Fine motor skills
This afternoon I would like you to focus on your child's Fine Motor Skills. These activities are designed to build up strength with their small movements which help them with their pencil grip and letter formations.
ELG: Children show good control and coordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.
I have included a video to dough disco if you have some Playdoh or modelling clay or slime please get your child to follow along.
For today's task you will need a pair of tweezers, an ice cube tray and some small objects (these could be buttons, pompoms, rice, beads, anything that is going to be tricky to pick up that you have around).
Can the children put a small object into each section of the ice cube tray? Can the children do it in a minute? Can they take them back out? Could they race their sibling or you? How can fill it up and empty it first?
The focus of this activity is the action the child uses with the tweezers. They should all be using their snappy fingers. It is all about repetitions so challenge your child.
Please take some photos and let us know how they got on with it through tapestry.