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Worship Leaders

We are your Worship Leaders

As the Worship Leaders, we have an incredibly important role to play in school. Because we are a church school, our faith is very important to us. As part of our role, we get to work with the teachers and local clergy to plan our collective worship, what songs we will listen to, hymns we will sing and make sure that it is exciting for everyone.

We also plan our own Collective Worships and lead the whole school in worship, which is great fun!

We plan the Christmas service in church and we also plan at least one collective worship each half term.


Today, we led a collective worship all about Pentecost.  Some of us even tried speaking in different languages, just like the disciples when they were touched by the Holy Spirit.  


The Worship Leaders led a Collective Worship about Lent today.  They reminded everyone about the importance of Lent for Christians and that Easter is approaching.  They also introduced a Lent Calendar that is shown below.  The Worship Leaders had lots of ideas about what to give up for Lent but also how to help at home.

Christmas Tree Festival


The Worship Leaders have helped to organise a village Christmas Tree Festival.  Over 20 trees were ready for viewing in  All Saints Church, Wistow.  It was a wonderful event held over two days, which the whole community were welcome to attend and take part. The Worship Leaders helped to greet the visitors and hand out voting forms. The church congregation also helped and it was a real community event.

Collecting the Harvest Donations for the Selby Community Fridge.

Harvest Festival

The Worship Leaders finished off this year's Harvest Festival by leading us all in prayers that they had written.

St George’s Day Collective Worship

The Worship Leaders told everyone about St George and why we celebrate St George’s Day in England.

There was also some wonderful audience participation to help retell the story of George and the dragon.

St Patrick's Day Collective Worship

The Worship Leaders helped to tell the story of St Patrick with some members of the audience!

St Valentine's Day Collective Worship

We told the school all about St Valentine today in Collective Worship.  We asked some willing actors to help us retell the story of St Valentine and we also told everyone facts about how Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world.

Christmas Service

The Worship Leaders planned and led our recent end of term Christmas Service in Church.  They read the readings whilst Fountains Class helped with a little drama!

Christmas Tree Trail


The Worship Leaders have led the whole school in a special Remembrance service in church today. 

Diwali Collective Worship

The Worship Leaders took their first Collective Worship of the year today.  They told the whole school about Diwali and how it is celebrated around the world.  Our year 6 leaders even produced a dramatization of the story of Rama and Sita, which included audience participation!

Harvest Festival

We wrote and read the prayers during our Harvest Festival.  It was wonderful to see everyone, including our families in church!

Harvest contributions for the Selby Community Fridge

Thank you Rev’d Canon Weetman for joining us.

Fun New Song!

We have found this fun new song and are teaching everyone it. Here it is so you can sing it at home and even get your family to join in - there's even dance moves!

Light Of The World

Here is our favourite song in school at the moment! Give it a go!
