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You are all superheros!


I've been so impressed with what you have all been doing at home and we missing you all so much.

As you are all superheros I thought we could start our Wistow Well Being Week with celebrating how amazing you all are.

I have included a story that is all around the children coming back into school and understanding what might be different and it is based on the children being superhero!

Today I would like for your child to create their very own superhero mask. I have attached a template below but please can as creative as possible!

If possible get dressed up as your favourite superhero, or watch the film/programme and have a superhero day!

Your child could include all of the things that they have learnt during their time away from school. You could include photos, pictures of what you have learnt or can now do. Miss Bellerby's would include being able to bake break and reading books.

Make sure you send me a picture so that I can include them on our class page to show everyone our Selby class Superhero's.


