Uniform Information
Our School Uniform
Our Uniform consists of:
Grey Trousers or Shorts
White Shirt or Polo Shirt
Red Jumper / Sweatshirt
Black Shoes
Grey Trousers / or Grey Skirt / Culottes
White Blouse / Polo Shirt
Red Jumper / Sweatshirt / Cardigan
Red Gingham Summer Dress
Black Shoes
For safety reasons the wearing of jewellery (with the exception of watches) is discouraged. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that only small studs are worn. All jewellery must be removed when taking part in PE and swimming.
We also ask that children with shoulder length/long hair have it tied back at all times, with black or red, subtle hair accessories. When taking part in PE lessons, children must have it tied back with a suitably soft item to ensure their own and others health and safety, as per the Association for Physical Education guidelines.
What We Wear For Physical Education
Black / Navy shorts
Plain or school logo red t-shirt
Black pumps (indoor)
Trainers (suitable for outdoor use)
During the winter months we would recommend that the children also have jogging bottoms and a fleece or plain red jumper for when PE is outdoors (no toggles or hoods for safety).
PE kits should be brought to school at the start of each week on a Monday and taken home on a Friday for washing. No earrings are allowed to be worn during lessons.
Year 6 Leaver's Hoodies
During the Summer Term, before your child is in Year 6 they will be offered the option to buy a red Leaver's Hoodie, with the year of leaving on the back. The Year 6’s are permitted to wear these in place of their jumpers throughout their last year and it is a great way for them to start out as role models for the rest of the school.