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Word Gap

Word Gap – this is our guided reading format in Selby Class.


Communication and Language: Speaking, Listening and Understanding.

Focused task

This week our story is ‘Meerkat Mail’ which is linked to this week’s topic.

Today I would like for you to read through the story again. Could your child act out the story? Could they be sunny the Meerkat and go on the adventures that he does. Your child could do it while the story is being read to them or you can challenge them and see how much they can remember from yesterday. Is there anywhere else your child wishes they could live? Sometime Miss B wishes she lived in Africa so she could see all the cool animals.

There are also some words for this week to work on.

  • Relatives
  • Scorpions
  • Ticklishly
  • ‘yours faithfully’

Any work onto tapestry and their green work books please.

Miss Lee presents Meerkat Mail

Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
