Welcome to Bolton Class
Academic Year 2024 - 2025
This web page is a fantastic way to keep up to date with lessons, activities and events in school. Please check regularly for exciting updates!
Spring Term 1 2025
Children, Chocolate and Changes. A Focus on York and Wistow.
In Bolton Class this term, we have a new History and Geography theme ‘Children, Chocolate and Changes. A Focus on Wistow and York’ We will start by focusing on the Geography unit of this theme. As part of our work, we will be learning how to use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries. Then we will then focus on using aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features. We will then devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key of the local area and nearest city, York.
The children will also try making maps on grids with key features, practicing aerial view drawing and use of symbols.
This unit of work is linked with history focus on the village of Wistow and city of York which we will start after half term.
Key Vocabulary
human feature, physical feature, city, village
Religious Education
Religious Education this half term starts with the theme ‘Who is a Hindu and how do they live?’ We will be finding out what Hindus believe about God and some of their Gods and Goddesses. We will also be learning about some special Hindu objects and the festivals of Holi and Diwali.
Key Vocabulary
Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu
Design and Technology
Design and Technology this half term is a focus on nutrition and preparing foods. The children will be cutting and juicing and selecting fruits and vegetables to create a smoothie. They will be able to describe fruits and vegetables and their describe basic characteristics.
Key Vocabulary
blend, chop, flavour
In Computing we will be learning to use on-screen programming through ScratchJr. We will explore the way a project looks by investigating sprites and backgrounds. Then we will use programming blocks to use, modify, and create programs. Finally the children will be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.
Key Vocabulary
command, sprite, algorithm
PSHE involves a focus on Health and Wellbeing In this unit of work children will be able to develop an understanding of emotions, identifying our strengths and qualities, learning why we wash our hands and how to do so effectively. They will also be learning about the importance of sleep and relaxation for our wellbeing, learning how to stay safe in the sun and deal with allergic reactions.
Key Vocabulary
relax, relaxation, strengths
This term our main focus will be the story ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field.
We will also be reading a selection of other linked texts
How to be a Lion by Ed Vere, The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr, Mog the Forgetful Cat by Judith Kerr and Zoo-ology by Joelle Jolivet.
Key Vocabulary
statement, question, exclamation
To start this half term we will be continuing work on 3D shape and then begin work on Money.
Key Vocabulary
coin, pound, pence
Newsletter for Spring 1 Term 2025
Making Smoothies!
Food preparation and tasting!
Using the magic microphone to get into character!
Retelling a Hindu story about Ganesha's race with his brother.
Newsletter for Autumn Term 2
Newsletter for Autumn Term 1
Christmas Party Fun!
Preparing for Christingle
Enjoying Shabbat.
Testing Windmills

Investigating micro habitats!
Developing our catching skills! We took advantage of a break in the rain to go outside.
Using a 'Magic Microphone' to get into role as characters from Lost and Found!
Harvest Festival
The sunflower seeds we planted have grown!
Parable of the Sower Day
End of Academic Year 2023 - 2024. Well done to all our Wistow pupils for an amazing year!

Class Text
For Felix and Flo, animals are the NUMBER ONE TOP PRIORITY in life. And although Felix loves his pets (a lazy dog, an angry cat and a noisy hamster), what he really wants is the chance to look after an animal which is EXOTIC and DIFFERENT – like an elephant, or a monkey, for instance. So when he finds out from Flo that you can actually adopt your own animal via the MIRACLE OF THE INTERNET, he is beside himself with excitement – until he realises that this plan isn’t as FOOLPROOF as it seems...
Bolton have been editing photographs, using cropping and rotation to improve their work. Their latest challenge was to make their picture reflect certain emotions.
Bolton have been balancing on vaults, jumping safely and extending their knowledge of shape making. Some of us were super flexible! Our certificates were awarded for focus, skill and effort. Great gymnastics!

Bolton have been working with Millie from PE Pro this afternoon, developing their knowledge of balances. We look forward to incorporating out jumps next week🤸♀️🙆♀️

Today, Bolton have created abtract maps of their local area. How vibrant are the colours? They have used polystyrene sheets to make prints, transparent film for stained glass and a range of materials to add 3D effect.

In keeping with our Railway unit in Topic, the class were asked to research a train, then sketch and paint it. Some used perspective to make their trains look more lifelike. The detail really is fabulous! 🚞🛤

What a great way to start the first week back from half term. We’ve been busy tower building in teams, baking bread, developing our bow and arrow skills and using our carving skills to make tools ⚒️ 🌳
Bolton’s Haka was truly fierce. In PE, we have worked with Faye from PePro, trying to produce a Haka with chanting, rhythmic body slapping and foot stamping. What a performance!🐝⭐️

Bolton have been doing a big write today and the quality of their work was phenomenal! They have taken their inspiration from The Day the Crayons Quit and the effort, focus and dedication that went in to this piece of writing has blown us away. Why not have a read? 🖍📖
Bolton’s last forest school day was chocka block! They made bird feeders, hammocks, smores, dens, decoded hierglypics and whittled wood. 🪵

Bolton have kick started their new music unit, learning a new song (The River is Flowing) and singing in rounds. Great focus Bolton as is was very tricky! 🎵🏞

We couldn’t believe our luck this afternoon! We had our Christmas party AND a visit from Santa 🎅 What a fantastic treat!
How spectacular are Bolton’s Tudor houses 🏠 We have learned how to bond and create walls with fans and weaving. Any Tudor person would be proud to live in one of these structures!
Check out our magnetic board games! We used our learning from our forces unit to create racing games and fishing games, trying to make them exciting by adding scoring systems. Bolton had great fun this afternoon. 🎲🧲

Bolton are the official royal artists! They have borrowed skills from Hans Holbein the younger and turned their self portraits in to wealthy Tudor people. The end result looks fabulous! 🎨👩🎨👨🎨
Bolton have been learning Goalball in PE. We developed our hand and eye coordination and used our best listening to hear the bells in the balls. We tested our senses by using blindfolds!

We have been developing our sketching skills and becoming more confident in using lines for expression. We then mixed colours so that our art work will appear more life like. What do you think?

Today, we followed instructions to make Tudor gingered bread. We worked together to collect the equipment and ingredients. After a taste test, we decided that it was perhaps not the dessert for us!

We have been exploring light in Bolton class. We’ve discovered that the size of a shadow increases as the light source moves further away, light travels in a straight line and the most reflective materials were nylon and tin foil 💡

It has been Forest School for Bolton today. We’ve carved, swung in hammocks, made nature prints and clay models. We’ve built dens and learned to tie knots. All in all, we’ve had a truly fantastic day! 🐝🌳🍁🔥
We have spent time this week, thinking about what it means to communicate. We have discussed the need to be a good listener and what it would look like if we were observing a conversation. We have played charades and team games to help us to develop our use of open and closed questions, eye contact and facial expression.

Bolton have explored body percussion today, thinking about texture and layering of music by clicking and tapping. It was fun guessing what the different different layers were 🎶


Bolton spent time outside this afternoon, looking at why nature makes us go WOW. We looked closely at wildlife, flowers and the weather to help us to explain why nature is so incredible.

Bolton have been lucky enough to access the tennis courts this afternoon to kick start their tennis coaching. We learned ball control and how to serve. 🎾🐝

Academic Year 2022-2023

To finish the last part of our Summer term, we are taking our inspiration from George's Marvellous Medicine. We will be working hard to develop our SPaG knowledge, and write to Entertain and Inform. You can find a pdf version of the book down below! Happy reading!
Newsletter - Summer 2

Summer 1 Newsletter
Spring 2 Newsletter
Spring 1 Newsletter

Bolton class have spent the day investigating earthquakes and volcanoes. We started by learning to stay safe by hiding under tables, explored how to build a home for the western coast of the USA, and then tried to create a volcanic eruption. We watched a detailed clip about Vesuvius and how it affected Pompeii and its residents. Bolton’s questions have been phenomenal! 🌋🌏🏠

Bolton class have absolutely smashed Outdoor Ted today. They’ve been footprint orienteering, fire making, marshmallow toasting, den building and tower constructing. They’ve shown their Golden Values throughout and had a fabulous time. 🔥🌳🦋🐝🐾
We've been exploring hotseating in Bolton, asking George and Granny some rather interesting questions. We've decided that we're not Granny's biggest fans! 📚🧪

May we introduce Les jours de la semaine 🇫🇷🎶

Stitch Head (aka Bolton) hasn’t had a great day playing dingle dangle with Creature. He decided to vent and retell events of the day in his diary and used plenty of emotive language, subordinate clauses and first person pronouns. 📖✏️
On our return from the Easter break, we spent time finishing our Story Writing unit. We also developed our story telling skills with the help of CBBCs Bedtime Stories! Our stories follow Arthur from Arthur and the Golden rope, in to an adventure which sees him rescue a magical creature. Why not log on to your child's Seesaw account and watch their incredible story telling?

Up-levelling our work has been great fun this week. We used the myth Daedalus and Icarus to add possessive apostrophes, subordinate clauses, expanded noun phrases and adverbs. If you see us, why not ask us to explain more?

In Bolton, we have been trying to persuade Princess Helen to return to Ancient Greece. Our letters were organised perfectly, matched our Steps to success and even made reflect on what the myth taught us. We also used some fabulous fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to interest the reader.

Following our printing, we have moved on to creating drawing with lines of symmetry. It was quite tricky but the end result looked amazing!

We took part in Internet Safety Day session on CBBC. The live lesson taught us how to stay safe when playing or working online, and we created our own characters who were part of the Online Safety Squad. Their special power was to help guide us and stay safe when online.

Bolton put their power of persuasion to the test this week. They were trying to entice the Ancient Greek Gods to return to live at Mount Olympus. We’re definitely tempted by the offers, slogans and alliterative description. Shame we’re not immortals! 🏛⚡️🏔

While the Year Four children have been swimming, the Year Three's have been developing their throwing technique and learning to strike with precision. The weather kept them inside but this only promoted the need to be precise and show outstanding speaking and listening skills.

In RE, Bolton have been looking at rules and why they are important. We discussed the Golden Rule (love thy neighbour) that many religions follow and we thought about how we could show love and pay it forward. We wrote anonymous notes for people around school and stuck them to doors for everyone to see.