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Home Learning Gallery

We would love to be able to share the work and other fun things you have been doing at home.  If you have something to share please send a photograph or piece of work to Mrs Griffiths via Seesaw and then they'll appear on this page.


Have fun and show off what you have been doing at home!

We're going on a lion hunt and other ideas!

Guess the bird?

Brilliant birds...

Great Guided Reading Efforts

Animal antics...

Well Being Week fun...

More dinosaur fun including dinosaur poo!

Dinosaur Story Maps

Griffiths' family attempt at fossil biscuits- I think gingerbread dough was a mistake!

Writing instructions...

Preparing for VE Day...


Ammonite Art

Look at the amazing creations...

Spring Poems!

Look out for the great use of similes...

Easter fun...
Letters to the Easter Bunny...
Recognise any of these...
I went for a walk to see signs of Spring.  Can you name any of them?
Mini beast hunts...
Letter writing...

Here are some great ideas to try...

Outdoor fractions..

Practise capacity outside.  Use cups, spoons and measuring jugs.  Could you read the scales on measuring jugs or even a milk bottle?
Maybe try to read these books as recommended by your class mates!
Try to be creative...
Spelling dinosaurs...
Being inspired by a sibling researching Egyptians...