Useful Links
If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.
Local Pre-School Information
Maisy Moo's Nursery
Smartstart Pre-School
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing
I would like to make you aware of a resource called The Go -To for Healthy Minds in North Yorkshire. This is a site from the NHS, which is aimed to support and help the emotional and wellbeing of children in North Yorkshire. It also has resources for parents and carers and professionals. There are some really useful things on the platform and it covers areas such as wellbeing, friendship, staying safe and more. The parental support and information is also incredibly useful.
Keeping Safe Additional Information
Parents and Carers also have a crucial role in safeguarding children against some of potential risks online. To support parents and carers talk to their children about these important aspects of safety the following websites may be useful.
NSPCC Share Aware
Safer Internet
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership