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What does your child learn at school each day?

Find information about our curriculum subjects here.

You can also find out about how we are planning as a school to support filling gaps left in learning due to the pandemic. We will continue to teach pupils with exciting and engaging lessons, assessing regularly to identify gaps and then plan to fill them with additional opportunities and interventions when needed. Scroll down the page and click on the Covid-19 Catchup Action Plan to see additional information. 

How We Teach The Curriculum In School


All aspects of the National Curriculum are taught and for primary pupils, this is composed of twelve subjects and Religious Education.  Three subjects form the core of the curriculum: English, Mathematics and Science.  The other foundation subjects include, PSHE, Computing, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music and Physical Education. We also teach Spanish as our chosen Modern Foreign Language.


At Wistow School, we have developed the mastery approach to both Maths and English. We use White Rose Maths as the foundation of our curriculum and Pathways To Write approach in English.  As a Church of England School, we also use the York Diocesan Scheme of work for teaching RE.


Children’s progress is assessed against the curriculum using a system of whether a child is working below, at or above their age related expectancy. 


As a faith school, our school Golden values and British Values are integrated into every day learning in order to ensure that our children are learning whilst becoming well-rounded, kind, compassionate and understand the world in which they live in and the country that they are part of.


We send home half termly newsletters which clearly outline learning for each half term. These can be found also on our class pages, which we do to promote a home school partnership in teaching and learning. As always, parents can contact school should they have any questions related to curriculum and teaching and learning at Wistow.




Covid-19 Catch Up Plan for Wistow Parochial C of E Primary School
