductors and insulators but this week, we wanted to find out why? Why are metals good conductors? Ask Year 4 and they will be able to tell you!
Snakes and Ladders Karma!
We have had great afternoon in Byland Class exploring the Hindu concept of karma. We did this by creating snakes and ladders boards. The ladders represented how good actions can cause a good form of karma and the snakes symbolised how some of our not so good choices may have bad consequences and cause bad karma. It was really interesting hearing the children's ideas and great fun to play our games too!
This week, Byland class have been exploring the fierce Boudicca in their Romans topic. We had great fun researching her and have worked on creating some fantastic war speeches. Take a look at our awesome work!
Creating Circuits
We have had so much fun this afternoon exploring how electric circuits work. We tested whether different circuit examples would allow electric current to flow or not and worked out how to fix them.
Sponsored Walk
We had so much fun this afternoon during our sponsored walk. Some of the children managed to complete 19 laps of the school in just one hour! We loved the different obstacles you could participate in on the way round. Well done Byland!
Understanding Decimals
We have been exploring decimals today in Byland class using a place value grid. The children have created their own resources to aid their learning and use in preparation for some more challenging decimals work next week!
Easter Fun!
Egg hunting, bunny spotting and Easter garden presenting! Wow, what a busy day we have had!
A fantastic end to the term filled with laughter and joy. Have a lovely Easter everyone, from Byland Class!
Trojan Horses!
More fun has been had today in Byland Class to end our fantastic Ancient Greece topic. Recently, we have been learning all about the Trojan War so today we created our own Trojan horses.
The children had to measure accurately and saw their wood very carefully to build the base. They then had to measure and saw the dowel, attach the wheels and finally, build a sturdy horse structure.
I'm sure you'll agree - they look fantastic! Well done Byland Class!
Greek Pottery!
We have had a great afternoon today in Byland Class painting our Greek pots! Take a look at the children's fantastic creations and end results.
Life Cycle of a Plant
We have continued to study plants in Science this week and we have thought about the different steps of the life cycle of a flowering plant. We incorporated Art, PE and Science by drawing and acting out the processes. We even thought about the different ways that seeds are dispersed.
The plant life cycle
The plant life cycle
Non-chronological Reports
Byland Class have been very busy researching and producing these fantastic non-chronological reports! After practising together last week, the children then got to choose what they researched and wrote about this week.
Take a look, there are some really interesting facts in there!
This week, we started our new R.E unit. We have started to learn about the Muslim faith and where Islam originated. Our posters show off our learning beautifully- don't you agree?!
Mental Health Week
As a school, we have taken part in Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for this year was 'Express yourself', so we thought about how we might dress to express, draw to express and dance to express!
Ancient Greece
Our topic unit for this half term is The Ancient Greeks. We have been busy creating fact files, temples and comic strips to retell myths.
Plants and Living Things
We have fully immersed ourselves in Science this half term! We have learned all about different habitats, classification keys, how to prevent damage to different habitats, as well as vertebrates and invertebrates.
It was lovely to end the year with a PSHCE day, learning about how to keep ourselves safe.
We learned about how to stay safe online, common risks we are most likely to face and how to prevent them. Staying safe, happy and healthy is very important for us all.
Christmas Tree Decorations
How amazing are these Christmas tree decorations the children made in class today?
We had to work so hard and be very focussed to measure the wood accurately, saw it carefully, paint and decorate each wooden section and then glue them all together to create our fantastic decorations.
Great work Byland Class!
Stone Age Diaries
Take a look at how impressive the children's Stone Age diaries are that they wrote this week! We have been learning all about diaries over the past couple of weeks. Today, we put it all into practice and created a fantastic diary display. I'm sure you'll agree, their work is awesome!
Maths Scavenger Hunt
We had so much fun hunting for questions outside today! We had to find them and work out the answers in our teams to unlock the secret code. The questions all related to what we have been learning about in class this week - multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
The children in Byland Class have had so much fun learning about Stonehenge. We created Powerpoint presentations and presented them to the rest of the class. We learned a lot about how to use special effects such as transitions and animations.
Rocks rock!
We had a great afternoon in Byland Class finding out about the features of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks! We even got to look at 12 different rocks and work out which type they were. Take a look!
Stone Age Jewellery
Byland Class had a brilliant time creating Stone Age jewellery this week out of sour dough. The children made teeth, stones, bones and shells that look just like they did in the Neolithic era! ⭐️
Pen Licences!
Congratulations to the first children in Byland Class to receive their pen licences!
Well done!
Environmental Change
The impact humans have made on the natural environment is astonishing.
In Byland Class, we have been learning about how and why to care for our environment.
We drew pictures to show how humans have changed the planet and discussed the positives and negatives to our actions.
To explore Creation and the wonderous world we live in, we painted some beautiful watercolour artwork and wrote a few words about what we are thankful for in our world.
The results were fantastic and it was lovely to hear what all the children appreciate most on our beautiful planet.
Black History Month
Byland Class created poetry based on Maya Angelou's work to celebrate Black History Month.
We also looked at pictures and videos from Leeds West Indian Carnival and created our own fantastic head piece suitable for a carnival king or queen! Take a look below:
Story Mountain!
The children in Byland Class really enjoyed mapping out familiar fairy tales onto a story mountain. This helped us all understand how to create a good story structure and plot. We can't wait to write our stories next week! 📖
Stone Age Cave Art!
Byland Class have had a great time creating cave art from the Stone Age.
We looked closely at Lascaux Cave in France and completed research about it too!
Have a look at the children's awesome work.
As we all know, fractions can be very tricky to master.
But, Byland class have absolutely blown Miss Jackson away this week with how well they have responded to some quite tricky learning!
Awesome work.
What a fantastic day we have had learning about our healthy lifestyles!
We wrote letters to a girl who needed our help, offering our advice and guidance.
Next, the children created self portraits and their peers wrote some of their good qualities around the image which are now displayed in a beautiful class book.
In the afternoon, Byland got to taste different fruits and rank them from best to worst to encourage the children to lead healthy lives and make good food choices.
Which magnet is the strongest?
In science, we completed an experiment to find out which magnets were the strongest.
We attached a paperclip to a piece of wool and stuck that piece of wool to the table with tape.
We then held a magnet above the paperclip to see if it would hover. If it did, it meant the magnet was strong and had a large magnetic field.
Tired Out!
In today's P.E lesson, we completed different fitness exercises and listened to songs too.
It was great fun, we were all very tired! Look at everyone's red faces...
Class Assembly!
Thank you Byland Class for working so hard to create such a brilliant assembly.
We loved hearing about everything that you have learnt in your topic work so far and seeing some amazing Egyptian moves!
Maths open lesson
Thank you parents for coming in to see our maths lesson today!
First, we had an exciting competition using crackers to create shapes with different areas.
After that, we then created signs using square lettering.
Once our signs were complete, we worked out the area of each letter and each colour used.
The children had great fun, thank you for coming!
Byland try Yoga!
In P.E, Byland class have been learning different yoga poses.
The moves are based around African animals.
In small groups, the children created different routines and performed to the rest of the class.
Awesome work today!
Byland get Creative!
Today, Byland class released their creativity as part of a PSHCE morning.
We discussed what makes our class special and how we are all different, but together we make a team.
Everyone got to create their own 'We are' statement card to decorate our class door.
Great work Byland! Together, we are better!
Byland have been enjoying learning different yoga positions
and creating routines to show to the whole class.
Well done!
Christmas Party!
Byland class had a great time celebrating at their Christmas party.
What a fantastic first term it's been; we are all looking forward to the next!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Making Thaumatropes
As part of our topic based on the Victorians, we created a popular toy called a thaumatrope.
It works by drawing two related images on either side of a round piece of card and attaching two pieces of string to either side.
You then twist the string rapidly to create the illusion of a moving image.
We really enjoyed making them as a class!
We have been learning how to make quizzes using 'Scratch'.
It has been very fun creating algorithms, designing a scratch character, adding a background to the quiz and using special effects.
We based the quiz on our times tables so that we could test our partners on them!
Thank you so much to the children in Byland class for working so hard to create the Christingle service oranges! We had so much fun making them with Mrs Williams.
We learned about what each item symbolises and why Christingle is celebrated every year.
Fagin's Den
Using watercolours, we recreated the scene of Fagin's Den.
There are lots of cloths hanging from the ceiling over a burning fire that keeps everyone warm.
It's not the tidiest place to live because so many orphan boys stay there!
Have a look at some of our designs:
Circuit Training
In P.E, we are improving our fitness by completing circuit training.
We have been learning how to use the correct technique when doing exercises such as squats, sit ups and press ups.
It has been so much fun, we also get to listen to music in these sessions.
Project Wild!
What a fantastic time we have had looking at different animals today!
Nick from 'Project Wild' visited the whole school and showed us four different animals.
Some of us were brave enough to hold them!
Byland class holding the animals!
We had a great day learning all about healthy relationships.
Our activities were based on a silent movie about a robot named Jack who didn't have and friends or family.
As a class, we discussed what a good friend is and designed the perfect robot friend for Jack.
We also discussed different families and how many families look different, but share the same love.
Thank you so much to any parents who came into school this afternoon. The children loved making their friend catchers with you!
Great fun making friend catchers on PSHCE day with parents!
House Points Cup Winners!
We've only gone and won it!!!
Super proud!
Mental Health Awareness Day!
As well as knowing how to look after our bodies, it is just as important to be able to look after our minds.
Today, the children in Byland class created a booklet all about themselves.
We discussed what mental health was and the different ways we can look after ourselves.
We then created drawings of ourselves with happy, healthy brains.
Peer Reading!
Thank you so much to the children from Rievaulx for listening to Byland class today.
The older children are so dedicated to helping others in the school.
They have organised this themselves. Amazing, well done!
Keeping Safe Online
Byland class proved today that they know how important it is to keep safe online.
Have a look at the rhyme they created about using search engines correctly.
I am very impressed!
Adverb Hunt!
In English, we are learning to improve our writing by using adverbs to describe verbs.
We completed an adverb hunt around the classroom, linking them to verbs and creating interesting sentences.
We now know how to effectively use adverbs in our writing.
Mixing English with P.E
Byland class have had great fun in P.E. They have been building different letters using their bodies.
They had to work well in a team and communicate clearly and quickly.
Their challenge was to build the letter 'Y' in complete silence.
Have a look at their success below:
Sponsored Walk!
Today, the whole school completed a sponsored walk.
In total, Byland walked over 60 miles! Well done!
Black History Month
On Monday 30th September, we began our celebrations for Black History Month.
We created four different pieces of artwork based on Abdul Karim, who worked closely with Queen Victoria during her reign.
Abdul Karim was originally from India, but worked hard to become successful in England.
Take a look at the beautiful pieces of art Byland class have made:
Victorian Street Descriptions
This week, we have been writing some fantastic descriptions about a Victorian street setting.
The children have used adjectives, similes, metaphors, personification AND expanded noun phrases to describe their street. Wow... what a list!
I am so impressed with the work they have produced.
If you would like to read them, take a look at our display in the entrance hallway.
Drama everywhere!
Byland class have been learning about the various jobs children in Victorian England had to do.
Each group created a freeze frame to represent a different job.
Have a look at the children's facial expressions and body language.
Do you think they're enjoying their new employment?
Victorian Drama!
September 2018-2019
Byland Class Trip - Royal Armouries
To support our learning about the Ancient Greeks, we visited the Royal Armouries where we took part in two workshops. It has been an absolutely fantastic day!
We have been doing frieze frames to retell the myth of Perseus and Medusa. We will be using these to help us to write a diary entry! Have a look!