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Coronavirus Updates and Information

Coronavirus Updates and Information

On this page, you will find a range of information about coronavirus and how Wistow School are putting things in place to keep your child safe at this time. There is lots of information and please take the time to read through things carefully. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Let's work together to keep our children, staff, families, school and community safe.


Home Learning Policy - COVID-19

In the event of a partial or full closure, as a school we have created a policy to share with you how we will deliver remote learning during the time where children cannot attend their usual setting. 

Remote Home Learning Policy for Parents

Wistow School Covid-19 Catch-up Plan 2021

Wistow School Covid-19 Catch-up Action Plan 2020

NYCC Pupil Absence Support Document

Coronavirus Helpline Relating to Education

Please find below details from the DfE:-

Department for Education Coronavirus Helpline

We have launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. 

Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Hand washing: how to wash your hands properly

Protect yourself and others from coronavirus: ▶️ Wash your hands more often ▶️ Use soap and water for 20 seconds ▶️ Or use hand sanitiser

How to wash your hands NHS song | NHS

A child friendly song explaining how to wash your hands. For a written version of the full technique, head to The NHS website:
