Fine motor
Moving and handling: Children show good control and coordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.
Today's focus is on the children's fine motor skill. I am going to suggest a few activities and you and your child can pick. If your child finds it easy with their dominant hand, challenge them to use their non dominant hand.
Task 1
PlayDoh - creating and making is a great way for your child to build up the muscles in their hands. You can also go onto youtube and find some dough disco to do - this can also help with coordination and listening skills.
Task 2
Pouring from one container to the other (try to vary the size), this could be anything; water, sand, beads. Make sure your child is trying to pour with both hand. If you any empty water bottles or washing up liquid bottles so your child can squeeze the water out this is good for building up strength.
Task 3
Threading - this can be anything, string and beads, pasta and thread, some sewing, pipe cleaners through a colander.