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Welcome to Rievaulx Class

Academic Year 2024 - 2025

This web page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with lessons, activities and events in school.  Please check regularly for exciting updates!

Here is an overview of the topics and themes we will cover this half term. 

To read about them in more detail, please see the newsletter below.

Spring 1 - Overview

English - The Selfish Giant (narrative re-telling)

Maths - Fractions / Decimal Numbers

Science - Living Things and their Habitats

Geography - Ordnance Survey Maps

DT - Cooking and Nutrition - Developing a Recipe

Physical Education - Swimming / Functional Fitness

Religious Education - What does it mean to be Muslim in Britain today?

Music - Musical Theatre

PSHE - Health and Well-Being

Spanish - Tienes una mascota? (Do you have a pet?)

Plant Pollination and Reproduction

Rievaulx Class have spent this afternoon learning about plant pollination, fertilisation and reproduction. They revised vocabulary from previous units, before building on it, learning the function of each part of a flower and the role it plays in producing seeds to grow new plants 🌸

PSHE - What is the purpose of failiure?

What is the purpose of failure? Surely failing at something can only have a negative impact on you? Rievaulx put this to the test this week in PSHE, when they were given a task that could make them feel some uncomfortable feelings - embarrassment, frustration, even anger! Learning to juggle isn’t easy, and some of us found it harder than others. We might not all have learnt to juggle (yet), but we learnt how to deal with situations where we don’t succeed straight away.

Rievaulx Class worked hard last week, creating models showing the four layers of a rainforest. For each layer of their forest, the groups were tasked with giving information on climate, plant life and the animals that could be found there.
Super teamwork and excellent models ⭐️

Our Art unit this half term was ‘Make My Voice Heard’. This unit focused on how art can be used to tell a story or share a message. We looked at how the Ancient Maya used art to communicate and how modern day street art was used to present important messages and beliefs. Rievaulx’s final piece was a piece of street art, that incorporated different techniques they had learnt in previous weeks. The brief - use art to share an important message. 

Staying Safe Online - Knowing the risks and how to manage them

In PSHE, we have been looking at the dangers of sharing information online and the risks children could face if they did not protect their information well enough. Some scenarios can sound scary, but we agreed that it was important that we found ways to give important advice to children. So, we produced comic strip stories that presented safety information to younger children in an accessible way.

PE Pro Champions!

This week, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils attended a Functional Fitness Festival, organised by PE Pro.  The day consisted of a carousel of warm up activities, which were designed to test our fitness, agility, balance, strength, endurance and stamina.  After these activities, the competition began!  Our pupils were resilient, hardworking and showed fantastic teamwork, and this meant we were unstoppable.  They were unbeaten in the tug of war rounds and worked tirelessly in the very difficult Box Run, where stamina was key.  After the scores were collated and checked, Wistow School was announced as the overall winner!

We are incredibly proud of these pupils, who represented our school wonderfully.

This week, we were joined by Rob from History Workshops.  He transformed into a Maya Chief for the day, allowing us to experience an Maya sacrifice, create traditional Maya pottery, become an archeologist and find out how the Ancient Maya communicated and how their number system worked.  It was great to experience our history topic in a hands on way and to be able to work with an expert, who could tell us a lot of information about the Maya civilization.

We are all Times Table Rock Stars!

This week we launched Times Tables Rock Stars and NumBots to the whole school.  Monday saw us all coming to school ready to rock! We had a special assembly, where the new games were introduced, before spending time in class battling against Byland Class and taking part in a number of times tables themed games and activities.

World Sports coaching with PE Pro

Rievaulx enjoyed the first of their World Sports coaching sessions this week, learning the game Kabaddi. They were put through their paces whilst warming up and developing the skills they needed, before moving on to more competitive games. There was some excellent teamwork on display and our coach was very impressed with the enthusiasm shown by all.

Forest Schools for Well-Being - Autumn Term 1

What a lovely way to start the new school year - a day enjoying the outdoors, working on different team building activities. We started off with something a little different: orienteering. The class produced their own maps and made the most of the school grounds to create and follow routes. After that, it was back to our forest school area to enjoy some hot chocolate using a Kelly kettle to boil water on our fire.

A special privilege for Year 6

Being in Year 6 comes with great responsibility! We ended our first week of the Autumn term by presenting our Year 6 children with their leavers’ hoodies. This is a privilege that is earned and maintained by showing our golden values and being great role models for all of the other children in school. As you can see, they are all incredibly proud to be wearing one.

End of Academic Year 2023 - 2024. Well done to all our Wistow pupils for an amazing year!

Polling Day!

Reivaulx Class were given an important task today - to form a political party to lead our school!
After learning about what a democracy is and why it is important, they formed four parties, who all had to create a campaign that would win them the votes. They worked hard to create a slogan, a manifesto, a speech and advertising that would attract the voters. In the coming days, they will present their speeches to the rest of the school, before we go to the polls and find out who led the most successful campaign and came out on top 🗳️

Sports Week had it all! Skateboarding, climbing, sports day and boxing. All of the children experience a range of sporting activities and learnt new skills. What a fantastic celebration of being active and and enjoying sports and exercise. 

Roll up! Roll up! It’s Showtime!

This week was showtime, with Rievaulx and Byland Class joining forces for not one, but two amazing performances. The show had it all: laughs, tears, big voices, dance routines and stunning solos. Every member of the class work hard to learn their lines and perfect their songs in order to put on not just a show, but the greatest show.

Today, Rievaulx Class completed their SATs assessments. After Woking hard all week, they started the day with hot sandwiches to prepare them for one last push and celebrated the end of a busy week with ice-creams all round! Each and every member of the class made us proud, with their never ending determination and focus. They really are superstars ⭐️

This half term, Rievaulx have been exploring the work of David Hockney, looking specifically at his landscapes of the Yorkshire countryside. We have explored warm and cool colours and complimentary colours, before learning different techniques to develop perspective in a picture.
We are now working to produce small canvases, displaying a piece of art inspired by Hockney’s work. The end results are all unique and reflect different elements of Hockney’s distinctive style.

Year 6 are took part in important Bikeability training this week. Their training began on the school grounds, looking at safety and the Highway Code, before they were taken out onto the minor, and then major roads to learn how to navigate junctions, parked vehicles  and other hazards. All children passed both level 1 and 2 with flying colours 🚲

Forest Schools - Spring Term

Rievaulx Class have had another excellent Forset Schools day this term. As well as a range of independent learning tasks, the class were set two team work challenges. The first was to build a raft using a clove hitch knot and the second was to filter water containing many different materials to make it as clean as possible. 

In the fire area today, the class worked in groups to boil water using a ‘Kelly kettle’. They used their water to make hot chocolate drinks and made s’mores on the fire that was used to heat the water.

Rievaulx Class love PE and have particularly enjoyed refreshing their hockey skills this half term. We have focussed on defending and attacking in the first lessons and we have found we have some particularly talented and competitive players!

Rievaulx Class have really enjoyed their DT unit this half term. Our focus was on structures. They were tasked with identifying the key features of a playground, before designing a playground that met their chosen criteria. They then got busy marking out footprint plans and creating their amazing structures.

Dance with PE Pro

This half term, our PE lessons will be lead by the specialists from PE Pro. We will be learning about dances from around the world, looking at their key movements and features and performing our compositions.

Rievaulx really enjoyed their second forest school session today. We were challenged to work as a team to light a fire, make a traditional Viking bread dough and then cook it. As well as this, there were lots of themed activities, including some Christmas art opportunities.

Rievaulx Class are incredibly proud of their futuristic art project. They began by looking at examples of ‘retrofuturism’, before experimenting with a range of media.  Ater looking at ‘The Moonwalk’ by Teis Albers, they then created colograph printing plates to create textured backgrounds. To complete their compositions, they tried a range of techniques when creating futuristic images, chose the most effective and combined these with their printed backgrounds. The results are creative and unique and the class are very proud of their outcomes.

Viking Invasions - Where did they come from and where did they go?

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Still image for this video

Tennis Coaching with PE Pro

Today, Rievaulx learnt about the phases of the moon by making edible diagrams! We can now describe the phases of the moon using amazing technical vocabulary, such as waxing, waning, crescent and gibbous.

To launch our History topic, Rievaulx learnt how to weave like a Viking! 

Rievaulx were lucky enough to take part in the first of their forest schools session this week; a project offered to improve the mental health and well being of all pupils at Wistow School. Our first session begun with den building, after which we evaluated our structures and made improvements. The class were then given time to choose and complete many different activities, including whistle making, fire lighting and painting using natural materials. We can’t wait for the next one!

Academic Year 2022 - 2023


Please see below for details of our units and topics this half term.




Our theme this half term is Survivors!  We will be using a range of texts to stimulate our imaginations, including Survivors by David Long and The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.  We will look at a range of true-life stories of survival and work on re-writing those experiences in first person.  Following this, we will look at producing explanations texts as a guide to surviving in a range of harsh environments.



We will begin this half term by completing the final parts of the Year 6 maths curriculum, including algebra and position and direction, before preparing for our assessment week in May.  Preparations will focus on recapping and revising elements in a range of ways, including games, quizzes and active learning.  Our work will focus on building confidence in key aspects of maths that we hope to master by the end of Year 6 such as written and mental calculations, fractions, decimals and percentages.



In Science this half term, we will be covering a unit on Electricity. After recapping simple series circuits, we will try different components for switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors. The children will learn how to represent a simple circuit in a diagram using recognised symbols and discuss the necessary precautions for working safely with electricity.



Our Geography this half term will focus on using and reading atlases and maps.  The children will study a range of maps and atlases, including digital maps, and compare their features. The will learn to use the eight compass points to give directions and give 4 and 6 figure grid references to locate places on a map.



This half term, we will ask the question ‘What would Jesus do? Can we live by the values of Jesus in the 21st Century?’ This unit will identify the teachings of Jesus and how followers were encouraged to live their lives.  We will look at the impact Jesus’ teachings might have on Christians today and how they can be interpreted in today’s world.



In Computing, we will be learning about Web Page Creation.  In this unit, pupils will be introduced to creating websites for a chosen purpose. They will identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. They will learn about the importance of copyright, the aesthetics of a website and navigation paths.



In P.E this half term, our unit will be Hockey.  We will begin with gaining an understanding of the game and grasping basic skills such as how to hold the stick and how to hit the ball before learning more complex skills such as dribbling as well as attacking and defending play.  This will eventually lead on to playing competitive games.



In this unit, we will make links to our Science unit and work on creating Steady Hand Games.  We will begin by exploring and evaluating children’s toys before identifying the components of a 'steady hand game' and designing their own toy, before assembling, testing and evaluating their games.



Our French unit for this half term is Destinations.  In this unit, we will learn to name some European countries and shapes in French. The class will explore and name some other French speaking countries in the world, be able to say where they are going on holiday and be able to say their nationality, where they live and the language people speak.



This half term, our unit will introduce the children to the songs and languages from different regions of South and West Africa.  They will begin by learning traditional songs and perform the chords of the song on tuned percussion such as glockenspiels and xylophones.  The will then move on to learn about the djembe drums, looking at rhythms with varying dynamics and tempo. 



In PSHE, our new unit is Citizenship.  In this unit, we will discuss what happens when someone breaks the law. We will also gain an understanding of what prejudice and discrimination are and why and how they should be challenged. We will also explore how reducing the use of materials and energy helps the environment, and what individuals can do to support this.


Today, Rievaulx Class were treated to a fantastic day at Ninja Warrior, Leeds. This was to celebrate their efforts and achievements throughout the year and was a well deserved reward. We had a fabulous time! Everybody got stuck in and enjoyed spending time with each other and laughing, a lot!

Today, Rievaulx Class completed their latest DT project: making steady hand games.  This linked in with our Science work on electricity, as we looked at the effect of more batteries (and therefore voltage) could affect the buzzer in our circuit. The class completed research and designed their product before creating them and spending time playing each other’s creations.

Rievaulx Class visit to All Saints Church

Yesterday, Rievaulx Class were welcomed into All Saints Church to take part in a range of activities. Each activity focussed on a different part of the liturgical calendar and identified the different time period between Easter and Advent: Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity and Ordinary Time. We would like to thank all of the volunteers who gave up their time to provide such a lovely afternoon.

It’s Showtime!

Last night, Rievaulx Class took the lead in our summer performance, with Byland Class supporting them. There was singing, dancing, wonderful acting, humour and cake!!

A huge well done to each and every performer. You all shone bright and created an amazing show ⭐️

Coronation Celebrations

We have had a fabulous day in Rievaulx Class today, celebrating the coronation of King Charles III.  We had a range of glam outfits and iconic characters in class and enjoyed taking part in a specially created Great British quiz.  We avoided the rain in the afternoon and performed or Queen Medley as part of our school concert, celebration Great British music icons. 

Hockey in the sunshine

At last the Spring sunshine has begun to shine and we were able to begin our new games unit on the school field. Our first session focussed on safety and allowed the children to become familiar with the equipment before we move on to learn basic skills and techniques.

What a wonderful day at Wistow School with Project: WILD CIC! Each class spent time with Nick through out the day, with a session tailored to their learning. Rievaulx Class linked their discussions to their work on life cycles and adaption. The children were grinning from ear to ear coming out of each session and it was great to see some children (and teachers) combat their fears too!

Meet the Author

What a super exciting day in Rievaulx Class! In class, we have a favourite author - Jennifer Killick. The children have been inspired by her books and we have waited patiently for each new release, making sure we had it delivered to school on the day it became available. Today, we got to meet with her over zoom. We spent an hour talking to her, listening to her explain where her ideas come from, asking many questions and even meeting her pet dog Daisy! It was just amazing and we are so grateful to Jennifer for her time.

Today, Rievaulx completed their maths work on a large scale.  We know that to learn a skill, it is important to repeat the task many times in order to improve and become fluent. We covered every table in the class with strips of tape and then we measured, measured and measured again!

Happy World Book Day!

Our DT project this half term is Come Dine With Me’. In this unit, we have learnt about different food groups and nutrition, which linked to our PSHE topic of Health and Well Being. In teams, the class were challenged to organise themselves into smaller groups, each responsible for researching, planning and preparing one course of their 3 course meal. It was important to work as a group to ensure each individual course worked well together and made an interesting menu.


The unit finale was our competition day, where the meals were produced, tested and scored. It was a very close competition, with only 1 point separating each team, but the winners were…Team Cookie Crumble! 

How the Camel got its Hump

This week, the children in Rievaulx Class have begun to immerse themselves in the work of Rudyard Kipling. Today, we read the Just So story 'How the Camel got it's Hump' before taking part in our very own talk show and interviewing the characters to gather their thoughts, feelings and motives.

Learning about the reproduction of plants can be tricky and there’s lots to remember and understand. Today, Rievaulx worked hard to dissect lilies which gave them an opportunity to identify the different parts and understand their role.  I’m sure you’ll agree that our living posters are a fabulous way to show our understanding 🌸

Holocaust Memorial Day

Byland and Rievaulx were excited to be listening to a talk from Holocaust survivor, Peter Lantos, discussing his experiences as a Jewish child during World War II. He read is an extract from his book, ‘The Boy who didn’t want to Die’, and we were keen to hear more.  It’s definitely one we are going to add to our bookshelf as it’s such an important part of history.  As Peter said himself, “even though it was a terrible time, the world cannot forget what happened.” 🌈❤️

Spring Term 1 Class Assembly

Rievaulx Class took the lead in Class assembly today, choosing to share their PSHCE work on Health and Well Being. We have looked at ways to relax our bodies and minds, learnt about the importance of a good night’s sleep and the benefits of embracing failure. They spoke with confidence and sang their chosen song, ‘The Climb’ beautifully. Well done Rievaulx!

Embracing Failure

As part of our PSHE unit ‘Health and Well Being’, Rievaulx Class spent this afternoon learning to embrace failure. The children identified feelings they felt when failing to achieve something before being given the task of learning how to juggle. It wasn’t easy but we did feel we were making progress! After the task, we talked about ways we can cope or deal with negative feelings when we experienced failure.

We had a fabulous time with Byland Class today at our Christmas Party. Full of fun, smiles, dancing and some classic party games. Of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a visit from the man himself. Merry Christmas everyone!!

This half term, we were given the task of recycling clothing in order to make something new.  This linked nicely with our World War 2 topic, and we set about designing and making a cushion that a child could take with them when they were evacuated away from the city.  We conducted research to see what was already on the market, learnt a range of stitches including back stitch and blanket stitch, made templates and cut and sewed our cushions.  The final products are amazing and we were surprised and what you could achieve if you Make Do and Mend!


This week we welcomed Richard from ‘History into Schools’. We had the most amazing day! We begun be learning about life in Britain during the war and were taught the first aid we would need in order to carry out the duties of an Air Raid Warden before putting put fires using buckets of water and pumps.


In the afternoon we found out what life was like on the home front. We took part in basic training, learning military drills, bayonet training and had a chance to practise throwing a grenade!

There were so many other things we packed into the day, including learning more about evacuation and rationing during the war.  What was most amazing though was the chance to hold, feel and experience everything first hand. Almost every artefact was a genuine primary source; things that museums allow you to look at but not touch. Today was a fabulous experience.

Vector Drawings

Rievaulx Class have been enjoying their computing unit this half term. We have learnt what a Vector drawing is and how to create them using different functions such as duplicate, rotate and undo. The class have also learnt how to use short cuts such as ctrl c (copy), ctrl v (paste) and ctrl z (undo).

Today, Byland and Rievaulx Class spent time learning about rationing during and after World War 2. We learnt why rationing was necessary, what was rationed, how much or those items families were allowed to have and why rationing continued long after the war ended inBritain. To get a feeling of what it would be like, the children were given ration to Ken’s and given the chance to purchase items to make a meal. They then enjoyed the chance to tuck into their home made stew. Some groups decided to spend some of their tokens on treats like bread and butter to add to their meal. 

The Charleston

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In PE this half term, we are looking at different dance styles of the 1930’s and 40’s.  Our unit began by taking us to pre-war Britain, where learnt about The Charleston.The Charleston became popular in the 1920’s and 30’s and was characterised by it’s fast paced swinging of the legs and big arm movements. We learnt the basic steps before working in pairs or small groups to choreograph our own dances that mirrored the the Charleston style. This video shows a what we have been working on.

The Life of Charles Darwin

Rievaulx Class were given the task this week of finding out about the life of Charles Darwin.  They were asked to look at a range of sources before collating their findings on a giant timeline of his life.  The timelines include information about his childhood and education, his voyage on the HMS Beagle, his time on the Galapagos Islands and the publishing of his book, 'The Origin of the Species'.  The children found out many interesting facts along the way and discovered that Darwin was not the sole creator of the Theory of Evolution; his work build on the findings and theories of others too.

In History, we have been researching what life was like during the Blitz. Following our research, we wrote information texts, ensuring our readers found out the what’s, where’s, why’s, who’s  and how’s. Once our information texts were completed, we used our work to create voice over scripts to create public information films, much like there were in World War 2. We used original footage and added in voice recordings, photographs and transitions to make our films interesting and effective. 

AJ JD.mp4

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AK SR BT.mp4

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AT EM LJ.mp4

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AW IW.mp4

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CB EP.mp4

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EL JE MW.mp4

Still image for this video

NN and VL.mp4

Still image for this video

Developing our key skills and sketch books

In art this half term, Rievaulx Class are focusing on key skills and developing the use of a sketch book. This week, we have been looking at composition and how to replicate those shapes and colours in our drawings. The end results are so impressive that we are struggling to identify the drawings from the real thing!

The Piano - Hook Lesson

Where did the mysterious case come from? Who does it belong to? What is the meaning behind the black and white wedding photograph and the military medal? And what is the significance of the piano music we can hear?
Lots of questions and excellent inference today. Rievaulx Class used clues to make well supported inferences and sensible predictions.

Watch this space for what is bound to be some fabulous writing in the coming weeks.

Computer Systems and Networks

Rievaulx Class are really enjoying their first computing unit of the year - Computing Systems and Networks. The children were asked to design a toy and identify the input (what makes a event happen) and the output (what happens once the input is programmed in).
Next week, we will be learning more about search engines and the computer systems that make them work.

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Summer Term 2

And in a flash...we are in the final half term of the year!

This is an important term for our Year 6 pupils.

Please see below for details of our learning and some special events coming up this half term.



We will be using our class reader ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman as a hook for our writing this half term.  This story contains some very emotive issues surrounding animal rights.  We will be exploring the moral dilemma of the story through balanced arguments and will also revisit some previously covered genres in order to consolidate our skills.


This half term is all about consolidation and applying mathematical skills across the curriculum.  We will be completing some mathematical projects, as well as calculating our budgets and profits for our upcoming enterprise sale.


We will be continuing with our ‘Animals including Humans’ topic this half term.  Having learnt about the circulatory and digestive system, we will now look at how our bodies change and develop over time.  This links in with our PSHCE work on   puberty and development.  Year 6 pupils will also take part in the final part of their RSE (relationship and sex education) -further details to follow.


This half term, we will learn about the geography, religion and daily life of ‘The Shang Dynasty’. We will begin by using a timeline to identify where in history the dynasty belongs in comparison to other historical periods we have studied.  We will then learn about and make comparisons with The Shang Dynasty and other civilizations.


The big question we will be exploring this half term is: ‘What do religions say to us when life gets hard?’  In this unit we will consider how people’s faith can help them understand and deal with times in our lives when things are difficult. We will consider the beliefs of many faiths in this unit, including Muslims, Hindus and people who do not hold religious beliefs.


We will be continuing to explore our new music scheme in class this half term.  We will be listening to and appraising popular ‘leavers songs’ before working together to write and compose a song of our very own!


Our art unit will link closely to our topic work this half term.  We will learn about the amazing story of the terracotta army, before using our sculpting skills to recreate a scaled version of the fabulous figures.  We will also look at other patterns and designs that originate from Chinese culture.


In PE this half term, we will be continuing with our swimming lessons, where we will be looking at water safety skills and perfecting all strokes.  We will also be completing an athletics unit that will    consolidate many different skills including throwing, running and jumping.


We will be consolidating our coding skills using Hour of Code and working with the Scratch program to create moving images.




Class of 2022 - Carpool Karaoke


Enjoy one last little bit of fun, courtesy of Rievaulx Class and all of their willing volunteers!



Goodbye Rievaulx - Class of 2022

What a busy few weeks we have had! We have made sure we have made lots of memories that will stay with us for many years. We went bowling and laser questing as a leavers treat, had a lovely leavers lunch chosen by the class and prepared and served by our amazing lunch time team and rounded it all off with a wonderful leavers assembly in church, with parents watching on.

We have laughed, cried, laughed and cried again, but what a special end to this school year.

Lineham Farm - Year 5 / 6 Residential 2022

Year 5 / 6 spent their last few days of this school year on their residential at Lineham Farm. Lineham Farm was a fabulous venue for this year’s trip and offered us a range of activities and challenges, not least a record breaking heat wave! However, the Wistow children did us proud. Not once did they complain; they simply got on with things and had a fabulous time. Some highlights were bushcraft, meeting Stanley, Farmer Richard’s dog, a very fleshing water fight, orienteering in the woods and film night. So many memories made. We can’t wait until next year!

African Drum and Dance Workshop

This week, Rievaulx and Byland Class worked collaboratively with David from Joliba African Drum and Dance School. We learnt about the different, traditional instruments used be different communities, learnt traditional African songs, danced expressively along to traditional music before putting it all together to create an amazing assembly for our parents. Such a lot to learn about African culture in just one day, but a fabulous experience.

Viking Village

This week we finally got to visit the Murton Park Viking Village, which was delayed from earlier in the year. We had the most amazing day, living like vikings!
We we’re invited to settle within the village by Emma, a Viking settler. However, we had to prove our worth the the Lord and Lady of the village. During the day, we learnt how to make oil lamps, which we then traded with the Lord, ground our own wheat the make corn, made bread on the fire and were trained as Viking guards in order to protect the settlement from Anglo Saxon invasion.

Thank goodness we were trained, as later in the day, an Anglo Saxon spy entered the village! Our newly trained guards acted quickly and the invader was removed.

Sports Week

Last week was Sports Week.  Each day of the week was filled with different sports and activities.  Some we had played before, and some that were totally new to us.  We had the opportunity to take part in cricket sessions, tennis coaching, a skipping workshop and our annual sports day.  This year, we were able to welcome family and friends back into school to cheer us on during sports day and it made such a difference! The atmosphere was exciting, supportive and more importantly, lots of fun.  See below for photographs of our week.

What better way to learn about the features of a river, than to make one! Rievaulx worked tirelessly on these amazing models, making sure the features were all present and labelled. They followed it up with some fantastic information texts which showed just how much they had understood and remembered.

Jubilee Celebrations

Today, everybody in school celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee. Each class took a decade over which the Queen has reigned and prepared costumes and a performance each to share with the school of a song from their decade. Rievaulx Class we’re given the Swinging Sixties as their decade. They looked amazing in a range of 60’s outfits or red, white and blue. Their performance of Proud Mary was also AMAZING!

This week, Year 6 have completed their SATs tests. Each and every member of the class has blown us away with their maturity, determination and hard work. There were questions that were tricky, some that were not, but not once did anybody give up. During the week, the children have enjoyed a good breakfast in class to set them up properly for the day and on the final day, celebrated the end of the assessments with ice creams and rounders. Amazing work everybody! We are so, so proud of you!

River Relay

Today, Rievaulx took part in a ‘River Relay’. After learning about the course of a river, they were put to the test. How quickly could they complete the relay and organise the features into the upper, middle and lower courses?

Vikings - Home Project

To round off the Spring term, Rievaulx were invited to make a Viking artefact to contribute to a class museum.  As you can see, each and every one of the home projects completed are amazing!

Maths, with a twist!

Rievaulx needed no persuasion to revise this important skill today. We got up on our feet, moved around and got busy. Not only was it excellent revision, but also a great excuse to write on the tables!

This week, Byland and Rievaulx were informed of an exciting enterprise project we will be taking part in. Today, we had to consider which skills we had to offer to our prospective team mates. It can be hard to identify our own skills, so we got a little help from our friends! There was a buzz of positivity when the class were able to see what their peers had written about them.

Gymnastics - Sequencing Movements

Rievaulx worked hard to put together their learning in gymnastics today by sequencing balancing, jumps and rolls into seamless sequences. They have worked hard to perfect each movement and improve their posture and performance. Great work.

Rievaulx have loved every minute of our dragon eye art unit and we’re thrilled to reach the end of their learning journey. Today, we brought our images and ideas to life using clay to sculpt the intricate designs needed to create stunning dragon eyes. I am sure you will agree each and every one is unique and simply stunning.

Dragon Eye Art

Rievaulx Class have been thoroughly enjoying our Dragon Eye art unit this half term. We began by following a tutorial to draw the basic shape before adding our own intricate designs. Once we had perfected that, we learnt different shading and blending techniques. The results are stunning! What a talented bunch 🌟

Kung Hei Fat Choi 🐉

Rievaulx and Byland celebrated Chinese New Year today, with their very own Chinese banquet. The children prepared all of the vegetables before enjoying fried rice and a stir fry. Not forgetting the prawn crackers and dips! Kung Hei Fat Choi 🐉

Product Testing - The Snuggly Snowman Company

Last week, The Snuggly Snowman Coat Company called on Rievaulx Class to help them with their latest design. They were asked to investigate thermal insulators in order to decide which material should be used in the lining of their products. But which material would keep the snowman the coolest for longest?

The class worked to devise a fair test that would measure how much (or how little) their snowman melted, whilst wrapped in different materials before reporting their findings to the company executives.

Properties of Materials - Exploring Vocabulary

Today we began our new Science unit - Properties and Changes of Materials - by exploring the vocabulary we will be using.  After composing definaitions for the many properties of materials, Rievaulx used the app Creative Cloud Express to produce these amazing vocabulary posters which have really enhanced our working wall and will be used as a reference point throughout our unit.  They really do look amazing!

PSHCE - My Healthy Lifestyle

During our PSHCE day this half term we looked at choices we can make that can influence our health and lifestyle.  We asked the question, 'Is it ever right to take a drug?' and realised that there are very good reasons to take a drug or medicine when directed by a doctor or professional.  We also realised that there are times when we have to make choices about our health.  Rievaulx were given the task of finding out the effects of alchol and tobacco on the body and creating life size cut outs showing how our bodies are changed and often damaged by those substances.

Kevin the Carrot in Hot Water!

This week, we came to the end of our current writing unit.  We have spent time learning about the features of newspaper reports, looking at the difference between reported and direct speech and how to correctly use and punctuate speech in written work.  After working with a model text to learn the vocabulary and structure of a news report, we went on to write our own based on the terrible events that played out in the veggie village square on Christmas Eve 2019 (as seen in the video below).  As you can see from the photographs of the crime scene, the veggies were all in a bit of a 'stew'!

Kevin the Carrot 2019

Jesus is the Light of the World

This week, Rievaulx lead our whole school assembly on the theme, 'Jesus is the light of the world'.  They all did an amazing job and wrote and organised the whole assembly as a team.  We heard about different types of lights (warning lights, guiding lights and celebration lights) before looking at how Jesus warned, guided and celebrated the lives of his followers.  In reflection, the class thought about how we could reflect Jesus' light as a community by setting a good example to guide people, sending out warning messages about our environment and climate and celebrating all we have in the world.

It has been Maths Week in school this week and Rievaulx have worked enthusiastically and found that maths is more than a calculation in a book.  We have shared the maths story of 'The Lion's Share', which taught us about halving fractions, before baking the Ant's cake, learnt how to create parabolic curves and taken part in a 'Beat the Teacher' challenge.  Lots of fun and lots of learning!

Investigating Friction

This week in science, we investigated a different force - friction.  To begin with, we came up with a definition of what friction was and recognised that it was 'the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.'  We also realised that some surfaces surfaces and objects created more frction than others.  To look further at this, we investigated the force needed to move a weighted basket along different surfaces.

Fantastic Forces - Gravity

Interactive Factfiles - The Solar System

This half term, Rievaulx have thrown themselves into their cross curricular science and computing project.  During our Science unit, we have researched the different planets and works as a team to create written fact files.  Using our reading skills, we them summarised our findings, before making use of our amazing, new computing equipment.  After some tinkering time (where we learn how to use new apps and programmes), Rievaulx confidently created interactive fact files using Chatterpix and Thinglink.  Scan the QR codes below to view their work.

You can also access your child's work through their Seesaw account.