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Welcome to Bolton Class!

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

This web page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with lessons, activities and events in school.  Please check regularly for exciting updates!

Welcome to Bolton Class! 


We have a great deal of exciting learning planned for this year and this is the place to see what we've been up to. Each week, you will find pictures, children's work, newsletters and much more, sharing our successes. Please keep your eyes peeled for any updates!


Should you wish to contact us, please email: or


Miss Liptrot and Miss Banks



Class Text

For Felix and Flo, animals are the NUMBER ONE TOP PRIORITY in life. And although Felix loves his pets (a lazy dog, an angry cat and a noisy hamster), what he really wants is the chance to look after an animal which is EXOTIC and DIFFERENT – like an elephant, or a monkey, for instance. So when he finds out from Flo that you can actually adopt your own animal via the MIRACLE OF THE INTERNET, he is beside himself with excitement – until he realises that this plan isn’t as FOOLPROOF as it seems...

Bolton have been editing photographs, using cropping and rotation to improve their work. Their latest challenge was to make their picture reflect certain emotions.

Bolton have been balancing on vaults, jumping safely and extending their knowledge of shape making. Some of us were super flexible! Our certificates were awarded for focus, skill and effort. Great gymnastics!

Bolton have been working with Millie from PE Pro this afternoon, developing their knowledge of balances. We look forward to incorporating out jumps next week🤸‍♀️🙆‍♀️

Today, Bolton have created abtract maps of their local area. How vibrant are the colours? They have used polystyrene sheets to make prints, transparent film for stained glass and a range of materials to add 3D effect.

In keeping with our Railway unit in Topic, the class were asked to research a train, then sketch and paint it. Some used perspective to make their trains look more lifelike. The detail really is fabulous! 🚞🛤

What a great way to start the first week back from half term. We’ve been busy tower building in teams, baking bread, developing our bow and arrow skills and using our carving skills to make tools ⚒️ 🌳

Bolton’s Haka was truly fierce. In PE, we have worked with Faye from PePro, trying to produce a Haka with chanting, rhythmic body slapping and foot stamping. What a performance!🐝⭐️

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Bolton have been doing a big write today and the quality of their work was phenomenal! They have taken their inspiration from The Day the Crayons Quit and the effort, focus and dedication that went in to this piece of writing has blown us away. Why not have a read? 🖍📖

Bolton’s last forest school day was chocka block! They made bird feeders, hammocks, smores, dens, decoded hierglypics and whittled wood. 🪵

Bolton have kick started their new music unit, learning a new song (The River is Flowing) and singing in rounds. Great focus Bolton as is was very tricky! 🎵🏞

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We couldn’t believe our luck this afternoon! We had our Christmas party AND a visit from Santa 🎅 What a fantastic treat!

How spectacular are Bolton’s Tudor houses 🏠 We have learned how to bond and create walls with fans and weaving. Any Tudor person would be proud to live in one of these structures!

Check out our magnetic board games! We used our learning from our forces unit to create racing games and fishing games, trying to make them exciting by adding scoring systems. Bolton had great fun this afternoon. 🎲🧲

Bolton are the official royal artists! They have borrowed skills from Hans Holbein the younger and turned their self portraits in to wealthy Tudor people. The end result looks fabulous! 🎨👩‍🎨👨‍🎨

Bolton have been learning Goalball in PE. We developed our hand and eye coordination and used our best listening to hear the bells in the balls. We tested our senses by using blindfolds!

We have been developing our sketching skills and becoming more confident in using lines for expression. We then mixed colours so that our art work will appear more life like. What do you think?

Today, we followed instructions to make Tudor gingered bread. We worked together to collect the equipment and ingredients. After a taste test, we decided that it was perhaps not the dessert for us!

We have been exploring light in Bolton class. We’ve discovered that the size of a shadow increases as the light source moves further away, light travels in a straight line and the most reflective materials were nylon and tin foil 💡

It has been Forest School for Bolton today. We’ve carved, swung in hammocks, made nature prints and clay models. We’ve built dens and learned to tie knots. All in all, we’ve had a truly fantastic day! 🐝🌳🍁🔥

We have spent time this week, thinking about what it means to communicate. We have discussed the need to be a good listener and what it would look like if we were observing a conversation. We have played charades and team games to help us to develop our use of open and closed questions, eye contact and facial expression.

Bolton have explored body percussion today, thinking about texture and layering of music by clicking and tapping. It was fun guessing what the different different layers were 🎶

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Bolton spent time outside this afternoon, looking at why nature makes us go WOW. We looked closely at wildlife, flowers and the weather to help us to explain why nature is so incredible.

Bolton have been lucky enough to access the tennis courts this afternoon to kick start their tennis coaching. We learned ball control and how to serve. 🎾🐝

Academic Year 2022-2023

To finish the last part of our Summer term, we are taking our inspiration from George's Marvellous Medicine. We will be working hard to develop our SPaG knowledge, and write to Entertain and Inform. You can find a pdf version of the book down below! Happy reading!smiley

Newsletter - Summer 2

Summer 1 Newsletter

Spring 2 Newsletter

Spring 1 Newsletter

Bolton class have spent the day investigating earthquakes and volcanoes. We started by learning to stay safe by hiding under tables, explored how to build a home for the western coast of the USA, and then tried to create a volcanic eruption. We watched a detailed clip about Vesuvius and how it affected Pompeii and its residents. Bolton’s questions have been phenomenal! 🌋🌏🏠

Bolton class have absolutely smashed Outdoor Ted today. They’ve been footprint orienteering, fire making, marshmallow toasting, den building and tower constructing. They’ve shown their Golden Values throughout and had a fabulous time. 🔥🌳🦋🐝🐾

We've been exploring hotseating in Bolton, asking George and Granny some rather interesting questions. We've decided that we're not Granny's biggest fans! 📚🧪

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May we introduce Les jours de la semaine 🇫🇷🎶

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Stitch Head (aka Bolton) hasn’t had a great day playing dingle dangle with Creature. He decided to vent and retell events of the day in his diary and used plenty of emotive language, subordinate clauses and first person pronouns. 📖✏️

On our return from the Easter break, we spent time finishing our Story Writing unit. We also developed our story telling skills with the help of CBBCs Bedtime Stories! Our stories follow Arthur from Arthur and the Golden rope, in to an adventure which sees him rescue a magical creature. Why not log on to your child's Seesaw account and watch their incredible story telling?

Up-levelling our work has been great fun this week. We used the myth Daedalus and Icarus to add possessive apostrophes, subordinate clauses, expanded noun phrases and adverbs. If you see us, why not ask us to explain more?

In Bolton, we have been trying to persuade Princess Helen to return to Ancient Greece. Our letters were organised perfectly, matched our Steps to success and even made reflect on what the myth taught us. We also used some fabulous fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to interest the reader.

Following our printing, we have moved on to creating drawing with lines of symmetry. It was quite tricky but the end result looked amazing!

We took part in Internet Safety Day session on CBBC. The live lesson taught us how to stay safe when playing or working online, and we created our own characters who were part of the Online Safety Squad. Their special power was to help guide us and stay safe when online.

Bolton put their power of persuasion to the test this week. They were trying to entice the Ancient Greek Gods to return to live at Mount Olympus. We’re definitely tempted by the offers, slogans and alliterative description. Shame we’re not immortals! 🏛⚡️🏔

While the Year Four children have been swimming, the Year Three's have been developing their throwing technique and learning to strike with precision. The weather kept them inside but this only promoted the need to be precise and show outstanding speaking and listening skills.

In RE, Bolton have been looking at rules and why they are important. We discussed the Golden Rule (love thy neighbour) that many religions follow and we thought about how we could show love and pay it forward. We wrote anonymous notes for people around school and stuck them to doors for everyone to see.

In PE this week, Bolton class have been continuing with choreographing their gymnastic routines in groups. The challenge this week was to complete a sequence of movements in synchronisation with the rest of the group and after a little practice the children demonstrated some fantastic routines. We realised this week that when moving in sync with others, eye contact and communication is very important to keep you on track and helps make the movements look slick and professional!

Bolton have been investigating Stone Age art this week!

Today, we went to find natural resources that Stone Age people would have used to create their cave art with, such as twigs, leaves and berries. We even used some ash from a fire! (After it had cooled down of course!)

Nextt, we experimented with the different materials in our sketchbooks and  tried transferring the colours on to our page in a range of different ways different ways.

We think that using natural resources was a great idea and we can’t wait to use them again to make our own paints next week!



Bolton class have been investigating how to change matter from a solid to a liquid.

Today, we conducted an experiment to observe how water temperature affects the states of matter of a chocolate button.

We made predictions about what we thought might happen, then began the experiment. 

We had 5 bowls with different temperatures of water and timed the melting rate of the chocolate button with stopwatches, then compared each time to come to a conclusion as to which temperature melted the chocolate the fastest.



In computing this week, Bolton class have been exploring the versatility of digital devices. Today, we have looked at the best way to create artwork, and had to identify the pros and cons of working both digitally and non-digitally. 

We had 10 minutes to sketch an underwater scene by hand. We then used the iPads to create a digital version of our sketch in the same amount of time.

The class agreed that it was faster to draw digitally and it was good to be able to undo mistakes easily, but we did find it tricky to work on a small scale with just our finger!



Bolton class have been exploring prehistoric art work this week as part of our Stone Age topic. 

We looked at existing cave paintings and how they were drawn with simple shapes and lines, then had a try at creating our own!⭐️🧠🐝🎨


This week, Bolton class have been composing music based on a story!

We watched a video that had no sound, and we had to think about the action on the screen and how we could represent the emotion of the story using a variety of instruments. We had to consider the tempo, rhythm and dynamics of our piece, in addition to ensuring everyone used their instrument in the right place to create the desired effect.

We worked in small groups to compose music for a short part of the clip, then performed it as one continuous piece.

Video 1 shows the video clip with our composition rehearsal, and video 2 shows the final composition.

We think we did a great job and can’t wait to see what we will be doing next!

Music Composition

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Final Piece

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Bolton Class have had an exciting third week exploring “The Fruits of the Spirit”.

We worked with ladies from Wistow Church, who led us in harvest themed activities that incorporated the values God wants to see in his followers.

We worked our way around five differently themed tables, exploring a different fruit of the spirit through a craft activity, before joining together to reflect on what we had learned. We came away with so many creations, we needed storage boxes to carry them! 

When we returned to school, we explored the fruits more and discussed how we can demonstrate them in our daily lives.

We had such a great time, and look forward to seeing the stations again on Sunday in church! 


Bolton class have had an action packed second week back, the timetable has been full and so are our brains! In writing, we’ve been investigating the features of a letter.

In maths, we have been consolidating our place value knowledge by partitioning numbers based on their value.

In science, we have continued investigating states of matter, this week : Gases!
We conducted an experiment which explored how heavy carbon dioxide is. We weighed fizzy drinks when they were sealed,  then compared their weight after they were opened for the first time. We discovered the more you shake a fizzy drink, the more carbon dioxide is released, which makes the drink go flat faster! 

In our first week back, Bolton class have been investigating states of matter in science lessons. 
We have sorted objects based on their physical properties, discussed the definition or each state, learned about particles and how they are distributed and act differently depending which state they are in.

Check out the video below, in which we expertly demonstrate how the particles in a solid, a liquid and a gas would move!

States of Matter : Solid, Liquid or Gas?

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Academic Year 2021-2022

That’s a wrap!


Thank you for a fantastic year Bolton!

You’ve all worked so hard and made so much progress, I am so proud of you all.

Enjoy your summer, get plenty of rest and be ready to return in September to Byland Class!

For our marble jar reward in the last week of term we had a movie day! 
We emptied the classroom, got loads of sweets and enjoyed sitting back and relaxing.

After all of our hard work this year, it was definitely well earned!

This week we have been investigating how to create reflections in our artwork. Using images of the African savannah as a reference, we sketched portraits of elephants standing by water. We then used watercolours to blend together the correct colours for the reflections. It was tricky to sketch a reflection in water as ripples distort the image, but by using watercolours we were able to create the desired effect and our final products were brilliant!


Bolton’s Book in a Box Entries

In PE we have continued with our tennis coaching, this week learning how to catch and serve with increasing control. 

In RE, we have explored the origins of religious celebrations and how imagery plays a part in different ceremonies. We looked at the relevance of palm leaves in Easter celebrations, discovered the origin of the Easter story and created posters to welcome others to join in our festivities.

In our final class assembly, we had the chance to show our progress from our time in Year 4. Some children showed their handwriting progression, others showed their Egyptian music videos and some even demonstrated their gymnastic skills learned from PE. 

Our Final Class Assembly

This week, in Bolton class we have been exploring coding and programming. We experimented with editing code to change the appearance of a character and designed a level of a game to our own specifications. 

Music in the Night


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This week, we have been exploring African patterns as part of our art lessons, linked to the ancient civilisation of Benin. African patterns often have a repeated design element and can be inspired by natural shapes and colours . We created our own African designs using stamps and paint, testing them out on paper before moving on to different textures and fabrics. 

This week, we have been creating animated stories using Keynote on the iPads. We included voice overs, sound effects, edited images and movement paths to bring our stories to life. When we had practiced our skills by retelling a traditional tale, we got to plan and animate our own ideas! 

This week, we have taken part in lots of different activities as part of sports week! We played cricket with Mrs Griffiths, played rounders in PE lessons and got to take part in a skipping tutorial with Dan the Skipping Man! 

This week, in science we have been exploring the human body. We worked together in groups to construct a skeleton, then using the knowledge we had gained, we labelled each bone. Some of the scientific names of the bones were very tricky to pronounce and spell, but we researched well and found the answers!

This week, we have created Fathers Day cards. We had a range of designs that we could use as references, some of us chose to draw our dads’ favourite things and some challenged themselves to add a 3D element to their design.

Bolton are loving their tennis sessions with Coach Sasha! This week we have learned how to serve correctly and got the chance to play each other in one to one matches to practice our skills.

This week Bolton Class have been investigating coding using kinetic devices in computing lessons. Using a ‘Makey Makey’ device, the children had to create a controller from unconventional materials that could control a game. They then created coding that relayed instructions from the controller to the game, in which they moved a character left to right and made it fire bullets at aliens. 

To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, each class investigated a different decade And Bolton class were assigned the 90’s! 

We have explored important pop culture moments of the 1990’s, such as the rise of the Furby, the formation of the Spice Girls and the Royal Divorce!


On Jubilee day, we got to dress up in our best 90’s outfits - shell suits, clashing patterns and oversized accessories being the trends of the time! We had a great time celebrating and loved our royal outdoor picnic, even if it did rain the whole time we were outside!

In anticipation of sports day, Bolton class have been practicing athletic activities such as; relay race, three legged race and hurdles!


As part of our Jubilee celebrations, we created pencil sketches of The Queen using reference images.

we created a grid on our paper to ensure we drew in the correct proportion and added details to the appropriate areas.

Our sketches will be displayed at the front of school ready for the big day!


This week Bolton class had a very exciting visit to Leeds Museum! 
We started with a workshop where we shared all we knew about Ancient Egyptian history and had a try at mummifying a body - luckily it wasn’t a real one!

Then we got to explore the museums’ Egyptian exhibit and got to see a real life mummy which was nearly 4000 years old! After lunch, we had a look around the rest of the museum and saw lots of interesting artefacts from different eras in history. 

Bolton class have practiced their poetry skills this week in English lessons. We have investigated the rhyming and rhythmic patterns of haikus and limericks and even written some of our own!


This week Bolton class have been exploring food chains, investigating predators, prey and producers of different ecosystems.

This week in Bolton class we have been creating Canopic Jars out of clay. We designed our jar with hieroglyphic messages inscribed on them, and carefully decorated them in authentic Egyptian colour schemes.

This week in Bolton class, we have filmed music videos! In music lessons we have been writing lyrics for the song “We Are Egyptians!”, set to the tune of “We Will Rock You”. We created Egyptian headdresses to use as costumes as part of our home learning project, then we filmed scenes around school and edited them together using iMovie. 

This week we have been creating Easter cards. We looked a variety of reference images  to influence our designs and used colour washes, layered shapes and negative space to create our final product.


This week, Bolton class have been very busy with lots of learning! In maths we have been exploring finding fractions of quantities using manipulative. Hard work to start with but we soon figured out the method so we could be successful!


We have also had a class assembly to prepare for, where we shared what we have been learning about in our topic lessons. We had to write our own scripts and rehearse in partners. We were excellent at presenting our information clearly and concisely, and loved sharing our Egyptian song at the end of the assembly! 

This week, Bolton Class have been the victim of a crime! Pirates have broken in to the classroom and stolen our marble jar! We are putting our journalist hats back on and will be writing a newspaper article, outlining exactly what has happened so the public know to be vigilant!

This week, Bolton Class have been investigating the Egyptian journey to the afterlife. We found out there were lots of tasks to complete and hurdles to jump to finally get to the afterlife, but the most shocking fact was that the Pharaoh has to complete the same journey every single night!

This week, Bolton Class have been researching imagery in RE, observing artwork of Hindu gods and inferring what their role is in the religion by looking at the objects they are holding.

After returning from half term, Bolton Class have got straight back into their topic work, this time investigating the process of mummification! We had a try at the process ourself, but instead of a body we used a tomato!


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In PE this half term, we have been practicing street dance! It was tricky to get our moves synchronised at first but we did such a great job! We practiced our choreography and even got to have a part of the dance to freestyle.

In PHSCE we have had a full day learning about what we can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We used the iPads and our new ‘Keynote’ skills to create an informative poster which outlines the many ways people can keep their mind and body healthy.

In Science this week, Bolton Class have been investigating air resistance through an exciting experiment, in which we ensured our test was fair and we had a range of variables to compile our results from. 
In PE, we have been exploring gymnastic movements, worked hard in small groups to choreograph a short, synchronised routine.

This week in RE, Bolton Class have been learning about gratitude, linking it to how Muslim’s show gratitude to Allah in different ways. We created a gratitude tree to share what we are individually grateful for.

In literacy, we have been inventing some ‘Cracking Contraptions’ for Wallace and Gromit. We brainstormed some machines that could solve every day problems and drew out blueprints of our design. We will be writing an explanation text to explain exactly what our machines do, so watch this space for the final product.

This week in Science, Bolton Class have been investigating friction through a series of experiments.

In literacy, we used iPads to create a final product of our newspaper articles. It was tricky to start with but we quickly got used to using ‘Keynote’ and produced some fantastic work.

This week, Bolton Class have been looking at the River Nile and researching why it was such an important part of Ancient Egyptian civilisation. We also had a closer look at the many Egyptian God’s and Goddesses and found out what their roles were.

This week, Bolton Class have continued exploring their new topic theme!

We started with the history of the Egyptian dynasty and created timelines of key events. We also discussed the concept of hierarchy, applying it to real world situations such as the hierarchy of the country and the hierarchy of our school.

In literacy, we have been investigating the key features of newspaper articles, deconstructing articles and analysing the purpose of each aspect of the text.

Bolton Class have been hooked into their new topic with an exciting session in which they have investigated and had a try at creating pyramids, writing in hieroglyphics and making sarcophagus’ from paper.

We have also begun reading ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and had a try at completing their own rhyming magical medicine recipe!

Spring Term Newsletter

We have been busy developing our DT skills this week. We have learned about butt and miter joints, measured carefully and used saws to cut out angles. Our photo frames are ready just in time for our Christmas snaps!

We have been learning about Hanukkah this week and shared our learning in assembly. We thought about how God is our light and how he helps to guide us through life.

In Bolton, we have been very busy learning about islands, villages, towns, cities and road maps. We used Apple Clips to help us to show off some of our learning.

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We have been developing our sketching skills this morning and tried to use lines, tone and scale to produce some life like drawings. The end result is absolutely fantastic!

In Bolton, we have been working on Apple Clips to show off our English learning. Next week, we will be applying our skills to share our Geography knowledge. Keep your eyes peeled!

This week, we have been taking part in Maths week! We have learned about coordinates with the help of the Gruffalo, played 'Beat the Teacher' on Edshed and completed a maths trail around the outside of school. Great job Bolton!

We have been busy learning about sound this week and we wanted to create a quiz! Give it a go and see what you find out!

Our Victorian day has been an almighty success! We learned a great deal about life in the Victorian era during our zoom sessions this morning, developed our handwriting skills, learned Victorian poetry and even did drill!

How doth the little crocodile (part 1)

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How doth the little crocodile (part 2)

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This week, Bolton have been following French instructions to make a puppet. They worked together and picked out the key vocabulary that they knew and translated the instructions in to English. Have a look at what they made!

We took part in lots of activities today and used the answers to find 100, 10 and 1 more and less. We thought about converting m in to cm so that we could find 100, 10 and 1 less.

We have continued our Victorian learning this week by looking at William Morris. Bolton have worked to identify the key features of his art work and then gone on to create their own wallpaper, using potato stamps and pastels. The end results look fabulous!

We felt the need to showcase some of Bolton's work from this week. The quality of work and the dedication to learning has been absolutely phenomenal. From place value to fronted adverbials, the hard work has not gone unnoticed! Great job Bolton!

We are going to be learning about the Victorians, so what better way to start our learning than making Victoria Sponge! These yummy, scrumptious cakes were devoured!

Academic year 2020-2021

Bolton Class have been working hard to design and create circuits to support postal workers who work at night. They followed strict criteria and thought about how they would hide the circuits to keep the postal workers neat and tidy. They even included switches that they had made themselves! Royal mail would be impressed!!

Over this week and last, Bolton have been busy creating some fantastic pieces of art. They have used pastels and paint to create cubism portraits, in the style of Picasso. They then went on to study Van Gogh and created their own landscape using 'Starry Night' as their inspiration. Have a look at their 'Sunny Day' pictures!

In RE, we have started to think about what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today. We have started by thinking about things that are special to us and those around us. We then went on to look at a Puja tray and we identified the role of each piece on the tray. Have a look!

We have spent the last few afternoons learning about three different Roman cities. We shared our learning on Power Point, where we also developed our computing skills.

Bolton class have moved on to play scripts. We have some fantastic actors! We have identified the features and used this knowledge to help us to act, using scripts from a Horrid Henry story.

We have been visited by 'Power down Pete' this afternoon. We have been learning about how to save energy, reduce our carbon foot print and how recycled plastics can be turned in to clothing!

In Science this week, we have had fun playing with buzzers, fans and bulbs! We explored complete and incomplete circuits and designed out own hats to help you to see in the dark. We even drew our own circuits!

It is our week on the new equipment and we couldn't be more excited! We have taken full advantage of the sunshine and have thoroughly enjoyed creating races and working together to make obstacle courses! Great team work Bolton and super Golden Values!

Today, we thought about Boudicca's war and why it happened. We became different characters and thought about how the Roman invasion would have effected us. We will use this information to help us with our Diary writing!

Over the last week, Bolton have been writing instructions and the level of the work that they have produced has been fantastic! They have explained how to make the perfect cup of tea and what needs to be done if you want to become a Roman soldier. Great job Bolton!

In Bolton class this week, we have created stain glass windows to support the retelling of the Easter Story. We also thought about how Jesus must have felt when he was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

To recap and revisit our lockdown learning, we have been looking at fractions and representing them through drawings. We have had a fabulous time trying to represent fractions in as many different ways as possible.

To kick start our week in Bolton class, we have started to observe how our cress seeds and bean seeds have started to grow and change. Last week, we investigated what plants need to grow. We will keep a close eye on our seeds and make sure that we record any changes.

We have continued to study plants in Science this week and we have thought about the different steps of the life cycle of a flowering plant. We incorporated Art, PE and Science by drawing and acting out the processes. We even thought about the different ways that seeds are dispersed.

The life cycle of a flowering plant

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Seed dispersal

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Seed Disperal

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Bolton have continued to work on non-chronological reports. This week, we have designed, planned, written and edited leaflets for an invention to help Icarus and Daedalus escape from King Minos's tower. Have a look!

We started our new Science unit by identifying the different parts of plants. We also thought about the role that each part plays and what might happen if a single part was taken away. We even went on a plant hunt!

On Friday, Bolton and Byland took part in Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for this year was 'Express yourself', so we thought about how we might dress to express, draw to express and dance to express!

In RE, we have been learning about why Jesus is inspiring to some people. Take a look at this interview with The Good Samaritan!

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Bolton Class appear to have their very own news reporter!

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As we have progressed through out non-chronological report writing, we have shown just how fantastic we are at writing! Our newspapers and fact files were incredibly informative and engaging. We even had a journalist read through our newspaper reports, who stated that our use of the 5w's was fantastic!

Our Topic unit for this half term is The Ancient Greeks. We have been busy creating fact files, temples and comic strips to retell myths.

We have fully immersed ourselves in Science this half term! We have learned all about different habitats, classification keys, how to prevent damage to different habitats, as well as vertebrates and invertebrates.

Over the last week, we have been making pop up books for our class Elf. He requested that we make a story about him, so here are some pictures of the finished products! We used different mechanisms to make our books come to life.

Today, we have been learning that the candle of a Christingle represents that Jesus is the light of the world and the ribbon represents Jesus' blood. We passed Jesus' light around our class.

Bolton- Geography. We have been learning about different regions of the world. Have a look at what we found out!

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Bolton - Geography

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Bolton - Geography

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We have been investigating how to turn a solid (chocolate) in to a liquid. We tested different temperatures and showed our results on a bar graph. We learned that chocolate starts to melt in our mouths after about 10 seconds!! It took everything we had not to chew it!

Today, we have taken part in Anti-bullying Week. We discussed what the term 'bullying' means and how we can help if we see or hear it happening. We made our own word searches to help us to remember key vocabulary and designed our own superhero capes to show what we would do to help someone who might be hurting.

These are the faces of triumph and celebration! We have spent a great amount of time over the last two weeks learning to read music and play in time with each other. We appear to have achieved it!

This week in Bolton class we have spent time learning how to make cave paintings, how to use column method and empty number lines in maths and most excitingly, testing which drink is the fizziest!

Over the last week, Bolton class have been looking in to States of Matter. We have explored how solids, liquids and gases move, as well as conducted an experiment to find out what happens when we try to remove gas from diet coke.

We have been very busy in Bolton class, learning all about Relationships. We have written a recipe for 'A Good Friend', tried to help people when dealing with change and we have even designed our own pants!

Skara Brae!!


We have been learning about the Stone Age. Have a look at our videos about Skara Brae (a Stone Age settlement) which was discovered in Scotland, in 1925. 

Skara Brae

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Skara Brae

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Skara Brae

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Skara Brae

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Skara Brae

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Skara Brae

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For RE day we have been looking at Creation and thinking about what we are grateful for. We explored pastels and drew our representation of the Story of Creation. Here's how they turned out!

Bolton class have had an exceptionally busy Science day, where they have be learning all about plants. We have been on plant hunts, made leaf rubbings, completed celery experiments and worked hard to identify the parts of plants. Have a look at what we got up to!

We have spent a lot of time working on our dribbling and passing skills. We are much more confident when passing to one another and our accuracy is much improved. We've had so much fun this week practising skills for our Handball unit.

This week in Bolton class we have been retelling the story of The Stone Age boy. We have worked incredibly hard and shown brilliant levels of concentration. Look at how proud we are!

In Science, we have continued to look at rocks. We have been testing whether certain rocks are hard, soft, durable, dense or permeable. We also used Venn diagrams to find similarities and differences.

In Bolton this week, we have been learning about rocks and how they are made. We have also looked at the rock cycle, sketched different types of rocks and compared how rocks feel. We have been amazing!

We are Bolton!

We used special art pencils to sketch our portraits. We took our time and drew as neatly and carefully as we could. Don't we look fantastic!?
Academic year 2019-2020

Today, we merged maths and science whilst we learned about magnets. Firstly, we tried to make a paperclip hover by using a magnet and string, then we moved on to testing the strength of different magnets and showed the results in a bar chart.

This week, we have learned about tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. We recorded how many burpees we could do and then showed our results using charts.

We are starting to write Newspaper reports to retell the story of how Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen. We have spent time dissecting example articles to identify the different features. We did a superb job!

Bolton's assembly this afternoon was amazing! You have worked incredibly hard in your music and PE lessons this week and you shone like the stars you are! Super job Bolton!

In French, we have made our own menus for a French cafe or Ice cream parlour. We wrote down all of the items that we were selling in French.

MUMMIES rule!! We have been spending time learning about mummification and today we followed instructions carefully and this was the end result...

Bolton News Reporters!

We have made our own news reports based on James and the Giant Peach. We tried to use lots of open questions so put your feet up, have a listen and RELAX.

Flame Flashers Newspaper.mp3

Scrummy News.mp3

The Awesome Reporters.mp3

Super Kids Report.mp3

Paddington Reporters.mp3

Mario and Matthew Report.mp3

Amazing BBC News Reporters.mp3

The 999 Song

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We learned a song, to the tune of Three blind mice, about keeping safe and who can help us in an emergency. We talked about what is an emergency and what is not so that we know when we should call 999 or when we should call 101.

On Friday, we had PSHCEE day where we covered the 'Keeping myself safe' unit. We spent a great deal of time thinking about risks, health and safety procedures and peer pressure. We now know who to call should there be an emergency and even made posters to help others learn about positive and negative peer pressure. Videos and clips to follow!

Well done to Bolton class for their Sound assembly! What a brilliant and informative way to start our morning!


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Our sound unit has been very exciting and we have loved learning about how sound is made and how it travels. We used a tuning fork and placed it on to a drum with rice. It was fascinating to see how the rice vibrated across the skin of the drum. What was more exciting was when we placed the tuning fork in to water and the water splashed out of the container.


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Bolton have been exploring sound. We have used a tuning fork to help us to see the vibrations.

We learned about Me and my Relationships and we talked about: PANTS, how our families are different but still have the same love, healthy and unhealthy relationships and we looked at how to help people if they need it.

We looked in to Mental Health this week and thought about why it is very important to take care of our mind. We thought about positive thoughts, played emotion games and discussed who would be able to help us if we needed to talk about something that was worrying us.

As part of Black History month we have been looking in to the life of Mary Seacole. We have created fact files and portraits as well as exploring different textures and materials when making a whole class mosaic portrait.

We have been block painting with potatoes. We carved our potatoes using paper clips and designed our print like Victorian artist, William Morris.

Bolton class have been working on Place Value and placing numbers on an Empty Number Line. It's not as easy as it looks!

Today we got out the feely buckets and we had to guess what was inside them without looking. We also sorted light source cards and talked about how a mirror works.
